Denver Regional Dol Tracker


Well u have ot be lucky to get a lday on that phone #.

Also i came to know that thye entertain Q's about status on this phone only from a HR represntative. So you might want to ask ur HR person to call this # and find status for u .

Now here is my confusion . As per Rajiv khanna web site is doing federal processing for Jan 2005 .

As per this cases are being transferred to BEC.

What is true ? and what is happening ?

My state got cleared in dec 2004. So as per Rajiv khanna web site mine should have been cleared . but i have no news at all.
aj_jadeja said:
Well u have ot be lucky to get a lday on that phone #.

Also i came to know that thye entertain Q's about status on this phone only from a HR represntative. So you might want to ask ur HR person to call this # and find status for u .

Now here is my confusion . As per Rajiv khanna web site is doing federal processing for Jan 2005 .

As per this cases are being transferred to BEC.

What is true ? and what is happening ?

My state got cleared in dec 2004. So as per Rajiv khanna web site mine should have been cleared . but i have no news at all.

Hi aj_jadeja,
I am also in the same situation.Mine state cleared in Dec and went to Federal.I spoke to my employer,he said he didn't get any info from Denvor DOL.I am also confusing which is true either Rajiv Khanna's Processing Times or DOL ETA.Please update if u get any info,meanwhile I will also try to get updated information.

You guys are right. You need to have your Attorney to dial in that # and asked for the status. I think most of the site are automated but looks like not this one. Anyway, try to go thru your Attorney. I sent out email to my Attorney to check it. Will let you know the progress

just got letter from my lawer. my labouder got approved. So denver is processing still:) my state was done in dev 2004

wow ! wow ! wow ! What a exciting news. Congrats AJ?

Hopefully, mine also sitting next to your case ....will udpate you guys !
aj_jadeja said:
just got letter from my lawer. my labouder got approved. So denver is processing still:) my state was done in dev 2004


Hi AJ,
Congrats ! Finally u did it.Hopefully ours also will be approved soon.Cool great news.

Hi aj_jadeja,

Can you please share with us following details?

SESA: (like WY, UT)
SESA App Date:
Denver Rcv Date:
Denver Approval Date:

Thanks for your informaiton.
SESA: Denver CO
SESA App Date: No idea of exact dates
RIR/non-RIR: Non RIR
EB-2/EB-3: EB 3
Denver Rcv Date: last week of Dec
Denver Approval Date: 3rd week of Feb
aj_jadeja said:
SESA: Denver CO
SESA App Date: No idea of exact dates
RIR/non-RIR: Non RIR
EB-2/EB-3: EB 3
Denver Rcv Date: last week of Dec
Denver Approval Date: 3rd week of Feb

don't know if its appropriate to ask...who's your employer...mine is CIBER,Denver & was filed as Regular in Mar-02 & was not opened in Denver & moved to BEC-Dallas in Dec.
any info helps.

My labor cert was approved from Denver area just today. My case was RIR-EB2. I thought will let you know that Denver DOL is still processing cases.

jmccoy123 said:

My labor cert was approved from Denver area just today. My case was RIR-EB2. I thought will let you know that Denver DOL is still processing cases.


Good news! Congrats!

By the way, if you do not mind , if you post your deatails of your LC
1, At which SWA it was filed,
2. When it was filed (PD)?
3. When it was sent to Denver?
Gc_puli said:
Good news! Congrats!

By the way, if you do not mind , if you post your deatails of your LC

1, At which SWA it was filed, - Denver
2. When it was filed (PD)? - Feb, 19th 2003
3. When it was sent to Denver? - Jan 10th , 2005
4 LC Approved - March 01 2005

Congrats ! This is really great news. I am still crossing my finger.

PD JAN 2002
manaka said:
Any update from anybody ? Pls share

Hi Manaka,
I am also waiting updates from denvor dol.My labor went to federal on December 2nd week.still I didn't get any info from my attorney.Pls do post updates.

Has anyone talked to Regional DOL in Denver?

Currently I do not know my RIR LC has gone to Denver from Utah SWA. As on Feb 15 update in this web site, it was repored that Utah SWA was processing May&June 2004 cases. Mine was submitted in early May 2004.

My attorney is saying it might have gone to BPC or Denver. He is not sure.

If my LC has gone to BPC, I am seriously thinking to file my LC in PERM. To move forward towards to PERM, I would like to know if my case is really at Denver DOL.

As my lawyer is not saying anything, Can I request my employer (HR Manager) to call Denver DOL to verify whether my case is at Denver?
How nice they are? Will they answer to my HR manager?

Has anyone has expericence in talking to Denver DOL?


You mentioned that UTAH SWA processing May & June cases. Does that mean you done all your recruitment process and submitted to SWA or you are looking them to send out recruit process......
My Labor petiton approved

Hi All,

I just got the news from my attorney that my Labor has been approved by Denver DOL :) . After a long wait I am feeling relieved now .

Here are my details

Application Type: RIR
Job type: IT
Category : EB2 (Based on my Job description and qualification given in my labor petiton , i.e Masters plus 3 years experience)
State Filed: Wyoming
State File Date: July 16,2004
State approval Date: Not Known , but looks like Last week of December 2004
Federal DOL: Denver
Date approved: Some time in March

Hope everyone get their approval soon before the Denver DOL is closed.

Good Luck to everyone

