Dallas TX - N-400 Timeline -

Timeline Update

I just received my Interview Letter in the mail today. Interestingly, my case status didn't disappear from the USCIS website.

Dallas DO & Texas Service Center
Application made under 319(b) (expedited naturalization based on spouse serving as missionary for a US religous organization overseas)

03/30/2007 - RD/PD
04/11/2007 - FP notice
05/01/2007 - FP done
07/10/2007 - IVL notice date
07/17/2007 - IVL received in mail
08/28/2007 - IV date
My Dallas Timelines

Dallas Service Center

N400 mailed 06/16/2007
Priority Date 06/19/2007
FP Notice Date 7/12/2007
Next Step
FP Date 08/08/2007
I just received my Interview Letter in the mail today. Interestingly, my case status didn't disappear from the USCIS website.

Dallas DO & Texas Service Center
Application made under 319(b) (expedited naturalization based on spouse serving as missionary for a US religous organization overseas)

03/30/2007 - RD/PD
04/11/2007 - FP notice
05/01/2007 - FP done
07/10/2007 - IVL notice date
07/17/2007 - IVL received in mail
08/28/2007 - IV date
Congratulations!! Hang in there, your turn will surely come!
Oath Dates!

Hello everyone!
I just heard from my lawyer that going forward Immigration has started doing weekly oaths!

Does anyone know about it?
Thank you

Has Anyone Who Had Their Naturalization Interview On Or Around June 12 2007 Rcvd Their Oath Letter Now,if They Where Not Given On The Interview Date?
My Timeline

PD: 01/18/07
FP Notice: 02/07/07
FP: 02/15/07
IL: 04/17/07
IV: 06/04/07
Oath Letter received: 07/13/07 (postmark 07/09)
Oath date: 08/08/07
I am lost & confused

Need advice,

I applied for N400 back in May of 2006.
Then was stuck in background check since june 2006.
Got descheduled for a june 2007 interview for reason being, my case was still at the service center.
After 3 Infopass + over 10 call to USCIS I thought that my name check was completed and my file on the way to be transfered to my DO.

Today I had my 4th infopass, the only info that I could get after getting stuck in traffic for an hour was: "we requested your file to be transfered and as soon as we get it w'll inform you about your Interview Date".
Then I called the USCIS and requested to speak an officer. I said that my DO has requested my file 2 be transfered multiple times and got descheduled on an interview. And asked :"Can you give me a reason why my case has not be transfered??, she said:" it could be of multiple reasons like your background check not complete",then I said:" but I was told from previous phone calls that my name check was already completed". And then I said, I wish I was given similar answers each time I call so I do not get as confused!!!



I honestly hope that your file is simply in transit between service center and DO. Whatever the transit may mean: stuck on someone's desk under the pile of some other files, or really transferring, or already there and is sitting in the DO queue to be looked at to realize they need to re-schedule.
If I remember correctly it took FlyDog to use some congressman or senator's office help in order to put his case back on track from the USCIS black hole after his interview was de-scheduled for the same reason as yours. That case might mean that de-scheduled cases are abnormal for them and might not be a well managed part of their 'well-managed' work/document-flow. So, once it gets off normal track it might require some external kick to make them realize that they need to do something about 'that' pile too. All of this is just speculation of course.
Unfortunately it also appears that they will have their first usual defense in your case to wait 30 (60 ? 90 ?) days before bothering them. And it appears that you are only around 30 days time frame (from your de-scheduled interview...). Does your de-scheduling letter say how long to wait before contacting them? So I guess you could wait some more (month? two?) or you could try to get help from congressman/senator. Search for FlyDog's posts about his handling of the same situation.
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Thanks for the reply Asitel.

Yes I remember, FlyDog was in a similar situation.
I am at 45 days after the descheduling.
will wait 3 to 4 weeks then will contact my congressman.

For sure FlyDog will give me his feedback when he reads my post.

Where are u FlyDog??
Hey, I'm done with the USCIS, so I took a vacation (out of the country even, giving my passport its first flight).

Your congressman's immigration aid should be able to find out your exact status. When I got stuck in a deschedule hole, I went to my congressman first, got my status (which only confirmed what I had found out from several InfoPasses), then to Sen. Hutchison.

Remember, if you are in name check, it's a waste of time to get them involved, all you will get is "sorry, we can't do anything". If you are not in name check, it appears that they can have some influence on getting things done.

Good luck
Sit back & Enjoy the wait

Yes Flydog is right ..I'm stuck in name check black hole ...Back in June I called USCIS customer service line & soon after I received a letter telling me that my background check is still pending :)mad: :mad: :mad: )

Keep in mind your first biometry (fingerprints taken) is only valid for how long ? 12 month ? 15 month? The clock is ticking ...I would be real pissed if I receive a notice to have my fingerprints taken 2nd time through NO FAULT of my own !!

I just came back from a recent trip to Canada..it was very smooth ..at border points...show GC and pass...even though I had my orig. passport ready...not even required either US or Canadian side ! Ironically I kinda of appreciate the fact that GC is so much easier to carry compared to a passport ( GC fits right in your wallet, but not your passport)

My time line

PD 09/20/2006
FP 10/23/2006
name check pending
IL ??/??/?? ( requested FOIPA 06/25/06)
ID ??/??/??
OD ??/??/??

Here are my timelines

PD 03/07/07
ID 07/19/07
OD ????????

I was told that I would have to wait for the oath letter due to name change. For all waiting jus hang in there.
They have 120 days from interview to adjudicate the case. This is not an option for them once they have interviewd you. See my link with the adjudicator manual. So write polite letters and send a copy of your N-652 and other relevant documents as proof. Make copies of these letters for your records and send with return receipt. Wait two weeks. Write another letter. If no response after 120 days then write your congress person. If you legitimately went through interview they cannot hold up your case.
I wanted to update this thread. I got a receipt and the finger prints too. So now I am the proud owner of a time line :)))

Priority date - June 12th 07
Fingerprint - Aug 3rd '07
