December Mumbai Interview Thread

anand74mo, when did NVC send ...

your case to Mumbai (according to NVC operator)?
I am trying to find out how long it takes for the case info to reach the consulate after it leaves NVC.
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The only reason for sending it via UPS is because it\'s more economical and I have UPS people pick it up from my office.

My case was sent by NVC to Mumbai and to my lawyer on OCt 1. I have still not received NVC packet 3. I called up Mumbai consulate on OCt 5 and they had the case transferred from NVC in their system. So, I mailed my own set on packet 3 forms on Oct 5. Hoping for a December interview.

What number did you call at Mumbai Consulate to find out if they received your case? Also what time of the day did you call? Did you get through right away?
Also does the AVM mesg change when P3 is generated and sent out? Or did you find out from the operator?

Thanks for the info.
This means it takes less than 5 days (counting time difference between EST and IST) for the case transfer to occur?? This is unbelievable!!

Did Mumbai consulate check their computer system to verify that your case was there? Did they tell you when they received it?

How does NVC send case info to consulate? Using computer data xfer or hard copy?

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AVM message does change when P3 is sent out. It\'s a pretty long message and tells you which consulate your P3 has been sent to. I called 363-7408 at about 10.30 pm CST and got through after a couple of tries.
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Mumbai consulate did check their computer system. All I did was mention my case number and they informed me that they have me in their system. NVC had sent my case through diplomatic pouch (as per NVC operator) which I believe is the fastest way as it bypasses and customs and govt. regulations on incoming mail.
got a november interview!

P3 reached on 24th September. Was expecting and hoping for a december interview .. because of company shutdown and all! but my parents informed me today that they received P4 and appt letter for Novermber 19th interview !!
have to rebook flight bookings and get extra vacation and all .. but I hope everything works out for the best even with the monetory loss ..
good luck guys!

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P3 received at Mumbai consulate today as per UPS tracking information. Plan to call them tonight.
Best time to call Mumbai consulate to check if they recieved file from NVC

what the best number and time to call Mumbai Consulate... I tried last night but there it was always busy..and once it went through but it was going through many options and finally it was disconnected....
Is there any web site to check this info.
did not get through last night

Hi guys,

I tried calling yesterday but no luck. I guess the best time is as early as possible when the consulate opens or late in the day in Mumbai when it is closing time. I will try again today and keep you posted.

Dec date mail from Mumbai

i also tried last night but couldn\'t get through. but i had send mail on 28th Sept to which i got reply today. they say it will be in Dec. btw my AC-140 papers reached Mumbai on 3rd Oct. and i got case no. on 4th Oct. keep posting latest updates. tks.
Starwar, who got the response from the consulate?

You or your attorney? Also when did your attorney send the packet 3 to the consulate in Mumbai?

My attorney sent my P3 to consulate on Sep 28 that reached Mumbai on October 3.

Does the consulate assign a case number even if they do not have anything from NVC?

Your advice based on your experience will be greatly appreciated.

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If your case has gone through NVC (regular CP), then NVC assigns the case number. If your case bypasses the NVC (AC-I140), then case number is assigned by consulate once they receive P3 from you or your attorney.

My P3 (regular CP) has reached Mumbai on October 9. Hoping for a December interview.

I tried calling Mumbai last night

and no luck. It was busy all the time. Did anyone have any luck?

Same problem

I tried calling too. Looks like they leave the phones off the hook. Let me know if anyone was sucessful. Consulate shall be closed tomorrow as it is second Friday of the month
Starwar and others

within how many days does the consulate in Mumbai respond to emails. Any history that we can use to predict?
