Dallas BEC Approval Queue Tracker

Thank You

Thanks Whyallthis, ZB

Whyallthis said:
Yes. As the document released by DOL/BEC, it clearly states that once the responce to 45 day letter has been received the case is entered in PBLS or appropriate que.
So yes your case is in the que to get analyzed first and then certified by officers.
To all

I want to thank you all for all the analysis you guys are doing. Its helpful and keeps one hopeful.

I have one question for ZB:

After the RIR applications are recommended for approval, is there a time frame that a CO has before he HAS TO make a decision ? The reason I am asking is can they (worst case scenario) let all RIR cases accumulate till non-RIR/SWA all catchup ? Am I opening a can of worms here ?


PD-August 02
SF DOL - 6/03
45 day letter replied- Jan 10, 2005

buckleup1 said:
I want to thank you all for all the analysis you guys are doing. Its helpful and keeps one hopeful.

I have one question for ZB:

After the RIR applications are recommended for approval, is there a time frame that a CO has before he HAS TO make a decision ? The reason I am asking is can they (worst case scenario) let all RIR cases accumulate till non-RIR/SWA all catchup ? Am I opening a can of worms here ?


PD-August 02
SF DOL - 6/03
45 day letter replied- Jan 10, 2005

I dont know..

I doubt that they will hold on to applications recommended for approval for a single more day than required. They are already looking really bad with the BEC fiasco and they would surely want to send out the approvals for cases which are cleared.

Now the Review process is there because most of the analysts are new and the COs do not want to approve anything that is not bulletproof. If they find anything wrong the application is sent to another set of analysts (around 20 in number total for RIR/Non-RIR who then send out NOFs and process these cases), if an application gets into this loop, it may be stuck for some time while applications with later PD pass through and get approved...

Painful but this is the process..

I have been waiting for 3+ years already.. :(
any predictions for me :(

My case was filed Nov'02 (RIR), sent to Regional June'03.

Received letter from BEC Feb'05 and responded 3rd week of Feb'05.

My lawyer says, the approval should come anytime now as you are in final review. I don't belive her since she probably never enquired with the DOL.

Could you ask her..

java2king said:
My case was filed Nov'02 (RIR), sent to Regional June'03.

Received letter from BEC Feb'05 and responded 3rd week of Feb'05.

My lawyer says, the approval should come anytime now as you are in final review. I don't belive her since she probably never enquired with the DOL.


How she said that you are 'In Final Review'

Ask her if she sent an enquiry and if YES then ask for a copy of the email reply sent to her from BEC


She just says that she made an enquiry over the phone..I did ask her if she has a case #..but nope..

Any news of what BEC is doing, and how long will Nov'02 cases take?
Latest Analysis

Here is an updated Dallas BEC RIR Queue

[B]Cases    Month      Year[/B]
...         ...          ...
15	1	2001
36	2	2001
155	3	2001
[COLOR=Red][B]5546	4	2001[/B][/COLOR] According to Icarus we are past this point now!!
[COLOR=SeaGreen]192	5	2001
[B]281	6	2001
338	7	2001
351	8	2001
351	9	2001
419	10	2001
282	11	2001
333	12	2001
361	1	2002[/B] [/COLOR] <-- Raydhan got a response to enquiry 
stating that his case which is here is in Final review.. 
So the cases in the green is the range of cases that the analysis queue is 
moving back and forth on (according to Icarus and also my analysis)
388	2	2002
555	3	2002
660	4	2002
[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]1022	5	2002[/COLOR][/B]  <-- This is where pretty much all CA backlog is starting from 
1261	6	2002
1641	7	2002
1526	8	2002
1593	9	2002
1465	10	2002
1403	11	2002
1781	12	2002
1941	1	2003
1921	2	2003
1947	3	2003
2122	4	2003
2184	5	2003
2014	6	2003
2151	7	2003
1950	8	2003
2129	9	2003
2007	10	2003
1304	11	2003
1619	12	2003
1250	1	2004
1061	2	2004
854	3	2004
603	4	2004
530	5	2004
518	6	2004
407	7	2004
684	8	2004
54	9	2004
Hi Zany

Thank you very much for the invaluable information you are providing to this forum.

Can you estimate how long it will be before I get the 45 day letter and then the lobour approval? I realize that it will be a rough estimate.

My company applied for my RIR in Dec 2003 at Texas Workforce commision.

Thank you in advance.

P.s. Where do you get your information from? Can you share it with us?
LC approval

Hello ZB,
there is one posting at SFO forum saying that he got an email from his atty. regarding LC approval with pd of 4/02 and rd of 5/03 and he also got 45 days letter from Dallas BEC (Jan/05).

if this is true, this is a good news. that means BEC is now starting to approve LC.

pd- sept. 02
Dallas BEC
45 days letter receive - feb -07
Superb News!!

12th May 2005, 06:21 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 12

I got LC


Hi fellow members.
Today i got email from lawyer saying that my labor application is aparoved. Mine was in Dallas BES center. That means they started processing. My priority date is 4/02 and RD is first week 0f 5/03. Got 45 daya love letter in Jan 05. replied on 20 the JAN. Hopefully we will meet all you in 140 tracker. GOD 3years waiting. Dont know what happens in 140 and 485.
i wish,you r the next receiver of yours.

[hi ZB, I think you are one next to receive the approval.Advanced congratulations.
JC_GC. :) :) :) :)
If your wish comes true

jc-gc said:
[hi ZB, I think you are one next to receive the approval.Advanced congratulations.
JC_GC. :) :) :) :)

Then I will send you a box of sweets imported from India..
but you never know with BEC. There are so many other guys before jc-gc who should have got their approval already...look at the tracker

Zany_Brainy said:
Then I will send you a box of sweets imported from India..
but you never know with BEC. There are so many other guys before jc-gc who should have got their approval already...look at the tracker


Then what happened to Raydhan LC?
Hey Raydhan can you check with your attorney?
Latest Queue update

Here is an updated Dallas BEC RIR Queue

[B]Cases    Month      Year[/B]
...         ...          ...
15	1	2001
36	2	2001
155	3	2001
[COLOR=Red][B]5546	4	2001[/B][/COLOR] According to Icarus we are past this point now!!
[COLOR=DarkGreen]192	5	2001
[B]281	6	2001
338	7	2001
351	8	2001
351	9	2001
419	10	2001
282	11	2001
333	12	2001
361	1	2002[/B] [/COLOR] <-- Raydhan got a response to enquiry 
stating that his case which is here is in Final review.. 
[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]388	2	2002
555	3	2002
660	4	2002 [/COLOR] [/B] <-- tgunukula got his LC approved 
with PD 4/03 which is in this month, so the queue has reached here (maybe temporarily)
1022	5	2002 
1261	6	2002
1641	7	2002
1526	8	2002
1593	9	2002
1465	10	2002
1403	11	2002
1781	12	2002
1941	1	2003
1921	2	2003
1947	3	2003
2122	4	2003
2184	5	2003
2014	6	2003
2151	7	2003
1950	8	2003
2129	9	2003
2007	10	2003
1304	11	2003
1619	12	2003
1250	1	2004
1061	2	2004
854	3	2004
603	4	2004
530	5	2004
518	6	2004
407	7	2004
684	8	2004
54	9	2004
ZANY BRAINY, As you stated earlier now the Approvals started coming faster since the CA 245(i) cases which were in large number before 4/01 have been finished. I hope it will move fast like a train moving.first it will take some time to get speed.After that it will go fast .Wish you all get good news. :)
didn't quite figure this out...

why this the guy's RD in 2003? usually RD and PD are close to each other in dates
Thats REGIONAL Date and not Received Date

RD here means the case when it was transfered to Dallas Region.

puhrince said:
why this the guy's RD in 2003? usually RD and PD are close to each other in dates
That guy is not in the tracker List

We should ask the person to give all the details. This guy is not in our BEC tracker. It will really help. I dont know where that guy posted this message. But if any one knows, please request him to put the details in the BEC trackerlist forum, so as others also can be happy for his LC and be hopeful of thier own LC getting cleared.


Zany_Brainy said:
12th May 2005, 06:21 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 12

I got LC


Hi fellow members.
Today i got email from lawyer saying that my labor application is aparoved. Mine was in Dallas BES center. That means they started processing. My priority date is 4/02 and RD is first week 0f 5/03. Got 45 daya love letter in Jan 05. replied on 20 the JAN. Hopefully we will meet all you in 140 tracker. GOD 3years waiting. Dont know what happens in 140 and 485.
Can I have box of sweet too@Zany?

I too hope, your approval is on the way. Now do I get one box of sweets good quality from India??

Jokes apart, CALI DOl cases are backed up from May 2002, Chicago DOL cases are backed up from Dec 18 2002. It will help if you put that too in your analysis.

Zany_Brainy said:
Then I will send you a box of sweets imported from India..
but you never know with BEC. There are so many other guys before jc-gc who should have got their approval already...look at the tracker
