Did anyone called USCIS today please share

I am amazed to hear stories of reps on phone telling you about name check status, etc etc. I've tried many many times but on phone (either at tsc or nsc) they never disclose any info so I would take any thing from a phone rep with a pinch of salt.
I think infopass is much more authentic if you can get a helpful officer.. at least you can show your application and talk in more detail about whats going on with your application.

I also think that the PD people should wait for their turn as it seems like TSC and NSC both have stacked their cases and are dealing with them on a timely basis. So far both centers have been muc better than either VSC or CSC.
You do know about the bi-specialization program at USCIS, right ?
Just got me confused with the mention on CSC and VSC thats all :D
Spoke to a nice IO at TSC

She was very nice and gave all the details and said they have a huge pile of files transferred from VSC and they touched a few of them .but said it will take like 60 days for them to be completed......i expressed my concern that ....the dates may get retrogressed with 60 days ......she is said she is aware of that and they are doing the bes tthey can to review them.

First of all, thank you very much for your details steps to call TSC.

I called TSC as per your direction. I spoke with an IO and she told me that they have sent FP2 notices in Apr'2007 which me or my attorney never got it. She was kind enough to put a request to send another set of FP2 notices and as per her I should be receiving in 2/3 weeks.I hope she is right.

She also told me that my Name Check is pending since Feb'2004. When I asked her it is already pending more than 2 years now and how long more it is going to take and she said it is with FBI and she has no idea.

Now, my question is, Is there anything I could do to expedite the Name check cleared?????

desi_ka_gc or anybody, please share your thoughts.

Appreciate it.

EB3 - India
PD - Aug, 2002
140-485 - Filed December 04
FP1 - Apr'04
FP2 - ?????
NC-Pending since 02/2004
i-485 - ?????
Quick question regarding POJ method to contact IO:

If the call is put into a queue with music, etc. (female voice - "Please hold for just a little longer, we will be with you very shortly", male voice - "Please hold, blah blah..."), does it mean it will go to a NSC representative instead of an IO?
31 minutes of HOLD music

using POJ, 31 minutes of HOLD music...i am sick of it and tired. I hung up.
Okay, my spouse just now tried it

I asked the very same question early this morning, but my spouse tried it waiting all through the music (with a mix of female and male voices every 10 second). And yes, it led to an IO. They apparently have changed some things or simply due to the volume of the calls they are receiving, coz last time she didn't have hold music.

Quick question regarding POJ method to contact IO:

If the call is put into a queue with music, etc. (female voice - "Please hold for just a little longer, we will be with you very shortly", male voice - "Please hold, blah blah..."), does it mean it will go to a NSC representative instead of an IO?

I called USCIS.I got the same response.Struck in Name Check.Please give me more detail about how to contact senator.
I had called USCIS customer service yesterday - my referral number also ends with VSC.

However, the rep did confirm that my case is at TSC, and of course I received FP2 notices from TSC as well in the past. Also, if I call using POJ method - I do connected to TSC.

So, I don't know why the referral number ends in VSC.
even my referral number ends in VSC, I guess if your number is eac you get VSC. The guy who coded did not consider transferred cases:( Not in his usecase
even my referral number ends in VSC, I guess if your number is eac you get VSC. The guy who coded did not consider transferred cases:( Not in his usecase

I was able to get a reference number ending with tsc. I just told the rep that my case is currently in TSC after being transferred there.
I tried the POJ method and waited in a queue for less than 10 minutes before a rather unhelpful lady answered.

Q: Could you tell me the status of my case?
A: Sir, you need to go to the main enquiry number.

Ahem.. end of call.

I tried again after half an hour, hoping to ask more specific questions and also hoping to get someone else to answer. It seems like I wasn't that lucky, though, and I probably got the same person again.

Q: Could you tell me if my namecheck has cleared?
A: Sir, that is an internal processing matter. I cannot tell you that.

Q: Could you tell me if there is anything at all blocking my application from getting processed?
A: Sir, I cannot tell you that. All I can say is that your application is pending. You need to go to the main number to enquire about your case.

I tried to tell her that I was getting no information at the main line, but I should have realized that's a waste of time. She kept talking over me and asking me to call the main enquiry number (I'm assuming this is the main menu option to check for status).

Oh well... no more POJ for me for a few more days till I feel a bit more lucky. :)

BTW, the CIS Ombudsman's report to Congress for 2007 (linked in another thread in this forum) seems to be a very interesting read, highlighting quite a few of the frustrations that a lot of forum members are sharing right now (namecheck delays, lack of good information, seeming lack of an efficient process, etc.).
Just called TSC.
Got an IO(no CSR) on the other side.
Here is the transcript:
IO: Your App no
Me: EAC....
IO: Who am I talking to
Me: My Name, @ Boston
IO : SS No
Me : SS.NO....1234
IO: What do you want ?
Me : Green Card :)
IO : Your case is awaiting assignment to officer
Me: What about all security reviews ?
IO : All is in clear
Me Thinking (Clear as in MUD?)
Anyway I thanked her and disconnected.
This is my Ist call in 2 years. I had quit calling them.

But looks like there is quite a traffic @ TSC as there is a wait time at TSC for call to be completed.

Thank you very much desi_ka_gc! You saved me lot of time and aggravation.

I tried the trick by following the instructions given by desi_ka_gc. instructions below. it does connect you to TSC. you even hear a welcome message saying welcome to texas service center.. blah blah.

The lady spoke to me nicely. my doubt about "document" message is now clear. This message is generated when an address is updated in the system. It seems after my 2nd FP my address was updated in the system and this message got generated. Lady asked me to disregard this message. I am so relieved to know about the mystery behind "document mailed" I also asked lady if my case cleared name check etc. she said yes, she said it is with the officer and if they have everything they need then it could be approved.
I thanked her and disconnected.

Now what does that mean? is it very close to being approved?

instructions to reach TSC (Source: desi_ka_gc posted @ 12th June 2007, 01:14 PM)

Call 1-800-375-5283
Press 1
Press 2
Press 2
Press 6
Press 1
Now enter your receipt number
press 1 (now listen to the case update info..blah blah)
press 3
press 4
(now if you listen a male voice prompting you to hold the call that means the call is going to IOs desk, if it says no IO is available, it will redirect it to NSC, you can cut the phone.. and try the same steps)

I called USCIS today; was able to talk to someone not sure who? but i guess that was IO only. I queried about our I-765(EAD renewal filed on 06/05/07) she ask me SSN i had no option but to tell her, then she replied this case is under review.
then i ask her we have our i485 pending can check what is going on with it(the real question for which i called)

she took sometime and replied its with officer for review.

again i ask her can you if my name check or security clearance is pending?

she took sometime and replied everything is clear....you just have to wait...

let see what happens this time... i was very close to get approval at the end of 2004...
but they issued RFE instead approval
When I called TSC today rep told me that since they have implemented a new system :confused: and it wouldn't let them create a service request if your name check pending is set to Yes in the system.
This is good info. If a service request is created then it is safe to assume that everything is clear and just couple of reviews / signatures are required :cool:
Calling Texas Service Center

I called USCIS this morning using POJ method, connected to TSC and spoke to a IO. She said my case has not been assigned to any officer as the name check results have not been returned from FBI. I went to FP on May 8th and TSC received the results. Name check request was initiated as part FP2, but did not get any results so far.

After hanging up the TSC call, I called NSC and raised a service request. I'm planning to approach local senator and FL office.

Can you PLEASE explain how to contact someone in TSC ? I have been able to talk to Customer Service reps. and initiate Service Requests but as my case got transferred from VSC to TSC in march 2007, I want to be able to talk to someone in TSC directly.

Thanx !!!!
no use on calling TSC for x'ered cases...I tried couple of times with TSC in this week..talked to team..As soon they see your receipt# start with EAC or xered case from VSC. they are even talking a single word..just asking you to call USCIS and open a SR. Also I kind of sense that they are busy with many cases, not even bothered to talk on VSC-->TSC cases..

this was my exp..Infopass is best and you get fist hand info.
For the first time in last 4 years, I heard a human voice on calling USCIS.
I used the instructions provided in this forum
1- to select English
2-to skip introduction
6-to find case status information.
This connects to an officer.
Damn it worked.. I was sooo not prepared to talk to someone other than machine.
Thank you everyone who have been contributing..
Anyways the lady didn't seem to have much information.
She said yes your case was transferred, then u got an RFE.
I said No, I never got RFE, but I got 2nd FP request.(maybe the status in her system was generic)
At the end of it we initiated a service request (ending in VSC)
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 15
Hi Folks,

I called TSC and today they said my FP is cleared. But they did not tell me anything about NC.

The person I spoke to said she'll raise a Service Request and said I'd be hearing from Vermont Service Center in 30 to 45 days. From where does VSC now come into picture, I don't understand.

Has anyone else tried and opened a service request and what responses did they get?
My call experience

I got in touch with customer service by calling the 1800 number. After talking to CSR for 5 minutes she offered me to enter an inquiry. I didnt want an inquiry as I had entered one last week. I insisted she transfer to an immi officer she said would transfer but would not guarantee that it would be a immi officer.

I was then transferred and a very nice lady ( with an asian accent) answered the call and introduced her as Officer XYZ.

Asked me how she can help me... I said I wanted to know what the status on my I-485 was. she got my EAC number A # and said you have already entered an Inqiry on June 5th. I said yes but I wanted to know what the status on my case was.

She said case was transferred from VSC to TSC in March xx you completed Biometrics on May xx and the case is pending because the Name check is not clear.:eek:

I had my wife on the call with me ( on other Phone) We then asked officer about her status she asked for EAC # , A # then asked her fathers first name and mothers first name. she said her name check is clear and her case was assigned to an officer last week.

I then asked officer can my wifes case be adjudicated if my name check was still pending ? To my surprise she said yes.

Then I asked her again if her case can be approved if she was secondary applicant and I am primary applicant. she said yes.

I have searched a lot on this forum and on immivoice.org but havent found an instance where the derivative applicant was approved when primary applicant case was not adjudicated. I have a employment I-485 application ( EB3 India PD 11/2002)

Please let me know if any one has seen an instance where derivative applicant is approved before when primary is pending name check in an Employment based I-485.

"Life is too short to wait for a Green card"