Dna Testing


Registered Users (C)
I just received notice from INS for DNA testing, has anybody received such notice
RD-Oct 2001
ND-Nov 2001
1st FP April 2002
2nd FP oct 2003
DNA testing Dec 2003
DNA Test

If your GC is sponsered by your siblings or your parents who are US CITIZENS and if you did not provide sufficient proof of relationship with the sponsorer, then they may ask for DNA testing.
When my friend (US CITIZEN) applied for GC for his parents he and his parents had to do DNA testing to prove the relationship.

Re: DNA Test

Originally posted by ramz
If your GC is sponsered by your siblings or your parents who are US CITIZENS and if you did not provide sufficient proof of relationship with the sponsorer, then they may ask for DNA testing.
When my friend (US CITIZEN) applied for GC for his parents he and his parents had to do DNA testing to prove the relationship.


I can understand if this is a family-based, but for employment-based, why would they want to do a DNA testing?

Talking to a lawyer is recommended.
Re: Re: DNA Test

To see if there are any bin Laden relatives lurking in the EB category...:D :D

Jokes aside, if this is an EB case, I'm sure it's a BCIS mix-up (which, I'm sure, is shocking, considering that they never make mistakes :) )

Originally posted by GC012002
I can understand if this is a family-based, but for employment-based, why would they want to do a DNA testing?

Talking to a lawyer is recommended.

There are two kinds of DNA testing. The FBI and CIA maintain a database of known DNA samples.....
Is it lawful for INS/CIS to request a DNA testing, especially if this is not family-based?

If not, does it have to be performed in a INS/CIS-approved lab?
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Before all of you get your panties in a knot from hysterics, let's note that the original poster has not replied yet.

I still think he got a notice for the taking of "biometric data", which means photos/fingerprints. Let's wait and see.
Originally posted by tyzh
Hum, unlike your fingerprint

The reason they want to run the FP check every 15 months is to find out if within those 15 (or more) months you've committed crimes, etc. that could prevent CIS from approving your I-485.

Mine is a employer based petition, so why am I being called for DNA testing, I called BCIS to see if they had made a mistake, the operator said that's what her computer screen says, I have not been asked to bring any photos etc...just ID and empty stomach ??????
Re: DNA TESTING - Update

Originally posted by Freegc
Mine is a employer based petition, so why am I being called for DNA testing, I called BCIS to see if they had made a mistake, the operator said that's what her computer screen says, I have not been asked to bring any photos etc...just ID and empty stomach ??????

Please don't start multiple threads on the same issue, you can post your views in the same thread.
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