• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2007 winners From Nigeria

many thanks to pator adebayo

i wish to say hi to evry body in the house and to say thanks to pastor adebayo personally for all his advice which had worked for me .
i will like to tell the house that any one who has his number current should not wait for the second letter but sent mail to the embassy or go there so that you can collect your second parkage and your date of interview so that you can start you medicals, because this is the last hour and up til now my second pakage had not come but am almost though with every thing .
I sent mails to embassy and they told me to come and pick my parkage with which i use to start my medicals and because i know the date of my interview and showed it to kemoras they were forced to give me a day to my interview to finish my medicals wich is 6th of august .they have much more tha they can handle so is how early you start.
another thing i will advice any one in the house is for you not to change your date of interview pls try to make that date because there are a lot of reschedule stuffs even if your medicals is not ready go and make the appoint ment and all shall be well with all of us in jesus name .
i will also pray along with people like mamaJ who did nothave there nunber current for this year that you should keep your hope alive that God is comming up for you with a Big thing and that it will be well with you .
Int'l Passport with wrong place of birth

Hi houx,

Please, I need ur assistance on this: my wife place of birth was wrongly written on the int'l passport. Something like Otun Ekiti instead of Ado Ekiti. Even though, the two town are more like same. Infact the local govt @ the time of her birth was in the other town (i.e. Otun Ekiti).
Now, we have two options, either to do an observation on the birth cert on the passport OR to get a new passport.

Are there other options? And which one is the best???

Your response please!!!
Incidentally, we did not

My advice is that u should only use the one that corresponds with what u filled in the NL you sent to KCC.
For they will look for any descripancy base on the first information giving to them.And they don't take it lightly if they see such.Infact it may disqualify someone.Remember we are in the last rush.never you take chances.However, depending on the time u have b/4 interview.But i think changing birth certificate using NPC will be easier than going for new passport.

Now in US:D
POE Virginia
GC and SSN Collected:D
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Thanks Benja.

But the issue here is that the DSP-122 form also reads the same town as the NPC. Invariably the DSP-122 align with the NPC except the passport.

Logically, what an be changed now is the int'l passport since the DSP-122 form is already with them.

Still seeking 4 ur good advice. Please share this with me.
Thanks Benja.

But the issue here is that the DSP-122 form also reads the same town as the NPC. Invariably the DSP-122 align with the NPC except the passport.

Logically, what an be changed now is the int'l passport since the DSP-122 form is already with them.

Still seeking 4 ur good advice. Please share this with me.

Then get a new International Passport.
Thanks Benja.

But the issue here is that the DSP-122 form also reads the same town as the NPC. Invariably the DSP-122 align with the NPC except the passport.

Logically, what an be changed now is the int'l passport since the DSP-122 form is already with them.

Still seeking 4 ur good advice. Please share this with me.

My dear u better act fast and change the passport please. U don't have to miss this race b/c of a mistake that could be corrected.Remember that getting international passport in Nigeria is becoming difficult now.A stitch in time saves nine.
Now in US:D
POE Virginia
GC and SSN Recieved:D
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Prayer for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, I do thank you for all the wonderful things You have given me to enjoy in this life; however, I never want to be guilty of allowing those things that bring pleasure to become more important than the things of God. May I always put You and Your will first in my life. Lord, even as Esther went before the King, to petition for her people, at the very threat of her life, may I be as courageous as she was. Lord, if the occasion should ever arise that I would need to stand up for others in the face of danger, let me do so with strength and honor. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

As you go for your interviews just pray this short prayer and all shall be well, more testimoniesssssssssssssssssssss jo.


I come before Your throne of Grace and Mercy to find encouragement and help in my time of need. I thank You that You go before me this day, and that You will be with me in all that I do. I thank You for not failing me, for not forsaking me, and for not letting me be dismayed.

Father, Your word says let not my heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, Father, I come to You because I need to cast my worries, my fears, and cares upon You. Your word said that I could because You careth for me. So Father, I cast all my cares, all my worries, all my anxieties, all my problems, all my doubts, all my fears, and all of my needs concerning this problem upon You.
I praise You for being with me as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, causing me to fear no evil, for I know that You are with me. Your rod and thy staff comfort me; Your Goodness and Mercy follow me, protecting me from all manner of evil. You have prepared a table before me in the presence of our enemies. Therefore I will not fear what man may do to me.

Father You are my light and my salvation; I will not fear. You are the strength of my life, I will not be afraid. When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes come upon me to eat up my flesh, they will stumble and fall. Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.

Father, the name of Jesus, takes authority over every principality, every demonic spirit, and every spiritual wickedness in high places. The name of Jesus has bound the spirit of fear and cast it out of my life. Satan, You have no power over my life, or anything that pertains to me because the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth cover me. Therefore in the name of Jesus, You are rendered helpless, powerless, and ineffective against my life.
Father I sought You and You heard me. You delivered me from all my fears. Therefore I will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor the arrow that flieth by day. For You are my refuge and my fortress and in my time of trouble You hid me in the secret of Your tabernacle. You are my God and in You will I trust. You delivered me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. You covered me with Your feathers and under Your wings I took refuge. Your truth has become my shield and my buckler
Though war should rise up against me THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM. When the enemy comes in like a flood THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY HIM A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but none of this shall come near me, for THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM. They may swarm around me like bees; and try to attack, but THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM.
Your name is my strong tower, and in the Name of Jesus there is safety. I will not fear nor be dismayed for I know You are with me. I know that You will strengthen me; help me and will uphold thee with the right hand of Your righteousness. For You Lord have taught me to observe Your commandments and have promised to be with me even unto the end of the world.

I thank You Lord for not allowing me to receive the spirit of bondage again to fear; and for blessing me to receive the Spirit of adoption. Father I pray that You will dwell in my heart by faith; that You will keep me rooted and grounded in Your love. For Father in Your love there is no fear; because Your love is perfect and it casteth out fear. And I thank You Lord for not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

Father, You are faithful, and You promise to establish me, and keep me from evil. I thank You Lord for strength and for helping me to overcome all my fears so that I may inherit all things; I thank You for being my God, my salvation, and my hope for tomorrow. I ask Lord that You anoint me with Your strength, Your joy, Your peace and Your love. For I know that greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world. I thank You for hearing my prayer and I thank You for interceding for me.

Now Father I thank You for delivering me from fear, I thank You Lord for binding every stronghold of the enemy coming against me and casting them out. I thank You for allowing me to rest in this confidence knowing that You are for me and with me. And knowing that You are for me and with me I know that there is nothing that I will face today that You can't see me through. I know that no power is greater than You. I can rest in Your arms because nothing is strong enough to come against me and succeed. I praise You for this victory, and for complete salvation and safety, and for Your divine peace that floods my soul.

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
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Kcc contact

Hi Houx,
of late I discovered this forum.I'm 2007 winner,and my number is 20150 and is current by september.Following the advice in this house,i wish to contact kcc and confirm my appointment date.but I do not know their emal and phone number.Pls let somebody help me.
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kcc contact


Hi Houx,
of late I discovered this forum.I'm 2007 winner,and my number is 2050 and is current by september.Following the advice in this house,i wish to contact kcc and confirm my appointment date.but I do not know their emal and phone number.Pls let somebody help me.
Hi Folks,
It's been a while though. I wish to send out my heart felt feelings to all who were affected by KCC's abrupt cut-off. I certainly believe the Good Lord will open another door as one closes.

MamaJ & co, it is well. I wish to send-out my luv and thanks to all those who have contributed to make this forum worthwhile.

To jrcies, thanks Jessica and many thanks. For u, I join in ur anxiety in the weeks ahead and I 'll pray it is well.

My experience over the last few months has been very educative. All will be put to bear in my life as we face the new challenge of 'surviving' in the 'new world'.

My advice to 2008 winners is that, don't have to high expectations. Things are changing in US Embassy/Consulate in Nigeria i.e. more liberal in issuing visas.

My 'lose predictions' is that the current cut-off will still apply for 2008.

I wish all winners a successful outing as I gradually sign-off.
Hi Folks,
It's been a while though. I wish to send out my heart felt feelings to all who were affected by KCC's abrupt cut-off. I certainly believe the Good Lord will open another door as one closes.

MamaJ & co, it is well. I wish to send-out my luv and thanks to all those who have contributed to make this forum worthwhile.

To jrcies, thanks Jessica and many thanks. For u, I join in ur anxiety in the weeks ahead and I 'll pray it is well.

My experience over the last few months has been very educative. All will be put to bear in my life as we face the new challenge of 'surviving' in the 'new world'.

My advice to 2008 winners is that, don't have to high expectations. Things are changing in US Embassy/Consulate in Nigeria i.e. more liberal in issuing visas.

My 'lose predictions' is that the current cut-off will still apply for 2008.

I wish all winners a successful outing as I gradually sign-off.

Hello Ubus, Congrats your signature says Visa Picked -Up Yesterday 27/07/2007, but u did not tell us. see u there:D
Hi Houx,
of late I discovered this forum.I'm 2007 winner,and my number is 2050 and is current by september.Following the advice in this house,i wish to contact kcc and confirm my appointment date.but I do not know their emal and phone number.Pls let somebody help me.

Hi Cardinal,

The email addy for kcc is KCCDV@state.gov while their phone numbers are (606) 526 7500 Fax: (606) 526 7501 don't forget to add the 009 1 infront of these numbers.
Please even if u call to confirm u interview date, it's still better you write them for a written confirmation of your interview date. With the written confirmation, you can take that to the embassy for the medical forms.

Hi Cardinal,

The email addy for kcc is KCCDV@state.gov while their phone numbers are (606) 526 7500 Fax: (606) 526 7501 don't forget to add the 009 1 infront of these numbers.
Please even if u call to confirm u interview date, it's still better you write them for a written confirmation of your interview date. With the written confirmation, you can take that to the embassy for the medical forms.

You can actually print off the medical forms from the uscis website. U don't have to go to the embassy for that.
Hi houx

Well, just to say hi to you all in da houx, Hope all those who are current are preparing ur document very well for the interview. Please, no mistake ooooooooo, just make those of us whose case not current for the last month proud by proving to them that Naijas' are group of intellectuals.

Pastor Adebayo, hope u too are getting prepared to collect ur V like UBus and join others in the state as soon as possible.

Let me just attach my little pix like others too.
Please, don't laugh ooooooooooo.
Hi Folks,
It's been a while though. I wish to send out my heart felt feelings to all who were affected by KCC's abrupt cut-off. I certainly believe the Good Lord will open another door as one closes.

MamaJ & co, it is well. I wish to send-out my luv and thanks to all those who have contributed to make this forum worthwhile.

To jrcies, thanks Jessica and many thanks. For u, I join in ur anxiety in the weeks ahead and I 'll pray it is well.

My experience over the last few months has been very educative. All will be put to bear in my life as we face the new challenge of 'surviving' in the 'new world'.

My advice to 2008 winners is that, don't have to high expectations. Things are changing in US Embassy/Consulate in Nigeria i.e. more liberal in issuing visas.

My 'lose predictions' is that the current cut-off will still apply for 2008.

I wish all winners a successful outing as I gradually sign-off.

Ubus, Congratulations.
Please I want to appeal that the valued advises of all members of this great 2007 winners house are yet needed in the 2008 winners thread. I beg all to please switch over to 2008 thread started by Honourable Modest. Mama J, Jrcies, Mcben, and others please keep the flag flying, never to sign off.
God bless this house till eternity.
Pastor Adebayo I salute.
I asked earlier, what is the implication of having two independent Affidavit of Supports. Someone has agreed to give me but outside the state where I intend to stay and again there seems to be hope of getting one from the state I intend staying. I do not want to loose out. However once I am sure of getting from the State I intend to stay I will stop the other, but for now I want to know if there is any implication. Thanks
I asked earlier, what is the implication of having two independent Affidavit of Supports. Someone has agreed to give me but outside the state where I intend to stay and again there seems to be hope of getting one from the state I intend staying. I do not want to loose out. However once I am sure of getting from the State I intend to stay I will stop the other, but for now I want to know if there is any implication. Thanks

There is problem in that, you can get the two and present the one with highest annual income. Either from the state u intend staying or not it doesn't matter.

MacBen, thankx am getting the Visa in Aug. Cheers:D
for modest & co

guyz, can anyone kindly explain this “sponsor's responsibility under social security act” thing to me. my sponsor says he does not know of any form like this. i have sent a mail to the embassy to ask, but i just thought it wld be wise if i also seek knowledge from the houx (as usual)
signing out

it has been a worthwhile experience hanging on this great forum 4 good one year. quite disturbing that things went the other way, but every dissappointment is a step to success. i wish to quit the center stage and step aside so that the 2008 selectees can take over the government like Yar'adua did on May 29. the foundation has been laid 4 them already with beautiful intellectual research work of my colleagues. kudos to the founding father of the forum and the beautiful 2007 friends out there'
wishing all the good things of life. Pls always remeber us in prayer.

lov u all
30701........ the number dat never be.

signing out