details about my arrest


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Thanks for the replies guys.First of all there isn’t anything i have done wrong besides not going to school for 2.5 months. and my guess is my school reported to uscis.Second of all when they came to my house 5 in the morning they already knew that i filled my i-130.first agent told me was "we know you applied for your permanent resident card and its obvious that you have a bona fide marriage(since my wife standing next to me ,almost crying in her pajamas).But when you filled your i-485 you were out of status thats why we have to take you with us to immigration office." then they put cuffs on my hands and my ankles.i told them this is where i live and yu cant take me out of here in hand cuffs and they said we ll let you put on a coat so no one sees your hand cuffs. we got out of the elevator.3 agents were with me as the other two stayed up my apartment to talk to my wife.then they took me to immigration office and asked bunch of questions about how i came to US,the schools i went to, the cities i have been to,if i am religious,why i married my wife(what the .....?).then they asked me I f I wanted to see a judge or wanted to be deported. Of course I said I wanted to see a judge .they gave me $3000 bond said my wife can pay it after 24 hours and bail me out. Then they took me to a jail in a bus with around 40 Mexicans. I called my wife and told her about the bond she went to the bond place next day and they said they don’t have my file.This happened for the next 10 days till today.They kept telling her they didn’t have my file so I stayed in jail for 10 days.
So here it is.I don’t even wanna tell you guys about the days in jail with all the immigrants with lots of felonies.
Please tell me all your comments. Anybody knows what s gonna happen to my i-485 application? I actually received my interview letter today for October 25.
I am so sorry TO HEAR THAT...dont worry.. since you have ur interview just go..and explain what happened to the immigration judge..Also I suggest you hire a Lawyer ASAP today!!!! by the way what state do u live in?
Really Sad

Its really sad this happened to you. It can happen to almost anyone who has overstayed even a single day. I wonder what happened to the 180 day overstay that was legally not punitive if one is married to a USC.
Thanks for the replies guys.First of all there isn’t anything i have done wrong besides not going to school for 2.5 months. and my guess is my school reported to uscis.Second of all when they came to my house 5 in the morning they already knew that i filled my i-130.first agent told me was "we know you applied for your permanent resident card and its obvious that you have a bona fide marriage(since my wife standing next to me ,almost crying in her pajamas).But when you filled your i-485 you were out of status thats why we have to take you with us to immigration office." then they put cuffs on my hands and my ankles.i told them this is where i live and yu cant take me out of here in hand cuffs and they said we ll let you put on a coat so no one sees your hand cuffs. we got out of the elevator.3 agents were with me as the other two stayed up my apartment to talk to my wife.then they took me to immigration office and asked bunch of questions about how i came to US,the schools i went to, the cities i have been to,if i am religious,why i married my wife(what the .....?).then they asked me I f I wanted to see a judge or wanted to be deported. Of course I said I wanted to see a judge .they gave me $3000 bond said my wife can pay it after 24 hours and bail me out. Then they took me to a jail in a bus with around 40 Mexicans. I called my wife and told her about the bond she went to the bond place next day and they said they don’t have my file.This happened for the next 10 days till today.They kept telling her they didn’t have my file so I stayed in jail for 10 days.
So here it is.I don’t even wanna tell you guys about the days in jail with all the immigrants with lots of felonies.
Please tell me all your comments. Anybody knows what s gonna happen to my i-485 application? I actually received my interview letter today for October 25.

This is making me so angry. Those son of B*** need be sued their ass off. I am so sorry to hear this thing happened to you, after all you didn't do any wrongdoing. If you don't mind can I ask what city you live in? Go to your district council and explain what happened....even your state Rep or congress person. This is ridiculous and must be condemned ....those individuals need to be punished.
I have complete sympathy for Yuja11, like the rest of us here. However your statement below is incorrect. He did violate conditions attached to his F-1 status. Failure to file AR-11 also invalidates F-1 status for example. I totally agree that Yuja11 got the brunt of it. His punishment in no form or shape matched the crime. Millions of illegals sleep peacefully in this country every night but he happened to be selected for prosecution. It is analogous to when a lion attacks a herd of gazelles. One becomes dinner and the rest are free to live another day.

I am so sorry to hear this thing happened to you, after all you didn't do any wrongdoing.
I do wanna sue them and i want them to be punished for what they did to me.I cant even explain how bad of a feeling getting handcuffed in front of your wife 5 in the morning for doing nothing.OK I did something wrong by being out of status and not filling my visa application for 2 months but i didnt come to US illegally,i didnt run over the borders,i didnt sell drugs, i didnt hurt anybody or anything in this country.Now I wanna know whats gonna happen?if they wanna send me back to my country me and my wife will go the next day.we dont wanna stay here if the justice and system is as f... up as it is like this.millions of people coming here illegallydoing all kinds of illegal stuff and nothing is hapening to them but me as a responsible person doing everything right and ending up to jail????
Cut the crap...

I do wanna sue them and i want them to be punished for what they did to me.I cant even explain how bad of a feeling getting handcuffed in front of your wife 5 in the morning for doing nothing.OK I did something wrong by being out of status and not filling my visa application for 2 months but i didnt come to US illegally,i didnt run over the borders,i didnt sell drugs, i didnt hurt anybody or anything in this country.Now I wanna know whats gonna happen?if they wanna send me back to my country me and my wife will go the next day.we dont wanna stay here if the justice and system is as f... up as it is like this.millions of people coming here illegallydoing all kinds of illegal stuff and nothing is hapening to them but me as a responsible person doing everything right and ending up to jail????

You are assuming the worst for people who came illegally into the US are doing all those vile things. Let me tell you... legal immigrants do some of the most vicious and inhumane things to other people in this country. If you google the heinous acts which have been committed by legal or illegal immigrants, immigration status is of no consequence, just the deed.:cool:

In terms of suing ICE, you have no basis to file one of these frivilous lawsuits which clogs our juducial system. So, just drink a glass of water, eat some cheetos and have a deep breath, then your anger will subside. :rolleyes: ICE can arrest you for failure to meet the conditions of your student visa, and they did. Did they err in arresting you, it is possible and a competent Judge can make a ruling. However, spending time consulting with lawyers about suing ICE is just hogwash and bull...;)

There are many people who are arrested before their wifes, children, cats and even squirrels....:D. Being being arrested in itself, is not a crime, unless they "plunged" your butt...:( You cannot claim abuse or emotional stress for being arrested, because you have to show injury, which a reasonable court to assess fees. Heed this advise: Focus on legalizing your status.. rather than on trivial and inconsequential crap... :rolleyes:

Your point that illegals aren't arrested is bogus... If you go before a judge and claim that illegals aren't arrested, but your as a "pending" legal immigrant was arrested, the judge will bust your nuts up. This is like being stopped for speeing by a state trooper, and you turn and tell the trooper, "well... there was another car going at 100 mph, and I didn't see you stop and give them a citation". All people are created equal... but some are more equal than the other... and you got the rough treatment... :confused:
Good luck with that. All I know is that any problem is half solved the moment you admit there is a problem. You did something wrong, no matter how you slice it. You violated your student status. Regardless of how many others do the same and never get caught, you still do not have any basis to sue them. You gave ICE a chance to arrest you and they did. If you observe, you are slowly losing sympathy and compassion from this forum. You know why?

I do wanna sue them and i want them to be punished for what they did to me.
no matter how people put it, i still dont understand y the ICE actually bother to bust u...Dont they have a prioritized list of tasks ??

Anyway, I can imagine how angry you are right now but do focus ON ONLY what matters most, dont make it worse !!!!
Not to defend ICE, but none of us is in a position to determine what ICE has on the OP. Depending on their information (whether correct or not) and their criteria for prioritising tasks, ICE are the only ones to make the call with regards to whom to bust and whom to ignore.

no matter how people put it, i still dont understand y the ICE actually bother to bust u...Dont they have a prioritized list of tasks ??
I do wanna sue them and i want them to be punished for what they did to me.I cant even explain how bad of a feeling getting handcuffed in front of your wife 5 in the morning for doing nothing.OK I did something wrong by being out of status and not filling my visa application for 2 months but i didnt come to US illegally,i didnt run over the borders,i didnt sell drugs, i didnt hurt anybody or anything in this country.Now I wanna know whats gonna happen?if they wanna send me back to my country me and my wife will go the next day.we dont wanna stay here if the justice and system is as f... up as it is like this.millions of people coming here illegallydoing all kinds of illegal stuff and nothing is hapening to them but me as a responsible person doing everything right and ending up to jail????

I'm no lawyer but I do know that you can sue any entity for *anything* - but the question is - will you be triumphant? They were just doing their job and didn't act out of their jurisdiction. From what I could tell, you weren't beaten or abused in any way... I'm sure you felt violated... and I would have too, but unfortunately they probably won't lose in a lawsuit against them. Tha'ts *ONLY* my opinion. Obviously - if you're serious about it - seek legal advice from an attorney!!

Sorry to hear that happened... dang... 10 days - ouch! Hope everything is ok and I think you need to hire a lawyer at this point just to prevent anything else unfair from happening. Sorry for your misfortune.
I wasnt serious about sueing them.I said i want to sue them but it doesnt meam i m going to do it.I know and i m sure they wont lose any case agains me.what i m gonna go is hire a lawyer get get things straigtened up.Any idea how much i would have to spend to get my status straigtned up?
yuja11 -

So you got arrested for being out-of-status after you filed AOS thru marriage? That means ICE came to know that you're out-of-status after you filed AOS and came to arrest you :confused: . I've been F1 out-of-status myself and going to get married soon - your story is scaring the hell out of me. I've never heard of that before. Is this part of the new crackdown or did you do get in trouble with the law? :(

I think you have nothing to worry about your case because you already have a I-485 in process, and it seems that your wife filed it for you. so what you need to focus righ now is to get proof of your marriage for your interview.
And there is always somehting good you can take it about a bad experience. IN this case will be the writting ICE (or court) report when they arrest you at home. in that report must specified how the arrest went with details. Then it must state that your wife was with u at that moment.. . What more proof for a Bonafide marriage than that!...

Probalby at your interview you will be ask if u were arrested, so thats the moment when you can explain to the IO what happened..

I amnot an expert, but I've been reading this forum from long time ago..
Ninety is right. you can read it without register. I got tired to type those letters at the search option (when u are just a guest) then I opened an account few days ago..

It's funny that there are comments for the "footer" of the message that is not related to the main idea of the original post....