Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

JustWatching said:
In my humble opinion, I think that the interpretation of what is written in immigration-law.com is INCORRECT. It only states that a national queue will be created. No where does it say that the ENTIRE queue needs to built before processing begins.
If they follow FIFO, the entire national queue has to be built first. Otherwise, it is not FIFO. As I said, understanding our pain is not in their protocol, political correct is.
BEC Numbers

Is there an AVM # or something like it at BEC to check on status ???

Please advise.

pennwaiting said:
If they follow FIFO, the entire national queue has to be built first. Otherwise, it is not FIFO. As I said, understanding our pain is not in their protocol, political correct is.

I think everybody is misunderstanding the FIFO.

They must be just entering the Data as soon as they recieve cases from the RO and generate a 45day letter immediately for entered data. This can be contineous process.

From the data entered the computer can allways generate FIFO based on their PD's. So even the data entered in the last having earlier PD case can get into Q first than the earlier entered data having later PD. But there may be some overlaps here and there.

Ofcourse they need enough data to cater for 100 people and by now it is understood from web postings that they have 50k cases at BEC centres.

Atleast for CA RIR we knew avg 1.5k / month appx were filed from Jan 2003 onwords.So if we do the math about 60K cases will be there from jan 2003 for most backlogged centres TX,SFO,Phily for RIR cases which were first tranferred to BEC centres.

Eventhough having CA RD May 2003 , i have yet to recieve BEC 45 day letter but another collegue from my company having CA RD July 2003 has allready recieved letter. So this proves they must processing BEC45 Day letters randomly means as soon they have entered data, they must be sending the letters. In our case who have not yet recieved letters, our files may yet to reach there or may be still in data entry stage at Philly/Dallas.

However the main objective for BEC was FIFO, so unless we see some adjudication we cannt jump on FIFO.
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i got no substantial information about backlog reduction from reading break-news there. all i got is that people that already filed lc are screwed. that's it.

JustWatching said:
In my humble opinion, I think that the interpretation of what is written in immigration-law.com is INCORRECT. It only states that a national queue will be created. No where does it say that the ENTIRE queue needs to built before processing begins.
Icarus said:
You must be a fly on the wall at BEC :) Forms are being entered manually, cases take 15-20 minutes on average each from data entry to letter generation. Although staffed with roughly 100 personnel, data entry accounts for only about half of the employees. This number should remain about constant as the remainder are (or will be) involved in RIR/TR analysis, Prevailing wage determination/verification, records management/mailroom, special cases, Team Exceed management and DOL staff and Certifying Officers.

You must be kidding !!! Do they type with one finger on the left hand??!
If what you said is true only to enter 315,000 cases would take:
From 8 am to 1 pm = 5 hours a day, 3 cases per hour, 50 employees entering the data =
420 working days, or two years before they start processing !
Why do they need to reenter the data, which was already entered by SWA employees when the case was received ?!
That data is publicly available at http://www.flcdatacenter.com/casesearchperm.asp

Could not they generate the letters automatically based on the existing database without any manual intervention ?! It would be extremely easy to generate the letters for the oldest cases first and start processing as soon as the employers respond.
I must say I am extremely frustrated by this whole DOL business. Are they going to stretch the process eternally till the last applicant gets fired or retire ?
They do not perceive us as live beings do they?
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Is there any RIR cases that have got the 45 day letter ? My case was filed and went to Dallas somewhere on March 31st 2004 in RIR and have still not received 45 day letter as per the attorney, anybody in same situation ?

mnhrdc said:
I think everybody is misunderstanding the FIFO.

They must be just entering the Data as soon as they recieve cases from the RO and generate a 45day letter immediately for entered data. This can be contineous process.

From the data entered the computer can allways generate FIFO based on their PD's. So even the data entered in the last having earlier PD case can get into Q first than the earlier entered data having later PD. But there may be some overlaps here and there.

Ofcourse they need enough data to cater for 100 people and by now it is understood from web postings that they have 50k cases at BEC centres.

Atleast for CA RIR we knew avg 1.5k / month appx were filed from Jan 2003 onwords.So if we do the math about 60K cases will be there from jan 2003 for most backlogged centres TX,SFO,Phily for RIR cases which were first tranferred to BEC centres.

Eventhough having CA RD May 2003 , i have yet to recieve BEC 45 day letter but another collegue from my company having CA RD July 2003 has allready recieved letter. So this proves they must processing BEC45 Day letters randomly means as soon they have entered data, they must be sending the letters. In our case who have not yet recieved letters, our files may yet to reach there or may be still in data entry stage at Philly/Dallas.

However the main objective for BEC was FIFO, so unless we see some adjudication we cannt jump on FIFO.

OK, now we understand why guys with later PDs are getting the 45 day letters earlier! And let's say the responses go (to BEC) in a 30-45 day timeframe. So, how long will the BEC wait before issuing responses and still maintaining FIFO. Logically - till the last response is received !!! That, based on various postings is after the 300,000th response is received - I'm sure we don't wanna get into calculations, do we?

PD: June'02
RD: May'03
State: CA
Received 45 day Letter

My attorney received and replied to the letter on Jan 7, 2005.
Labor State applied: June, 2003
Forward to Dallas DOL: Dec, 2003

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Which State?

Hi BipashaDutta,

From which state you applied your Labor. Thanks in advance for sharing the information.
nother1inline said:
OK, now we understand why guys with later PDs are getting the 45 day letters earlier! And let's say the responses go (to BEC) in a 30-45 day timeframe. So, how long will the BEC wait before issuing responses and still maintaining FIFO. Logically - till the last response is received !!! That, based on various postings is after the 300,000th response is received - I'm sure we don't wanna get into calculations, do we?

PD: June'02
RD: May'03
State: CA

Logically speaking
They can start processing for entered data on FIFO based on state PD date, and whenever the cases having earliest PD's are entered these cases will be automatically jump the Q to first. They need not wait untill they have keyed in the last data. But ofcourse they need enough data to run the database.

Apart from these current BEC centres antoher two satalite centres (SFO/atlanta) will be added to operate remotely to adjudicate BEC centre cases once the rempote connectivity is established to database.
Satellite BRC centers at SFO and the Boston-New York

Please look at the news from http://www.immigration-law.com/

The backlog reduction cases are handled by the two BPCs and the two satellite centers in San Francisco Regional Office and the Boston-New York Regional Office. These two Regional Offices cannot actively perform the backlog reduction work because they are not hooked upto the national database system. They are scheduled to be hooked upto the national database system along the way. These satellite centers will participate in the backlog reduction work for one year and will be phased out.

1. DO anybody have idea about these satellite centers? I thought all the cases will be transferred to the two Backlog Processing Centers.
2. Does it mean that SFO still have some cases with them?
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BEC-Contact info @ Dallas

Hello All,

I am sorry if this question has already been answered before.
Does anyone of you know if there is an number to contact BEC-Dallas and check with them if letters have been posted for a specific case or not?

Thanks and Regards,
ashukd said:
Hello All,

I am sorry if this question has already been answered before.
Does anyone of you know if there is an number to contact BEC-Dallas and check with them if letters have been posted for a specific case or not?

Thanks and Regards,

Yes that will be very useful , my case filed RIR , went to texas march 2004 , no ltr tillnow
Please help...

I am new to this forum. I didn’t get any 45-day letter so far. I will get it or my letter is missing?? As per BipashaDutta they are already sending letters to Dec 2003 received DOL applications. Please let me know.

My Details are below:
Labor State applied: April, 2003
Forward to Dallas DOL: November, 2003
Hi Icarus,
You said that they are waiting for the computer systems to be ready and personnel training to be complete before adjudicating the applications.
Do you have any guess as to when they will start sending out approvals...ie how long this rpocess will take?

That's right

mnhrdc said:
Logically speaking
They can start processing for entered data on FIFO based on state PD date, and whenever the cases having earliest PD's are entered these cases will be automatically jump the Q to first. They need not wait untill they have keyed in the last data. But ofcourse they need enough data to run the database.

Apart from these current BEC centres antoher two satalite centres (SFO/atlanta) will be added to operate remotely to adjudicate BEC centre cases once the rempote connectivity is established to database.

Yeah, logically they could do that but logic and these guys - just doesn't sound congruous!! And of course doing that still means that a few lucky ones (with later PDs) will get approved -

What is the implication for the company sponsoring your green card to be sold to another company?

Does labour have to be refiled by the new company? Is the priority date lost?
ty12 said:
What is the implication for the company sponsoring your green card to be sold to another company?

Does labour have to be refiled by the new company? Is the priority date lost?

If company is taken over with all liabelities means definitely corrections are required for Applns.

However PD's are allien based even though new appln are processed PD's may be retained.

Please check this with Immi Attorney immediately if you guys are in this sitituation (Cal,Pleasonton based large company!!)