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Dv 2009 - Aos Only

Filed in January - no AP or interview letter yet!

I sent our AOS package to Chicago back in January. Biometrics done almost 2 months ago and since then we've been impatiently waiting for the interview letter.

It's been almost 3 months since we filed so I called the 1-800 # this morning to inquire about our I-485 status as well as my I-131 (AP). According to the USCIS website, AP can take up to 90 days but from what I've seen on this forum, it rarely takes more than 60 days and I can't understand what the hold up would be (I received my EAD last week and I thought that, of the two, the EAD would be the longer to process). Once I get to the 90 days (next week), is there anything I can do to expedite the process?

Re: the I-485, I also called KCC to find out whether my file had been transferred to the local office (Newark NJ) and to my surprise it hasn't, which gets me a bit worried. The KCC person explained to me that the local office first requests the file and then schedules the interview. She was surprised I had been waiting that long... I'm afraid they are treating our cases as "regular" AOS cases and not DV, in which case it could take forever and we may miss the September 1st deadline... At this point, I'm running out of ideas on what to do next. I scheduled an Infopass on Thursday morning but I don't have much hope my questions could be answered then.

Has anyone here faced a similar situation with their AP and/or I-485 and if so, is there anything we could do?
This is just nerve-racking....
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If you look at the other people's timelines, you'll see that most of them got their interview letter right around 3 months after filing, and the interview scheduled for 2 weeks after. As far as the AP, I think that usually comes earlier, but I'm not sure.

USCIS phone services could be confusing, as well as InfoPass (the latter is still an option though).

You may also consider calling your local Congressman/women and ask them to intervene for expediting your case.

I hope that helps.

The missing DS-122 might have been the issue, but do you know if your background check is done? You can ask them about that too at the InfoPass. Also, you may want to contact your Congressman/woman again.

The good thing is, you still have plenty of time.

Good luck!

The missing DS-122 might have been the issue, but do you know if your background check is done? You can ask them about that too at the InfoPass. Also, you may want to contact your Congressman/woman again.

The good thing is, you still have plenty of time.

Good luck!

thanks ItsoFototo!!!
I dropped the missing form to my local office by march 20 because the letter had a deadline as 31 of march so i was expecting a response right away but it has been 19 days and no response,so I scheduled an info pass for wednesday and see what they say but i am pretty sure that my background check was not an issue because the officer told me that only missing thing in my file was that form and since they received everything she told me that i would be hearing smth very soon but it was 19 days ago so my plan is going to the infopass and see what they say and if they tell me to wait longer i will contact with my congressman again to expediate it,so wish me luck for wednesday, i hope this will be my last time to go there...
I am currently waiting for my interview notice and I'm gathering up my documents as I have to have them sent from home. I was just wondering did anybody bring their most recent US Tax Return with them to the interview?

I took my last 5 years tax receipts with me to the interview in case. they did not ask for it at the interview but to be on the safe side i would recommend taking them with u...
I sent my AOS december and I still waiting for interview letter.
my # is EU11XXX.I got RFE last week.I submitted what I missed then still waiting, So don't worry, I know it is frustrating.Deadline is October 1.

I sent our AOS package to Chicago back in January. Biometrics done almost 2 months ago and since then we've been impatiently waiting for the interview letter.

It's been almost 3 months since we filed so I called the 1-800 # this morning to inquire about our I-485 status as well as my I-131 (AP). According to the USCIS website, AP can take up to 90 days but from what I've seen on this forum, it rarely takes more than 60 days and I can't understand what the hold up would be (I received my EAD last week and I thought that, of the two, the EAD would be the longer to process). Once I get to the 90 days (next week), is there anything I can do to expedite the process?

Re: the I-485, I also called KCC to find out whether my file had been transferred to the local office (Newark NJ) and to my surprise it hasn't, which gets me a bit worried. The KCC person explained to me that the local office first requests the file and then schedules the interview. She was surprised I had been waiting that long... I'm afraid they are treating our cases as "regular" AOS cases and not DV, in which case it could take forever and we may miss the September 1st deadline... At this point, I'm running out of ideas on what to do next. I scheduled an Infopass on Thursday morning but I don't have much hope my questions could be answered then.

Has anyone here faced a similar situation with their AP and/or I-485 and if so, is there anything we could do?
This is just nerve-racking....
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I've followed your case and I can't imagine how I would feel if a month from now I'm still waiting for the interview letter! I hope everything will go smoother for you now that you took care of the RFE. Did the RFE come from your local office or the NBC?
My main concern regarding my case is that my file is still at the KCC. Do you know if yours had been transferred to your local office yet?

Thanks for your input! I thought about contacting our Congressman but I was wondering if they had any power if the case is not even at the local office...
My RFE came from my local office.It mentions my examiner name too.I submitted my missing document on my examiner's attention.It doesn't say any 60 days response after they recieve my missing doc.I got infopass last week too.They sad I will recieve letter soon.That's all I know about my case.2 weeks ago When I called KCC, They told me, My file transfered to my local office end of December.Infopass officer said that I will recieve my interview letter from my local office.Just fingercrossing.


I've followed your case and I can't imagine how I would feel if a month from now I'm still waiting for the interview letter! I hope everything will go smoother for you now that you took care of the RFE. Did the RFE come from your local office or the NBC?
My main concern regarding my case is that my file is still at the KCC. Do you know if yours had been transferred to your local office yet?

Thanks for your input! I thought about contacting our Congressman but I was wondering if they had any power if the case is not even at the local office...
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Interview letter received today!

Coincidence or not... We received our interview letter today! Looks like the letter was being issued as I was inquiring about our case yesterday! Such a relief!
Mikkaha, I hope you'll receive your letter very soon.
Finally he said my number was too high, so he had to check if there was still an available visa.
Mikenytola, could you please tell more about this: why did he say "still"? Does it mean that visas for high numbers are given away faster (it hardly makes any sense for me)? I can understand if a visa for a LOW number is still available... Are you sure about the wording? Thanks and congratulations!
My RFE came from my local office.It mentions my examiner name too.I submitted my missing document on my examiner's attention.It doesn't say any 60 days response after they recieve my missing doc.I got infopass last week too.They sad I will recieve letter soon.That's all I know about my case.2 weeks ago When I called KCC, They told me, My file transfered to my local office end of December.Infopass officer said that I will recieve my interview letter from my local office.Just fingercrossing.

What was the document that you were missing?

I went to the local office today and asked an update on my case and the officer went inside and took the copies of the last document that I submitted and came back and told me that I have been approved and will receive the card in mail in 2 weeks but he also added that they say two weeks but it could be more. I was way happy but my online status has not been changed and I have not received any emails since there has been no change on my case so I dont know if it is normal, I asked that to the officer and he told me that it is normal but from ur experiences guys I heard that LUD changed right away so what do u guys think???
CONGRATULATIONS KAKACO !!!!!!! Finally is over !!!. Don't pay attention to the online status, I already received my GC and the online status is still saying " fingreprints accepted .....bla bla....". . It took me 17 days to get may card, some people got it after only 10 days and for some other it took a month, so I'd say wait 2 weeks more, you should receive your welcome letter first and then your GC.
ENJOY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS KAKACO !!!!!!! Finally is over !!!. Don't pay attention to the online status, I already received my GC and the online status is still saying " fingreprints accepted .....bla bla....". . It took me 17 days to get may card, some people got it after only 10 days and for some other it took a month, so I'd say wait 2 weeks more, you should receive your welcome letter first and then your GC.
ENJOY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much matutelandia,Dfdo,ItsoFototo and all!!!
I will be anxiously waiting for the wellcome letter and the card...I will keep u posted:)
I went to the local office today and asked an update on my case and the officer went inside and took the copies of the last document that I submitted and came back and told me that I have been approved and will receive the card in mail in 2 weeks but he also added that they say two weeks but it could be more. I was way happy but my online status has not been changed and I have not received any emails since there has been no change on my case so I dont know if it is normal, I asked that to the officer and he told me that it is normal but from ur experiences guys I heard that LUD changed right away so what do u guys think???

Congratulations kakaco. It took a while but your journey is finally over. I am sure you will receive the welcome letter and GC pretty soon.
I went to the local office today and asked an update on my case and the officer went inside and took the copies of the last document that I submitted and came back and told me that I have been approved and will receive the card in mail in 2 weeks but he also added that they say two weeks but it could be more. I was way happy but my online status has not been changed and I have not received any emails since there has been no change on my case so I dont know if it is normal, I asked that to the officer and he told me that it is normal but from ur experiences guys I heard that LUD changed right away so what do u guys think???

Let me add mine too.........Congratulations.....these USCIS people can make a someone's hair go grey overnite