Denver CO - N-400 Timeline

Had our interviews this morning (mine and my wife's). Everything went smooth and we both passed :)

Appt was for 8:30, reached there at around 7:45am. There was a small line for entrance, so we stood in the line immediately and was inside the building by 8:10. My wife was almost immediately called for interview. She was out in about 10 minutes. I was called next (by a different officer). She had me raise my hand and take the oath before sitting down, Then started by asking the civics question. The questions were --

- where is the white house located
- what are the two political parties in US
- who wrote the national anthem
- what did emancipation proclamanation do
- who is the chief justice of the supreme court today
- what is the legislative branch of the US govt

Answered all 6 correctly, so she didn't ask me the rest.

Then she had me read the sentence "they came to live in the United States" and had me write "she needs to buy some new clothes"

After that she went over my application form in detail and asked me several of the questions from the form. She made two sets of corrections -- one for noting that I didn't register for Selective Services even though I was in the US before my 25th birthday and this is okay since I was on non-resident status (H1B). Then she went over my passports in detail and made a few corrections to the entry/exit dates to/from US.

Finally she said congratulations, you passed the test and gave me a form N-652 and some information about the oath ceremony.

Asked her if at all it would be possible for her to schedule us for the July 4th ceremony, but she said that one is completely full. She did say that there is a big ceremony planned for September in the Civic Center, so we will probably get into that one.

The whole thing was over in less than an hour and we were out of the office by 8:50 or so. Couldn't have expected this to go any better !!

Thanks to all here for all the support and help and good luck for those waiting !
Congratulations Sudipto!!!
It's good to hear that everything was quick and smooth...
My husband's interview is on July 3rd, we might all be in the same oath ceremony in sept:)
i wonder if there's one in August or maybe it's already full and that's why she mentioned the sept one.
Thanks coloradon400 ! Good luck to your husband for his interview (but he has always been laid back about all this right, so his won't be any problem at all I am sure :) )

I too was wondering why they just mentioned the Sept one and nothing for remainder of July or in August :confused: May be because that is the next real big one.

Interestingly both IOs (for me and my wife) separately mentioned the same thing about the Sept oath ceremony. Neither one mentioned anything about any other ceremonies.

So I am guessing latest it will be by September, but I won't be surprised if it ends up happening sooner than that.
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Hi All,

This is my first post on these forums and wanted to share with you all my experience from my interview this morning in Denver.

My interview was scheduled for 9:30 but I got there at 8:30. Parking directly in front of the office was coned off so I ended up parking on Paris St. across from Door 3. I went in around 9:00 and made a small line to get through the metal detector to the waiting area on the other side.

I was called in around 9:40 by a very nice female IO and went directly to the copy machine to make copies of my green card and driver's license. Next, we went to her office where I was sworn in and was asked the following questions:

What are the colors of our flag?
Who is the President of the U.S. today?
Who becomes President if both the President & Vice-President die?
What is the minimum voting age in the U.S.?
In what year was the Constitution written?
Name one benefit of being a citizen in the U.S.?

I got all of the questions right so she stopped and then asked me to read a sentence out loud and write a sentece on a sheet of paper (I forget precisely what these sentences were but they were pretty easy)

We next went over my application fairly quickly and since there were no changes that needed to be made, I signed the application at the bottom and was given a N652 form stating that I had passed and my application had been approved. I was told that the oath ceremony would be within 90 days and that I would be receiving a letter about 3 weeks prior to the oath ceremony. I asked about the oath ceremony dates and was told that it would probably be either towards the end of August or in September. The whole thing took about 20 minutes and was out the door around 10:00.


Priority date 1/22/2008
Notice Date 1/25/2008
Fingerprint Notice 2/7/2008
Fingerprint date 2/19/2008
Interview date 6/26/2008
Oath date ??
Thanks Ed 6113 for posting your experience.
For all colorado folks, I called the Teikyo Loretto Heights Theater where the ceremonies are usually held, and got the next dates:
July 16 (too late for this one)
July 31
September 3
September 24

Please let us know when you get your oath letters...
My wife had interview today at 10:50 @ Denver. Her experience is similar to most of the other people in this forum. The only thing which was bothering me was that she was away for nearly 8 months between (Jan - Aug 2007) and i thought that may cause some problem during the interview. I believe she was asked about it and she mentioned the medical reason and they were fine with that. Infact, i had given her all the documents just in case if they asked her to prove the residence status. Like utility bills, mortgage statements and letter from spouse proving the residency during her long absence and pay stubs etc. But i believe, IO didn't ask for any documents.

She was given N652 form stating that she passed and her application had been approved
and recommended for Oath.

I think it all depends on the IO. They may scrutinize if they WANT TO or satisfied with your answers. But i always feel it is better to plan for the worst case scenario and hope for the best.

Good luck to everyone

- Kris- colo
I think it all depends on the IO. They may scrutinize if they WANT TO or satisfied with your answers. But i always feel it is better to plan for the worst case scenario and hope for the best.

You are correct! I think the IO will scrutinize if they feel the applicant is lying or withholding information based on how he/she answers.

Whats wrong with being prepared? Nothing! There is never a downside to preparation. :)

Congrats on your wife's successful interview.
Congrats Kris-Colorado and Ed 6113 ! Hopefully we will all be in the same oath ceremony ! Lets keep ourselves posted when any of us get our oath letter.
My husband had his interview today. He passed the civics questions and english exam.
However, he had a problem with the physical residence requirement; the IO added the 2 extra trips since we submitted the application and with his calculations the total number of days outside the US exceeded the maximum allowed. We believe he made a mistake and anyway he said he will recalculate all the trips before making a decision.
So, hopefully he won't get denied or else we'll have to appeal....
My husband had his interview today. He passed the civics questions and english exam.
However, he had a problem with the physical residence requirement; the IO added the 2 extra trips since we submitted the application and with his calculations the total number of days outside the US exceeded the maximum allowed. We believe he made a mistake and anyway he said he will recalculate all the trips before making a decision.
So, hopefully he won't get denied or else we'll have to appeal....

How many days did your husband stay outside US?
My husband had his interview today. He passed the civics questions and english exam.
However, he had a problem with the physical residence requirement; the IO added the 2 extra trips since we submitted the application and with his calculations the total number of days outside the US exceeded the maximum allowed. We believe he made a mistake and anyway he said he will recalculate all the trips before making a decision.
So, hopefully he won't get denied or else we'll have to appeal....

Sorry to hear about the additional complications :( Hopefully they will find the correct number after their calculation and approve the case.

In general, it seems to me (from the limited sampling of data here) that IOs are paying very close attention to the dates for the trips. For both me and my wife, the IOs carefully cross checked the dates against our passports and made a few corrections to the forms as necessary. Fortunately for us we were not even close to the max limit, so it was okay ... but I was a bit surprised to see the increased focus on this.
the total number on the application was 858 with no trip longer than 3 months. and then he added the recent trips and the number was 900 something. But, anyway the days on the application are more than what they should be because we counted all months to be 31 days and counted both departure and arrival dates as being outside the US.
Do they count the days in a 5 year period or they add up all the days outside since we got the green card? because as of now we have had the green card for 5y 4m. I thought they would only consider the 5y prior to the application or the 5y prior to the interview, not the whole 5y 4m period.
Any comments are appreciated. thanks
thanks sudipto.
my IO did not even ask for the passport although i've had more than 10 trips during that period. for my husband, the IO photocopied all pages on the passport.