Dallas Regional DOL Tracker

Rohan_sun said:
My case details

Applied for Labor on: Sep-2001
Went to Texas Regional on: Jan-2003

Please tell me how along it will take to get my Labor approval!!!!!!!


My Case Details
Applied for labor - July-29-2002
Texas Regional - Dec-02-2002

I have not received any news yet, Do you have any good News?
You (your boss/lawyer) should call DOL and ask since the public DOL website shows they are processing Jan 2003 cases.
the phone number is 214-767-4989

I guess if your case belong to RIR-problem cases (now DOL is processing RIR-problem cases for August 2002), it will take longer time than usual.

why it is classified as RIR-problem cases, mabye the lady will tell you, or maybe she will only say all the RIR applications are box-up and could not check.

why they are box-up? they will ship them to the Back-log-Reduction-Center in the near future...
no progress

No progress in dallas DOL processing labor cases.can anyone throw some light on this.

processing at dallas DOL has almost stopped. Backlog centers are starting aug 20. Would we able to see the faster results immediately or will it take time ? I heard the dallas center will start the dallas cases first. Will they start the RIR cases or non-RIR cases first?
Any other info or guesses about the Dallas DOL processing?
Is any one's RIR case pending prior to Jan 03. What has been the departments response to telephonic queries for such cases?
No Updates...


Are there any updates from Dallas DOL? I have not heard any thing for long time. I guess it's almost no movement from Dallas DOL. I hope things will change very soon and every one will get the approvals..

Good Luck to every one..

Please update the forum if any one has any update.

So far the sub-contract agency has called around sponsors and now has started processing Octobers priority dates RIR.

However for the last 3 months there has been no movement and when you think that this was supposed to speed things up it does make you wonder.

Indeed the fact that you still have to go into LC state and regional , does make you wonder what this has achieved introducing another layer of process time.

I have been in this process the last 2 1/2 years and still have not even got into L/C the frustration of it all makes you wonder if it is all worth it.

If anyone knows how to find out how many and what month they are processing acn they let people know.
Do I understand this correctly that the Backlog process will only require one visit back to Texas DOL and not the 2 State-Regional set of processing.
I have been advised by my sponsor of the following "Unfortunately they do have to still go to the regional office. Enterject will only review the files in the same way the state department would, plus once Enterject completes its review of the files and it is ready to move on to regional, Enterject must send it back to the state department so they can make sure there are no mistakes, then the state department would be the one sending the file to regional office."
Can you clarify thanks
I have done some research from flcdatacenter.com database.

My conclusions are for R_RO in Dec 2002 only about 30 cases were certified in June 2004. Nothing has happened after June. Only 3 cases have been certified from R_Ro of Jan 2003 in July & August 2004.

My reading is that these cases are boxed up and no body is reviewing them.

Do departments publish figures on how many cases were certified by month?

Hi Guys,
Any news about backlog reduction center responsibilities published...please share any information regarding this.

Tx Workforce/ Enter ject

I have found out that Enterject has about 19 ppl working on the cases. The reason processing dates have not moved for last 3 months is because Enterject is calling the employers first to verify that they still want to continue with the filling and after that they will start processing. I spoke with 2 lawyers and they both said that the process is faster than before.

My RIR at the state level is pending since Dec 19 2003.

Lets keep this thread alive by posting any good source information we have.
I spoke with Interject today, and I was informed that they are getting cases from TWC only and not from Dept of Labor. One can only wonder, as to what the DOL is upto. :confused: :(
don't worry

You are getting it confussed. EnterJect is getting cases from only TWC. But the two newly created centers, one in Dallas and one in pennselvania are getting the cases from DOL. ;)
BRC not running

Called DOL dallas (214-767-4989) today and the lady said Backlog Reduction Center has not been running yet. only one analyst in DALLAS DOL is working on all permant labor certificate applications.

she doesn't provide any time-frame information because I am LC beneficiary.

1. As the elections are near, will the process speed up.? I heard that at the time of last elections, they merged RIR and Non-RIR applications together and expedited the process.

2. Any idea of backlog center? They were supposed to be operatonal by Aug 20. When will they have a positive impact on the speed of processing? Any idea?
This is for a friend who put her application in houston, tx..
Her PD is 11/14/01..is it true that TWC is processing 04/01 and her case might be certified in 6 months or so..I am sorry to ask this question but its been 4 years..and mine was done in 4months thru RIR and didnt exactly understand the process..Can someone please enlighten me?
