• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi teamworks,

Welcome to the forum. If your number is current as of June
you can send your package to Chicago. Time wise you are ready to go.
I would advise you that take your time and make sure you have everything
ready and nothing missing.

Did you send DSP-122, DS-230 and do Medicals (I-693) for instance?
If you have any questions, just ask. We'll try to answer them...

Hi All,
My case number is corrent in June 2010. Is it O.K. to do AOS. I had already sent the AOS Fee and DV Processing and I have the receipt. Now My Question is that When Can I Sent the I-485 Package to the Chicago. Can I sent it in April or may or not. Your suggestions are welcom. Thank you in Advance.
Thank you norkira,i2009,middle.com and everyone else for your support.
As many of you have told me, we received our third welcome letter and now we are officially set to receive our GCs.
I am so excited about this!

That's great!!! I hope your GCs will come at the same time!!
Congratulations Ahad.
I am happy for you guys.
One last step to go...

Thank you norkira,i2009,middle.com and everyone else for your support.
As many of you have told me, we received our third welcome letter and now we are officially set to receive our GCs.
I am so excited about this!
Hello everybody,

Update on my long going trying to get KCC
to send my DV case file to my local office:

I called KCC this morning, the same person
answered my phone call. This time instead of
asking my case number:
---He said "How can I help?"
---I said "I need some information on my case"
---He said "Just email your question, sir"
---I said "I sent emails, I want to learn if my case has been transferred yet"
---He said "The system is down I cannot see your file"
---I said "Can I call back later?"
---He said "Call back tomorrow"
---I said "OK"

I decided to wait one more day and call back tomorrow, despite everything.

If not I will initiate my "B" plan...
hope you'll have good news tomorrow.....
Thank you norkira,i2009,middle.com and everyone else for your support.
As many of you have told me, we received our third welcome letter and now we are officially set to receive our GCs.
I am so excited about this!

Congratulations!!! A couple more days and you can rest and enjoy......
Hello everybody,

Update on my long going trying to get KCC
to send my DV case file to my local office:

I called KCC this morning, the same person
answered my phone call. This time instead of
asking my case number:
---He said "How can I help?"
---I said "I need some information on my case"
---He said "Just email your question, sir"
---I said "I sent emails, I want to learn if my case has been transferred yet"
---He said "The system is down I cannot see your file"
---I said "Can I call back later?"
---He said "Call back tomorrow"
---I said "OK"

I decided to wait one more day and call back tomorrow, despite everything.

If not I will initiate my "B" plan...

Good luck capeolive, I hope your phone call is answered by someone willing to help. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how it went when you got a minute.

Good luck!!!!
Hello everybody,

Update on my case:

I called KCC this morning the same person answered.

After saying "Thank you for calling KCC ..." He stopped for couple seconds.

I said "I am calling to find out if my DV case has been transferred to local office yet"

He said "The system is not working efficiently, we cannot provide any information
on case statuses. Call back in one week."

I said "OK"

Where ever there is a human factor mistakes can be made.
I understand that. That's why I have been patient so far.
I might have pissed off some workers of KCC by calling, emailing
and sending letters. I did not start to do these things out of blue.
They initiated it by sending me a letter stating that my file
had been requested and they couldn't transfer it because DOS fee
was not paid and my number was not current. Instead of transferring
my file they kept dragging their feet. I believe there are some KCC workers
who don't agree with US Government's Diversity Visa Program. They think
"bunch of foreigners" are getting legalized for nothing. If you work there
do your job. If it hurts you so much legalizing foreigners get out.
That is a shame...

I'll take some actions later today. I'll keep you posted...
Hello everybody,

Update on my case:

I called KCC this morning the same person answered.

After saying "Thank you for calling KCC ..." He stopped for couple seconds.

I said "I am calling to find out if my DV case has been transferred to local office yet"

He said "The system is not working efficiently, we cannot provide any information
on case statuses. Call back in one week."

I said "OK"

Where ever there is a human factor mistakes can be made.
I understand that. That's why I have been patient so far.
I might have pissed off some workers of KCC by calling, emailing
and sending letters. I did not start to do these things out of blue.
They initiated it by sending me a letter stating that my file
had been requested and they couldn't transfer it because DOS fee
was not paid and my number was not current. Instead of transferring
my file they kept dragging their feet. I believe there are some KCC workers
who don't agree with US Government's Diversity Visa Program. They think
"bunch of foreigners" are getting legalized for nothing. If you work there
do your job. If it hurts you so much legalizing foreigners get out.
That is a shame...

I'll take some actions later today. I'll keep you posted...

Hi capeolive,

I've been following the thread for a while, staying silent until now. But your last post, capeolive, has disturbed me to the extent that I decided to speak out.

Dear capeolive, please calm down. You are so disappointed right now, that you can possibly harm your chances of resolving the situation by an emotional response to KCC. In my opinion, it is very probable that the people handling your case in KCC just have no clear understanding what they are supposed to do. Your situation is not typical, probably they do not have the corresponding guidelines to follow. In my opinion, paying the fee to the DOS might be the best way to have your files released. Once your files get transferred, you'll probably be dealing with people with better understanding of the intricacies of your case.

Good luck to you, capeolive!
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Hi capeolive and the rest on this forum,

I called KCC this morning. My call was received by a lady who informed me that they are having problems with thier system and are unable to view any information. She informed me to call back in one week time.

Just thought I'd share this information to those planning on contacting KCC.

capeolive wait until next week, their system will be up and am sure you are going to hear good news. We all are praying for your file to be transfered. Things will work out.
Lttery visa

Quick question: many of you mention "visa # current" or when a visa will be available for you.

How do you find out when a visa # will be available to you?

I have already completed my biometrics but I am not sure when a visa # will be available to me and I don't know how to check. Please, advise.
Hi Guys it seems that we are all having the same problem first off try KCC now i spoke to someone and she was able to look me up whereas yesterday I tried they said it was down so try now.
I just learned all about becoming current at the end of your case number 2010AF0002XXX you should have 4 maybe five numbers they run per region europe africa etc depending on how high you number is from zero you check at this address .travel.state.gov go to visas, visa bulletin. this will show you on the 15 th of every month they update the numbers that can apply......... example my number is ...........84xxx im in the africa region and right now numbers under 39000 are current so as i just learnt this morning im ****ed (excuse the language) something i wish i had done more research on before i handed over 3000 in fees but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. at least for me! you can also check previous years and it seemed all the regions became current before the end of september but thats a big maybe. anyway i hope this helped!
How do you find out when a visa # will be available to you?
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Lottery visa #


Thank you so much for this info, I had no idea... I will check asap.

Good luck to all of you!
no worries ivanovaz
I have a question for anybody out there my number is 2010AF000846XX africa region AS YOU CAN SEE THATS PRETTY HIGH!! I have all my paper work in and submited and i was waiting for my interview letter to appear It was taking a long time to get to me so i started making some inquiries. I got to speak to my IINVESTIGATING OFFICER here in LA and he told me about phoning KCC as they had not sent through a file that uscis needs to complete my file and schedule me for an interview i thought that would be the only problem they would send it and id be on my way. so i phoned KCC and this is where I learnt about case numbers becoming current and as you can see mine is nowhere near current as the regions is currently at 39000 and in reality it could regress not progeress. however according to last year and the year before all numbers became current (good thing) but only in the last two months prior to the cut off date september30 (bad thing) so does anyone have any information firstly that will help me make sure if my number does miraculously become current what i can do before hand to push them to get things going and get my interview quickly and also in worst case scenario my case becomes current september 15th do i have 2 weeks to get an interview ? when do they just stop processing will i still get an interview date past the 30 th does anybody have any idea
trust me from what ive seen collectively this forum knows more about whats going on than the kcc and uscis combined.
any advice would do but if anybody knows those cut off times and processes etc let me know.

EU EuROPEan REGION CURRENT NUMBER APRIL 15 26,300 MAY WAS 24,700 so yours seems like it just became current in april 15th actually and its april 17th i have the same problem they will not send through the file because it has not become current but the good news for you is it became current on april the 15 so there you go call them and tell them your number has just become current and you want them to send through the form...... youre lucky your number is low im africa and my number is 84 6xx im on avery slim chance that it will become current before 30 september you would do me a big favour and keep me up to date on your progress from here as im in exactly the same position as you except i have afeeling if my region does become current it will be in the very last month september at best and maybe august if i am very lucky mine is currently at 39.000 (highest for this month is been since 2002 so there is a glimmer of hope I would like to know how much time it takes to get your interview etc right now i think unless it becomes current in august i dont really stand a chance
Hello capeolive,

I'm so sorry to hear that the KCC is experiencing some trouble with their system and that the person answering your phone call is not very nice. Please, hang in there, I know your frustration, the process could become so unfair. I hope that everything gets back on course soon.
Hi trek2us,

I appreciate your posting your opinion candidly.

First of all I have to mention that I never treated
any person disrespectfully on my phone calls, emails and
letters. Even when I was not treated professionally I was
nice to the people. I just posted my opinion or frustration
on the forum. Yes my case is little different but it is not
something KCC cannot handle. They just overlooked the
information to start with. But when I provided them with
the information they should just have followed up.

Paying the DOS fee here on behalf of my family instead of
overseas is not an option. The first NL they send states:
"Family members living overseas will pay the diversity visa fee at the
embassy/consulate where they will receive their visa. The fee for these
family members must not be paid in the United States."

Also the fee amount is different.

I apologize if I hurt the feelings of anybody...

Hi capeolive,

I've been following the thread for a while, staying silent until now. But your last post, capeolive, has disturbed me to the extent that I decided to speak out.

Dear capeolive, please calm down. You are so disappointed right now, that you can possibly harm your chances of resolving the situation by an emotional response to KCC. In my opinion, it is very probable that the people handling your case in KCC just have no clear understanding what they are supposed to do. Your situation is not typical, probably they do not have the corresponding guidelines to follow. In my opinion, paying the fee to the DOS might be the best way to have your files released. Once your files get transferred, you'll probably be dealing with people with better understanding of the intricacies of your case.

Good luck to you, capeolive!
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cape olive

OHHH AND A TIP DONT EXPLAIN YOU WHOLE CASE JUST BE SHORT AND CLEAR SAY " I NEED MY FILES FORWARDED TO USCIS IN PA FOR SCHEDULING. my case is current april 15th" I REFERECED MY IO and said he personally wanted them from kcc that will work for you as your case is current.