DORA Dallas Office Rapid Adjustment


I just had my DORA interview last week, I am currently on an H1B. I want to switch employers, what do I do? File an H1b transfer? Is there any other way?
Please reply.
i have no idea, but since GC is not approved, you have to count on H1-B right? hope sb else can give more info.
sunnyg1972 said:
I just had my DORA interview last week, I am currently on an H1B. I want to switch employers, what do I do? File an H1b transfer? Is there any other way?
Please reply.
I received fingerprint notice today in mail, the notice date is 7/12/06, and the appointment date will be 7/26/06.
IrishBailey said:
I received fingerprint notice today in mail, the notice date is 7/12/06, and the appointment date will be 7/26/06.

Hi IrishBailey

I am back from a wonderful vacation - it was so nice to just get out of town. I had a friend check my mail and she was going to call me if the FP appointment was during my vacation, if there was any way for me to get back.

Anyway, it's not necessary, because my appointment is for 7/25(tomorrow). It seems that our USCIS stats stay on a similar track - mine was also dated 7/12 and according to my friend it arrived 7/18. As I said, my appointment is tomorrow 7/25 at Fort Worth ASC. Where is yours?

Good luck - keep your fingers safe till Wednesday at least!! I will probably post my experience here.

Hi, good to know you are back. My fingerprint will be taken at 3701 W. Northwest Hwy, Dallas. I guess they looked at our residency address, and assigned the nearest office. So how did it go today?

pianoplayer said:
Hi IrishBailey

I am back from a wonderful vacation - it was so nice to just get out of town. I had a friend check my mail and she was going to call me if the FP appointment was during my vacation, if there was any way for me to get back.

Anyway, it's not necessary, because my appointment is for 7/25(tomorrow). It seems that our USCIS stats stay on a similar track - mine was also dated 7/12 and according to my friend it arrived 7/18. As I said, my appointment is tomorrow 7/25 at Fort Worth ASC. Where is yours?

Good luck - keep your fingers safe till Wednesday at least!! I will probably post my experience here.

IrishBailey said:
Hi, good to know you are back. My fingerprint will be taken at 3701 W. Northwest Hwy, Dallas. I guess they looked at our residency address, and assigned the nearest office. So how did it go today?

It went really good. My appointment was for 2pm, and I arrived at the office at 1:25pm. There were no security guards at the Fort Worth ASC, I just went through the glass doors, a woman at the front desk looked at my appointment form and driver's license and told me to take a clipboard and form and fill out a form(name, address, A#, application number, parents' first names etc. etc.). After completing it, I turn it in to another receptionist, sitting at another desk, who looked it over, examined my hands for cuts etc. and then stamped my appointment form and the form I filled out. She gave me a number and I sat down. After 5 min., my number was called and I sat in one of two chairs in the hallway between the computers(the 2 chairs are for customers that will be helped next). Soon someone came over and took my form and ID, told me to sit down and entered my info on the computer. I then stood up and they took my fingerprints, each thumb, then the remaining four fingers of each hand together, and then each of 10 fingers individually. They kind of roll your finger, so just make sure your finger is relaxed and they will do the work. After that I had to sign my signature on a pad and sit down and my photo was taken. After completing a customer service survey, I was done and on my way. Total time: approx. 30 min.

Let me know how yours go tomorrow.

Thanks a lot for all the details. I am waiting for my turn tomorrow.


pianoplayer said:
It went really good. My appointment was for 2pm, and I arrived at the office at 1:25pm. There were no security guards at the Fort Worth ASC, I just went through the glass doors, a woman at the front desk looked at my appointment form and driver's license and told me to take a clipboard and form and fill out a form(name, address, A#, application number, parents' first names etc. etc.). After completing it, I turn it in to another receptionist, sitting at another desk, who looked it over, examined my hands for cuts etc. and then stamped my appointment form and the form I filled out. She gave me a number and I sat down. After 5 min., my number was called and I sat in one of two chairs in the hallway between the computers(the 2 chairs are for customers that will be helped next). Soon someone came over and took my form and ID, told me to sit down and entered my info on the computer. I then stood up and they took my fingerprints, each thumb, then the remaining four fingers of each hand together, and then each of 10 fingers individually. They kind of roll your finger, so just make sure your finger is relaxed and they will do the work. After that I had to sign my signature on a pad and sit down and my photo was taken. After completing a customer service survey, I was done and on my way. Total time: approx. 30 min.

Let me know how yours go tomorrow.

Hi, it is done, hehe. That place is not easy to find. There were so many people waiting in that small room, and I waited for an hour. I think it is not necessary to be there at 11am as requested, you can just be there around 10am :rolleyes:
pianoplayer said:
Well, how did it go?
IrishBailey said:
Hi, it is done, hehe. That place is not easy to find. There were so many people waiting in that small room, and I waited for an hour. I think it is not necessary to be there at 11am as requested, you can just be there around 10am :rolleyes:

Yeah, I also got the idea they were not too bothered about the exact time. I was early too. I have heard the one in Dallas is hard to find - the one in Ft Worth was in a mall, but everything is in Spanish and I could not read the signs. I tried to ask for directions, but most people did not speak English. Someone at a cell phone kiosk finally told me where it was. Luckily I did this the previous day. The room was big though. So you were there about an hour?
pianoplayer said:
Yeah, I also got the idea they were not too bothered about the exact time. I was early too. I have heard the one in Dallas is hard to find - the one in Ft Worth was in a mall, but everything is in Spanish and I could not read the signs. I tried to ask for directions, but most people did not speak English. Someone at a cell phone kiosk finally told me where it was. Luckily I did this the previous day. The room was big though. So you were there about an hour?

I guess now its on to checking for LUD's and perhaps the Welcome Notice later on. Always something to wait for....patience, patience. he he
I tried to be earlier. When I arrived at the place, called "village of Bachman Lake", it was around 10:30am. I met three very nice ladies for three different times to get to "suite 211", 10:45am. I went through the same procedure as you described, and was called 11:40am. When everything was finished, it was 12pm.

pianoplayer said:
Yeah, I also got the idea they were not too bothered about the exact time. I was early too. I have heard the one in Dallas is hard to find - the one in Ft Worth was in a mall, but everything is in Spanish and I could not read the signs. I tried to ask for directions, but most people did not speak English. Someone at a cell phone kiosk finally told me where it was. Luckily I did this the previous day. The room was big though. So you were there about an hour?
IrishBailey said:
I tried to be earlier. When I arrived at the place, called "village of Bachman Lake", it was around 10:30am. I met three very nice ladies for three different times to get to "suite 211", 10:45am. I went through the same procedure as you described, and was called 11:40am. When everything was finished, it was 12pm.

Cool...on to the waiting game then..he he
IrishBailey said:
so that's all, right? we just wait for the green card in mail?

Pretty much. Have you got your case set up online? If so, you can see LUD(latest updates) when they touched your file. Unless you get an RFE, the next letter you get should be a Welcome Letter and after that the GC.
pianoplayer said:
Pretty much. Have you got your case set up online? If so, you can see LUD(latest updates) when they touched your file. Unless you get an RFE, the next letter you get should be a Welcome Letter and after that the GC.

According to website, FP checks are usually returned 24-48 hours, name checks 2 weeks and IBIS check instantly. This is of course if they dont get a hit. And then someone still has to pick up your file and record all this before you are approved. But I spoke to some people recently that did DORA and they seem to have been approved approx. 1 month after FP appointment. I assume they did not get any hits.
Thanks a lot, I have set up the online account. Since they mentioned only 60% of the cases can be processed within 90 days, I am not very optimistic. However, if I can get an AP later this year, I will be very glad.
pianoplayer said:
Pretty much. Have you got your case set up online? If so, you can see LUD(latest updates) when they touched your file. Unless you get an RFE, the next letter you get should be a Welcome Letter and after that the GC.
IrishBailey said:
Thanks a lot, I have set up the online account. Since they mentioned only 60% of the cases can be processed within 90 days, I am not very optimistic. However, if I can get an AP later this year, I will be very glad.

Yes, I know, but who knows, you may be in the 60%. Also, a lot are approved just over the 90 days.

I dont care too much, since I dont really have plans to travel over the next couple of months and I wont work either, since I will be in school full time. For me, it's just a wait. Will you be working or travelling soon? You are from Ireland right?
good research, thanks a lot. However, to be hontest, I have no idea of what IBIS check is :p
pianoplayer said:
According to website, FP checks are usually returned 24-48 hours, name checks 2 weeks and IBIS check instantly. This is of course if they dont get a hit. And then someone still has to pick up your file and record all this before you are approved. But I spoke to some people recently that did DORA and they seem to have been approved approx. 1 month after FP appointment. I assume they did not get any hits.
I am not Irish, I am Chinese instead. I studied in England for one year, and obvioulsy I like Baileys there.

Where do you go to school? I just graduated from UTD, and found a job at another university. My future employer filed H1-B for me, and it just got approved.

I plan to go back to China during Xmas, that is why I at least need an AP.

pianoplayer said:
Yes, I know, but who knows, you may be in the 60%. Also, a lot are approved just over the 90 days.

I dont care too much, since I dont really have plans to travel over the next couple of months and I wont work either, since I will be in school full time. For me, it's just a wait. Will you be working or travelling soon? You are from Ireland right?