Detroit INS Transfer cases

List of documents for interview

Here is a list of documents to be taken for the interview..I found it a while back on this forum. This appears to be very through...thanks to the original author.. ..


Folders and Contents

1. Employment – Letter
i. Employment Confirmation Letter
ii. Employment Details, similarity to Old Job
iii. Copy – i 2
iv. Copy – ii 2

2. Marriage – Certificate
i. Marriage certificates from Home
ii. Marriage certificate from Consulate
iii. Copy – i 2
iv. Copy – ii 2

3. Misc – Cards etc
i. EAD – Self
ii. EAD – Wife
iii. SSN – Self
iv. SSN – Wife
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – ii
vii. Copy – iii
viii. Copy – iv

4. Misc - Employment – PayStubs
i. Xxx. – Last 3 Months PayStubs
ii. XXX. – Rest of PayStubs
iii. Last Job – All PayStubs
iv. Last Job – Laid off letters
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – iv

5. Misc - Taxes
i. W2 – 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
ii. Filed Tax Form – 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

6. Misc - Education
i. MS - Transcripts
ii. BS – Transcripts
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

7. Misc – INS Notices etc
i. Self - Notices
ii. Wife – Notices
iii. Self – 485 Application + support material
iv. Wife – 485 Application + support material
v. Self – I-140 Application + support material
vi. Wife – I-140 Approval
vii. Self – ETA-750
viii. Self – All previous I-94s
ix. Wife – All previous H-1Bs
x. Copy – iii
xi. Copy – iv
xii. Copy – v
xiii. Copy – vi
xiv. Copy – vii

8. Spousal Relationship – Rental
i. Rental Application
ii. Lease Agreement
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

9. Spousal Relationship – Joint Accounts
i. Bank Accounts – Letter for Checking
ii. Bank Accounts – Letter for Joint Checking
iii. Bank Accounts – Letter for Savings
iv. Bank Accounts – Statements for Joint Checking - All
v. Credit Accounts – Letter for Card 1
vi. Credit Accounts – Letter for Card 2
vii. Copy – i
viii. Copy – ii
ix. Copy – iii
x. Copy – v
xi. Copy – vi

10. Spousal Relationship – Joint Accounts Cards
i. Bank Card – Debit for Self
ii. Bank Card – Debit for Wife
iii. Credit Card – Card 1 for Self
iv. Credit Card – Card 1 for Wife
v. Credit Card – Card 2 for Self
vi. Credit Card – Card 2 for Wife
vii. Credit Card – Card 3 for Self
viii. Credit Card – Card 3 for Wife
ix. Copy – i
x. Copy – ii
xi. Copy – iii
xii. Copy – iv
xiii. Copy – v
xiv. Copy – vi
xv. Copy – vii
xvi. Copy – viii

11. Spousal Relationship – Accounts Beneficiary
i. Roth IRA – Letter
ii. Rollover IRA – Letter
iii. Any Life Insrance? – Letter
iv. Copy – i
v. Copy – ii
vi. Copy – iii

12. Spousal Relationship – Car Title
i. Title – From State
ii. Registration – From Dept of Licensing
iii. Copy – i
iv. Copy – ii

13. Spousal Relationship – Car Insurance
i. Letter – From Insurance Company
ii. Insurance Form – for June-Dec 2001 –
iii. Insurance Form – for Jan-June 2002 –
iv. Copy – i
v. Copy – ii
vi. Copy – iii

14. Spousal Relationship – Health Insurance
i. Insurance Form – for June-Dec 2001
ii. Insurance Form – for Jan-June 2002
iii. Insurance Card – for Self
iv. Insurance Card – for Wife
v. Copy – i
vi. Copy – ii
vii. Copy – iii
viii. Copy – iv

15. Spousal Relationship – Pictures
i. Album
Finally something

My attorney informed me today that my wife and I are scheduled for an inteview on Dec 16 at Detroit. I did not get the notice. He is sending it to me with the list of documents. Hope this will be the end of a long wait.

Hi folks,

Got a few questions..

My interview is on Dec 4th at 10:30 am. I am taking my lawyer with me ($200). Does it matter at what time I go there? I mean can I go at 7:00 am and will they call me before 10:30?

One of my coleague's wife was asked to submit a police report. Do we need one? Would it be safer to take one?

My lawyer said they should give approval notice and stamp the passport on that day. But I read somewhere in this thread (can can?) that one case was approved 3 weeks after the interview.

Q for GCMaster:
At what time is your interview?

Hope things pan out..

unhappy & GCMaster
Could you please post your details after the interview on dec4th.
Please post details like if u're passports were stamped on the same day etc.

Thanks in advace

Sorry, I could not reply to your post. I was busy with so many other things. Thanks for posting the detailed email.

My wife and I went to Detroit INS for her interview yesterday. The officer was very nice and polite. She asked regular questions. Wanted to see my approval, pay stubs, tax-returns etc. And bingo!!! She stamped the passport and we were out of there in 20 min.

It's luck I guess because I had to wait six hours, just to get my passport stamped!

I wish you all the best for tomorrow. Its time to have some Rosogollas, right GC?


PS: Don't listen to the rumors. It's all good.
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Sorry, I could not reply to your post. I was busy with so many other things. Thanks for posting the detailed email.

My wife and I went to Detroit INS for her interview yesterday. The officer was very nice and polite. She asked regular questions. Wanted to see my approval, pay stubs, tax-returns etc. And bingo!!! She stamped the passport and we were out of there in 20 min.

It's luck I guess because I had to wait six hours, just to get my passport stamped!

I wish you all the best for tomorrow. Its time to have some Rosogollas, right GC?


PS: Don't listen to the rumors. It's all good.
I wish I could share hillbilly's enthusiasm :(

Hi Folks,

My wife's interview was today. Dec 4th 2002.
Went to DET INS 45 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Took my lawyer with me. Did not get called until 2 hrs after the scheduled time. The officer was very courteous.
First we took oath that we will not lie.
Then she took our ID (passport and drivers license).
Then she verified my wifes name, address, parents name, DOB.
Then she asked some questions from the I-485 form such as do you deal drugs, ever beat any body, ever shown racial prejudice, will u have multiple spouses, ever engage in prostitution, do u recieve food stamps, any criminal record, etc.
Then she asked for documents that prove that we stay together. She did not ask for anything specific. I gave her tax forms for 2001, 2000, bank account stt, credit card stt.
She looked at our complete wedding album (more out of personal interest i think).
Then she took my wife's fingerprints and signature on a form. I had to give my FPs on a similar form when I had gone for stamping six months ago.
Then she looked at my passport and realized that my case was approved few months ago. That seemed to confuse her a little. She took a copy of my passport.
She took my wife's latest ADIT photos and returned her older ADIT photos on file.
Then she said that since yesterday, they had stopped adjudicating (approving or disapproving) cases immidiately. She did not know when they would begin adjudicating them again. Her supervisor had told her not to adjudicate (make a decision) any cases. She also said she generally reviews all her daily cases at the end of the day. So I am not sure if this supervisor thing is true. She said if they needed any more documentation, they will write to me within a week to 10 days. She did not know when our case would be adjudicated.
That was it. We came out. My wife was totally bummed out (very very unhappy). After reading hillbilly's post, we were kind of optimistic.
So now we wait again.. :(

I have read similar experience elsewhere on this board. So it was not totally unexpected, but nevertheless, disheartening.

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unHappywithNSC ..when was your interview date ..was it today DEC 4th or are you talking about few days back
Interview update


Just came back from the interview. We reached the INS office half-hour before the interview. Submitted the interview letter at the front desk counter and waited for our name to be called.

An officer called out my wife’s name about 5 min past the scheduled interview time. He was very courteous throughout the interview process. First we both had to take an oath saying that we will answering all his questions truthfully.
He then explained to us that because of the proximity of my I-485 filing date and wedding date we were called for the interview. He asked for the tax returns (latest), housing lease, 2 ADIT photographs. We also provided him with copies of car title and bank statements that have both our names. He was satisfied with the proof and didn't ask for anything more.
After that he asked some yes/no questions that are listed in the 485 form and told us that the case is approved pending FBI clearance. He said they received some notice Monday evening not to approve any other cases until FBI clears them. Per him, estimated time for approval is about week to 10 days. Seems like FBI is having some computer issues.

Finally, he took fingerprints of my wife.

On the whole the process was pretty smooth and took about 10 min.

Unhappy, I was hoping to meet you over there but looks like we might have missed each other by few minutes. We were there at INS office by 12:50 PM. We were disappointed too, a little, however after hearing the officers explanation we figured its no big deal, we will wait for 10 more days..we already waited for such a long time.
Don't worry about your wifes case, hers is also approved pending the FBI clearance.

Bopp3, share your experiences too and good luck for your interview.

Hillbilly, Congratulations!! You were kind of lucky to have the interview on Monday. I am sure you deserved that luck. Rasgoolas will have to wait for 10 more days for me, but you sure can enjoy them..:)

I just came back from det INS. Pretty much same story like GCMaster & Unhappy. Hillibily is sure lucky.
Was there at INS 1 hour ahead of schedule, was called in 1 hour after schedule time. The officer first asked us to take oath, she pretty much went on business, she took our FP & signature, checked out address, SSNo, telno and then asked us questions from I485 application like were you convicted, have you kidnapped someone and holding out side the country, would you do drugs etc...
She then asked to provide documents to prove that we were married and are living together. I showed her rental lease, joint bank acc, Tax documents, Insurance docs etc. She then took a copy of the documents to file in the records. She then said she would send her decision in mail. My lawyer then asked if she would adjudicate today, she then said they have stopped adjudications until further notice due to FBI problems.
As GCMaster has mentioned already, I would think it would take a weeks time before they would start approvals. This is just my guess.
So back to waiting business (check postings, mail box etc).
Good luck to you guys out there who ever has interviews

GCMaster/ Unhappy

Thanks for all the details. I was pretty much prepared after reading your details. If not I would have got disappointed.
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some updates from

I have picked up only relevant to us

Now, we have received the following unconfirmed report from the private immigrant community organization. If this is true, the INS HQ must have decided to put things in right place. The INS is currently undergoing a transition from the INS to the new DHS and in the process, the immigrant community has been experiencing confusion which was created by the unfortunate fact that the hands did not know what the head directed and the right hand did not know what the left hand did. Aside from the special registration handling, the INS was and is still sending out two different messages when it comes to processing of I-485 green card applications at the local district offices. People will recall that there was a wild forest fire rumor that the INS imposed moratorium for I-485 processing. Soon thereafter, the INS HQ sent a message that there was no such policy memo to the district offices. However, the immigration lawyers are apparently hearing from the local district offices that I-485 processing at the local district offices has indeed been on hold. Some reports indicate that part of this confusion come from confusion of line of command between enforcement unit and adjudication unit in the local district office, two being commanded by two different masters. We urge Mr. Michael Garcia, the new INS Commissioner to take command of the INS immediately and to straighten out the line of command in this very difficult time of transition.
Same news

I just got back from Detroit INS. Same type of interview. It took less than 15 mins. My lawyer was also with me. She said that they stopped processing sometime Tuesday. They will start again in about 10 days.
My lawyer said INS' 10 days means (10 working days) a month.
I will go back to my waiting stage.
Interview on monday

My wife and I have our interviews scheduled for Monday Dec 16 at DETROIT ins. Hope all goes well. Thanks to all: Unhappy, GCMaster, Josil,Bopp3 for posting your interview experiences. Looks like we will have to wait till the New Years to know what happens. Meanwhile if anyone learns anything please post.

Thanks again.
I had a preliminary meeting with my lawyer ..he was preparing me for interview. Only thing that she brought up was that medical are valid for a year and INS may ask ..but he said we can try going there without doing medicals again and in case they ask INS will give oppurtunity to give new medical tests ...

I know none of you were asked about medical right??

The list of recent interviewees

Unhappy, GCMaster, Bopp3,Josil,dtw2001(16th) ,mine(31)

Anybody,know their officers name??
Unhappy, GCMaster, Bopp3,Josil

I am going for intvw in chicago local ins in jan 2003. Basically I am just wondering if
Anybody who gave the interview receive anything in the mail about the case? If yes how long after the interview?

What kind of communication does local INs send after the interview?

Does it say that you have to go at a specific time and date for I-551 stamp..or you can go anytime

Did taking a lawyer is advisable?
Nope, we still didn't hear from local INS yet.
I did take my lawyer. According to my lawyer, If you have all the documents perfect and if its a stright case, the officer should approve with out much hassle.
It's up to you to take lawyer or not to take.
How ever if you take, It does make you psycologically feel better.
Hope this helps!

Good Luck!