• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Thanks for your reply Ahad.

I understand that the employment & travel authorizations are optional, but I don't understand why would people file them when the green card barely delays with a DV process. What's the point? Is it common for the green card to delay for months and months???
Thanks for your reply Ahad.

I understand that the employment & travel authorizations are optional, but I don't understand why would people file them when the green card barely delays with a DV process. What's the point? Is it common for the green card to delay for months and months???

I honestly don't know. I think it truly is up to everyone's personal discretion. If you think you need it, you file, if you think you don't need it, you don't. When I filed, I did not do the AP, but chose to file for employment authorization. I am not planning to travel in foreseeable future, so I did not file for advance parole, but I desperately need employment authorization in order to be able to work full time outside campus as soon as possible. From what I observed, the actual issuance of green card can sometimes get delayed, in such cases employment authorization will be extremely helpful. So I chose to file for employment authorization just to be on the safe side.
I have not read on the instructions that filing those optional forms can delay your file and conversely, not filing them can make your case move faster. They exist for some customer's convenience. If you don't need employment or travel authorization, then just don't file it. But if you need either of them you should fill it out, once you have your i485 ready, it takes literally 10 min max to filling the others out.
Hello everyone,

First of all, I have to thank you all for all the posts you've been posting. This forum has helped so many of us throughout the process. I greatly appreciate each and one of you.

I am in the process of getting my AOS package ready before shipping it to Chicago, and I needed an advise or two.
I am the primary winner of DV lottery and I'm currently working on H1B, while my husband is H4. My H1B status doesn't expire for another year and half, even though my visa did; and in order to travel, I have to always spend a lot of times in Embassies outside US.

My questions are:

1. Is it really necessary to file I-765, as well as I-131? It seems like if our process goes all smoothly, then our green cards would arrive shortly after it, allowing us to work and travel shortly after the interview. I understand they're free to apply if filed concurrently with I-485, but I just don't see the reason behind it. Am I missing something???

2. Since I already have a job, do I need to fill the Affidavit of Support for me, or will a letter from the employer will be sufficient? What about my dependent, should I fill out one for him, me being his sponsor???

Thank you so much in advance for helping me out with this matter. I have spent months reading through this forum, but at times I feel so tangled up in such questions and I just don't know what to believe anymore.

Thanks again and good luck to everyone :)

Its option to file I-765 and I-131, but it won’t hurt if you will choose to file them. However sometimes it’s difficult to guarantee when to receive the gc depending on how hard or smooth the process will be!!
It’s better to be over prepared than underprepared, so to be in a safe side you will be required to file the affidavit of support (I-134) for you and him since you didn’t mention if you have kids!!all the best.
Can anybody provide information? I have some questions.

Now I am in already in USA as F2 status and I am with 3 members.

I got 2nd letter few days ago, does it indicate that my case no. is CURRENT? so that I can proceed for further process to apply for visa interview.

It said to pay in 1st letter, Can I pay the fee to

DV Program
St. Louis, Missouri

But I am not sure how much to pay? Do I need to pay for each member with applicant? Can I get the receipt in advance, which makes easy during visa interview.

Can I make medical report now from Nearest Doctor in advance? So that during process, it may be easy.

Which no. of form do I need to fill up? as I noticed 1-485, is for individual? and How much money do i need to send?

It will be appriciable if I got some helpful information.

Hi sanjay12345!
What is your case # it on the 1st and the 2nd letters you received from KCC and it start with 2010......!You can go through visa bulletin site and you will be able to know when your CN is current.

Diversity Visa Lottery surcharge for immigrant visa application (non-refundable, per person applying as a result of the lottery program): $375.00.

There are useful links at the first page of this forum also try to go through the rest of pages in this forum you can find a very useful information. However we are here to help each other as much as we can and as long as you still have some QNS.Good lucky
after that be prepared to pay AOS fee (if you are in the US and choose to do it) of 1010 per applicant (600 for children).
CM, Im so happy for you. Now at least your card is coming. There's nothing on my case status so far. I am still waiting. I am going to the local office to check it out. Which customer service number did you call? Maybe I should call myself too to test my luck.
Now you can relax a bit.

I only know one customer service number - 1-800-375-5283. If you hit *1, you get to talk to a real person instead of the auto messages. But, as i mentioned they dont do much on the phone really. The first time i called, the person on the phone simply read me the stuff i could already see on the website..The one on friday sounded to be trying though...But in the end, he actually told me that i have to wait 60 days after interview for them to further do something (like your attorney mentioned)...But still wouldnt hurt to try, you never know...Best of luck again!!
Thanks for your reply Ahad.

I understand that the employment & travel authorizations are optional, but I don't understand why would people file them when the green card barely delays with a DV process. What's the point? Is it common for the green card to delay for months and months???

From my understanding and based on what i read from people's signatures, it doesnt usually take too long to get the green card after you get your EAD or AP; so it is probably not common. Also,if you already have a job; it is not recommended to quit and use your EAD before you actually get the green card. I think the only time it helps for a person who already has a job is if you get laid off while your GC is pending. Then you could use your EAD if you find a new job..

I am not sure why you need AP though... i think you need it if you have to travel while your case is pending...But i also thought, if you already have a valid visa; you could travel with it until you get your GC? I am not sure on this though, any ideas?

But as everybody mentioned, they are optional..it doesnt hurt to apply for..they dont cost extra...I havent applied for both cause 1) i wasnt planning on getting a new job while GC pending, and i didint think i would get laid off during pending (and if i did, i didnt think i could get a job that quick in this economy anyways). 2) As for AP, i wasnt plannning on traveling anyways...

Good luck to you...
The instructions explain that driving(parking) tickets are not considered public charge if they are under $500. I did not read anything specifically about unpaid ones. If your parking ticket is over $500 you must report it, if less (imo) not necessary. But in either case, I would highly encourage you to pay off those fees. I personally wouldn't jeopardize my GC case because of something so minuscule as parking tickets.

i guess that's what i am gonna do
thank you and and also bentlebee
My friends status online only changed after having done biometrics and even though she is now approved for her GC ad has her welcome letter and stamp in her passport...her online case update has not changed so don't worry about the online case updates...USCIS is probably way too busy since last week there was an article that they aregoing to have more interview then in the past....
hi i2009 I see you got your bio on th 11/25 and received interview for 02/25 nice i hope it goes great!!!! when did you actually receive you interview letter and where are you based. I am in los angeles and i did my bio on the 12/22 and Im still waiting for the interview letter

Hello Steve,

I'm sorry I was not online this weekend and I didn't answer your question earlier. Thanks for your good wishes, I too hope that my interview goes well as everyone's. I received my interview letter on 01/29/10 and I am based in Philadelphia PA. Happy2010 is in LAX. I think that Happy2010 got his interview letter a little less than 2 months after his biometrics appt. I hope that you receive your interview notice soon.

Good luck!
Hello everyone,

First of all, I have to thank you all for all the posts you've been posting. This forum has helped so many of us throughout the process. I greatly appreciate each and one of you.

I am in the process of getting my AOS package ready before shipping it to Chicago, and I needed an advise or two.
I am the primary winner of DV lottery and I'm currently working on H1B, while my husband is H4. My H1B status doesn't expire for another year and half, even though my visa did; and in order to travel, I have to always spend a lot of times in Embassies outside US.

My questions are:

1. Is it really necessary to file I-765, as well as I-131? It seems like if our process goes all smoothly, then our green cards would arrive shortly after it, allowing us to work and travel shortly after the interview. I understand they're free to apply if filed concurrently with I-485, but I just don't see the reason behind it. Am I missing something???

2. Since I already have a job, do I need to fill the Affidavit of Support for me, or will a letter from the employer will be sufficient? What about my dependent, should I fill out one for him, me being his sponsor???

Thank you so much in advance for helping me out with this matter. I have spent months reading through this forum, but at times I feel so tangled up in such questions and I just don't know what to believe anymore.

Thanks again and good luck to everyone :)

Hello Norkira,

I-765 and I-131 are not needed and you should try to keep your H1B status as long as you can. If everything goes well, the EAD and AP should arrive few days before the GC process if finished.

As Ahad said, the Affidavit of Support is not required for DV applicants but the Immigration Officer could request one when they schedule your interview. I would suggest that you attach an Employment Letter on a Company Letterhead stating your Salary to the AOS package.

Good luck!
Hello i2009,

Thanks for the response. That's what I thought. I know filling out those forms doesn't not take long, I have them all filled out, but I'm just dragging to write a paper explaining why do I need an AP and/or I-765 when I already have a H1B status.Ii feel like I might complicate my case even more. Right now I can't travel without getting a visa at the embassy abroad, as my last year's expired; but my status is still valid, and that's when I though the travel document may come in handy. However, I might decide to just wait for the green card and skip both forms...assuming everything will go smoothly (with God's help). I waited 8 and 1/2 years for this..Ii can wait couple more weeks/months.
I will definitely attach the letter of my employer, I have that all taken care of.

Thanks again for everything to all of you who responded/advised and good luck :)
need a sponsor

My name is Delel i'm 26 i'm married and from Algeria, we are selected for the DV2010 (CN35***), we are looking for a sponsor, please help us, we don't know any body in USA and our appointement is soon.
My e-mail bdelel@gmail.com
You can trust me, if you want to know us better before help, i can give you my facebook, all my life is there.
Please help us.
Thank you in advance
Ps: we just need the sponsor for the appointement we don't need a help when we will get there !:p
Something miraculous happened few hours after i posted my last message regarding LUD never changing etc. And it happened when i was least expecting...I got an e-mail (which i saw in the evening) for my case update that said "YOUR CARD PRODUCTION ORDERED". And the LUD changed from 12/17 to yesterday's date!! I couldnt believe it really..I dont know if it is coincidence or it has something to do with the USCIC customer service guy i talked on the phone yesterday..Although he wasnt much helpful, he was at least trying..i called couple of days ago too, and the other person on the phone was just reading me what i see on the USCIS website already. This guy seemed a bit more interested...Anyhow, it is probably just coincidence i dont know...Whatever it is, i dont care...I am so happy finally! Most probably my IO forgot about my case for about 2 weeks and just remembered yesterday (thanks god!).
So i should be getting my GC within a week :))) Thank you all for the support and suggestions..

Drake, i hope you the best..Hope your infopass goes real well...More importantly hope you get an update even before than...

Great, congratulations!
My name is Delel i'm 26 i'm married and from Algeria, we are selected for the DV2010 (CN35***), we are looking for a sponsor, please help us, we don't know any body in USA and our appointement is soon.
My e-mail bdelel@gmail.com
You can trust me, if you want to know us better before help, i can give you my facebook, all my life is there.
Please help us.
Thank you in advance
Ps: we just need the sponsor for the appointement we don't need a help when we will get there !:p

I understand you are desperate but asking a stranger to sponsor you is asking for some one to basically sponsor a stranger who can run up bills and the sponsor will later be liable for the outstanding unpaid bills if the person is going on welfare, etc....

Maybe you are lucky to find a person who has no clue what he is signing, but by signing they are signing for something that can affect them for at least 5 years....

Try to find a job so you can present a job offer, that might me a better shot to get the GC...IMO no person in their right mind will ever sign such an important paper for any stranger...JMO!

Good Luck..maybe the person conducting the interview won't ask you for the I-134....btw why are you so sure you don't need anything after getting into the country if you don't have funding to show....makes me wonder...
Listen I said that I will not need any help because I have 20000$, but this document is obligatory for Algerian people !!
I'm 26 and my husband 27 we have our diploma, I'm accountant and I sure that I can find a job, whatever it's can be, l know that asking someone totaly stranger is crazy, but I don't have the choice, it's taht or miss my only chance to live there!!
If someone wants to help me , we can first discuss I can send photo of me and the evidence that I have enough money to take care of me.
I don't want to put anyone in a bad possition becasue of me , so if someone wants to help i promis he will never ever hear about me ! Only for good stuff :)
Where is the proof it is you in the picture...you probably haven't watched Dateline and other programs how to scam others...people get pictures of the internet and claim them to be them...and later the nice trutful person is scammed and in it up to their a$$.

If you have $ 20 K and the job you claim to have you should be able to obtain a job offer over here....:)

And please put up a thread on your own instead of putting the same message in all threads of other people!