Dna Testing

empty stomach for DNA? You need a brain scan buddy

for taking a DNA you dont even need to be alive !
just a single cell from your body is good enough for both your main DNA from the cell nucleus and mitochondrial DNA if they suspect you of something sinister :)
So even if you die of your hungerstrike in Boston they still will have a good fix on your involvement in some really interesting crime if you ever were invloved it any such hting . Empty stomach :) good sense of humor or you did not research this prior to posting it on this board.

i am sure you are getting a lot of people worried here
imagine they start checking DNA of kids to ensure that kids indeed belong to the family and imagine one of the parents is blissfully unaware of the case of a misplaced strand of DNA in the progeny. This is possible if some moralistic politician decides that we do not want adulterous people becoming US permanent residents. anyway US military law considers adultery as a punishable crime so why not potential immigrants? :)

people may consdier withdrawing the AOS application if DNA testing becomes a norm what do you think ? wont YOU? :)


for GC021002

wont the same logic of FP apply to DNA too?
DNA like FP does not change
however the applicant may have been involved in a crime in the interim period and the DNA database match will help identify the person. And this is worse than FP ( or better than FP) because FPs can be erased or avoided by a smart crinminal but DNA evidence is everywhere (hair and dead skin which keeps falling off our body all the time) and can not be erased very easily from the crime scene. So in this case even if the person involved was never a suspect let alone be convicted still the law enforcement will know.

The only trouble is DNA matching is much more complex than FP matching and the science has not evolved so much that we can routinely match a DNA strand with those in the database. so currently it is a demand based pair matching not a general search and compare with the entire database. I may be wrong but that will in the year" minority report " will be current :)

but then to come back the the original :
DNA can expire (!!!) just like FP does.
the comforting thought can be that The expenses involved in collecting and using DNA data will be so much that neither US governemnt can afford it as a routine test even once in the process.

