Felow good people of this forum, How can I ever explain the Awesomeness of our God. Simply put, HE is too much.
Today, the 8th of November, 2007, my family was at the embassy for our scheduled appointment, and behold, it is another unprecedented favour. Find below my account.
5.12am. Left our home in Ebute Metta West area of Lagos Mainland.
5.32am. Got to the NAPEX car park with the gate still closed with just a car parked at the main entrance, so we pulled up beside the car at the main entrance.
5.45am. Other cars and taxi began to come in.
6.00am. Those photographs guy were on prowl, looking for vulnerable people with the idea of one eared, two ears photographs.
6.50am. The draw box line was formed.
7.00am. The IV/DV line was formed from where we all now marched to the proper waiting line.
7.02am. Instruction to open all sealed envelopes without exception were communicated.
7.20am. The line began to move.
7.51am. My family got to the screening gate. The passport photographs were checked and certified o.k. Then the 2nd notification letter was collected and crossed check with the list. A look at the officer ticking our names on his list will possibly put us in the 2nd position on the DV list for the morning batch. The officer asked, Oga do you have all the money for the three applicants? I answered Yes. He said $755 in three places, and I again answered Yes. We were registered as DV 25, 26 and 27, but only my yellow slip was handed over as the principal applicant.
7.59am. We got to another desk where a contact information slip was handed over to me (to be filled). Our passport was collected and returned. Payment slip handed over to me.
8.03am. Entry into the waiting hall.
8.20am. Payment for the three was made. The dollars were screened thoroughly. Please note that a DV winner was asked to change about $30 that was not printed recently. Ensure your dollars are printed within the last five years and made possibly without $1 denomination. I advised this guy to go outside and look for the malam for exchange and he may have to compensate them. He did and God helped, as he was been called, he came and rush to turn his documents.
9.20am. Our number was called to appear in window 5. A nice man who screened my documents and returns many originals back to me, but took the photocopies. Note, only two passports are required. Behold, the forms submitted to KCC were live in front of me. The passports used were removed and returned to us. He asked me why I collected a letter from WAEC, and I explained that there was a word error in my surname, instead of N, WAEC wrote W. He asked whether I have a photocopy and I said No, bcos I did not open the letter until I was asked to open all sealed envelopes this morning at the embassy. He now requested I remove it from the envelopes and give to him, which I did. He mow asked us to return down stair and listen for our number to be called.
9.37am. We returned down stair and sat. At this time my baby girl started showing the stuff she was made of, playing and even roughly too.
10.18am. A number was called, I only heard 25, put don’t know whether IV or DV.
10.19am. The number was called again and behold it is our number, but at this point my little daughter prevented me from hearing the window. I asked people upstair if they hear the window, and all said no.
10.20am. Our number was called again and the Lady said emphatically, FOR THE LAST TIME. It was window 7.
10.21am. We quickly move there.
The conversation began.
Officer: Why did you not come up the first time I called?
J Cloud: My baby was playing loud, so I could not hear well.
Turn to my wife.
Officer: Lift up your right hand and say after me……the oath, we pledged to tell the truth alone.
Officer: How did you meet this man and when?
My wife: I was deployed to his dept in 1997.
Officer, cut in: you were his boss?
My wife: No.
Officer: He was your boss?
My wife: Yes.
Looks at me, and I nod my head in affirmation. She smiled.
Officer: When did you get married to this man?
My wife: October, 20xx.
Officer: Did he pay dowry?
My wife: Yes, but was returned.
She looked at me with an enquiry mind and I cut in “My in-laws returned the dowry, bcos they were not prepared to sell their daughter”. She laughed.
Officer: You must have given lot of Star?
My wife cut in: No star.
Officer: Plenty of yam tubers, malta, ‘mineras’.
We both answered Yes and corrected her, ‘malta guinness’.
J Cloud: We have photographs.
Officer: I know, we will get there.
Officer: This is your only daughter for now?
My wife: Yes.
Officer: Where did you give birth to her?
My wife: At the RCCG hospital here in Lagos.
Officer: What does she weigh at birth?
We both answered ….3.xxxkg.
Officer: Was he there at delivery? Pointing to me.
We both said Yes. She was surprised. I told her it is our church hospital policy for every man to be beside his wife at delivery.
Officer: That is nice.
She then asked my wife to sign her form and as well sign for our daughter. She gave me handkerchief to clean the face of the finger print machine which I did. We (My wife and I) both did our finger prints. We did not have any pen on us. The officer now told us to use the pen placed for applicants. She said my wife could go and sit down, but my daughter protested. The officer smiled and said she is the father’s favourite, that they both can stand with me. We both nod our heads.
Officer: You won the DV lottery and that is why you are here.
J Cloud: Yes.
Officer: If we find you eligible, you will be issue visa.
J Cloud: That will be fine.
Officer: Where were you born?
J Cloud: Feb xx, 19xx.
Officer: Where?
J Cloud: Lagos.
Officer: Your wife birth date and place of birth?
J cloud: Answered.
Officer: Your daughter date of birth?
J Cloud: Answered.
Officer: What did you buy for daughter on her last birthday.
J Cloud: New dress and a tricycle.
Officer: Not okada?
J Cloud: I said No, with all of us laughing.
Officer: Show me the weddings picture you liked most and that of your daughter.
J Cloud: I did.
Officer: Please give me a minute.
She turned away and started typing. At this point I know God has done it.
Officer: Please come Nov., 27th for your visa pick up and welcome to America.
J Cloud: Thank you.
The officer then gave us the pick up slip. The time was 10.40am (Twenty solid minutes of fun). We were through.
From my observation, we are the first DV for the day.
Somebody once said, tell God how you want your interview to be, and be rest assured, so shall it be. No question was asked on qualifications or work experience. So ours may be unique.
God bless this house forever. Jrcies, Modest, Baba Aladura, Adebayo, Mrunique, Thonia 2, Mama J and every members. Thank you.