Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hi nother1inline

I agree. There seems to be no logic in place.Everything is based on luck.If you are lucky, they shall find your box otherwise just sit and wait.:mad:


PD AUG2002
RD AUG2003

nother1inline said:
Yeah, logically they could do that but logic and these guys - just doesn't sound congruous!! And of course doing that still means that a few lucky ones (with later PDs) will get approved -
Will Chicago and Atlanta center continues to remotely process the backlog once PERM is in procedure on March 28th?

Where can we find the source of this news? Thank you very much.

mnhrdc said:
Logically speaking
They can start processing for entered data on FIFO based on state PD date, and whenever the cases having earliest PD's are entered these cases will be automatically jump the Q to first. They need not wait untill they have keyed in the last data. But ofcourse they need enough data to run the database.

Apart from these current BEC centres antoher two satalite centres (SFO/atlanta) will be added to operate remotely to adjudicate BEC centre cases once the rempote connectivity is established to database.
Icarus & Folks,

Does anyone know what is the state of regional labor centers? For example, Denver was current in processing regional level apps before the BECs came into the picture. Now that Denver already forwarded or about forward the apps until dec'04 to dallas, what will they do? Sit idle or keep on processing apps as they come from other SWAs?

lavendersummer said:
Will Chicago and Atlanta center continues to remotely process the backlog once PERM is in procedure on March 28th?

Where can we find the source of this news? Thank you very much.

These information are based on publication on Web portals of immi - lawers. Untill they are in place we cant say for good. These are just rays of hope that things will get faster.
Petition for PERM Hold

Hi Guys,

Has anyone thought about a petition to put PERM on hold? It is simply unfair to start processing PERM cases while so many people are waiting for their cases filed long time ago? Now it is quite clear that there is almost no way to convert a RIR case to PERM.

I think whatever, the imminent thing is to speed up BEC processing , shorten the review time frame to 1 year. The old applicants have been holding on there for more than 3 years. It's ridiculous to let them to hold another 2 years or more. PERM sholud be designed in a way to relieve the olds fliers not the future files, but now it looks exactly to the opposite direction!
My attorney received and replied to the letter on Dec 28,2004.
Labor State applied: Sep, 2003
Forward to Dallas DOL: Feb, 2003

Thank you
to Icarus

1. Are replies (corrections and confirmations of intent to continue) entered into system? Could you please give some idea what kind of resourses are dedicated to the task? How many people are working on it or how many cases per day are updated after reply to BEC letter?

2. When does adjudication of cases start? Has any cases been adjudicated yet by Dallas BEC?
I appreciate your patience and help
What does this imply ?

Excerpt from the DOL memo regarding perm and Backlog

"The Backlog Processing Centers (BPC) must complete several stages of activities before they can adjudicate any cases. The first step is to receive the backlog cases from the former Regions and SWAs in 50 states. The second step is to perform data entry and development of national database system for establishment of national "queue" for Traditional Cases and RIR pursuant to the policy of processing of First In First Out (FIFO) order. Once the development of national database system is completed, they will be ready to adjudicate the backlog applications. At this time, the BPCs are at the stage of receiving shipments from the states and the Regions. As soon as they receive the shipments, the contractors start making data entry to the national database.
The shipments are undertaken per the DOL Transitional Guidelines (TG). Those cases which were received before 01/01/2002 were scheduled to be shipped to the BPC by 12/31/2004 and remaining cases are scheduled to be shipped to the BPC by March 31, 2005. The shipments include only "unopened" cases. For the opened cases, the DOL has sent out instructions to the SWAs to complete the entire opened backlog cases by 03/31/2005.
The first shipment was made from San Francisco Region. Total 20,000 oldest cases. 10,000 cases were shipped to the Dallas BPC and 10,000 cases were shipped to the Philadelphia BPC. These cases have been data-entried and part of the inquiry letters have been sent out to the employers and their attorneys. The BPCs have also received 24,000 cases from 17 states as of the end of the year, and expects to receive altogether 100,000 within January 2005.
As for the backlog cases in the Regional Offices, total is tallied at 55,000 nationwide. These cases need to establish the national queue for FIFO processing. The backlog reduction cases are handled by the two BPCs and the two satellite centers in San Francisco Regional Office and the Boston-New York Regional Office. These two Regional Offices cannot actively perform the backlog reduction work because they are not hooked upto the national database system. They are scheduled to be hooked upto the national database system along the way. These satellite centers will participate in the backlog reduction work for one year and will be phased out.
The timing of actual adjudication of cases will depend on two factors: One is the volume of conversion cases after the launch of PERM program on 03/28/2005. The larger the conversions are in number, the smaller the total numbers for the BPC will end up. The second factor is the timing of completion of shipment and data entry. DOL anticipates that it is not going to be for a while that the BPCs actually adjudicate and decide any cases. The entire backlog cases are predicted to be removed not in 24 months but from 24 month to 30 months from 03/28/2005. People should keep patience.

Look at the line I have highlighted in red..

Doesnt that tell you that they will start creating the queue for the Regional office cases first (and perhaps separately) from the state cases ?

Out of the huge backlog of 300,000 cases only 55,000 are regional office cases (most of them are already entered as people from all over are recieving letters)

MidWestBruce, thats a good idea - if this is seriously carried out, we can make it work..only point is we have to spread this word

MidWestBruce said:
Hi Guys,

Has anyone thought about a petition to put PERM on hold? It is simply unfair to start processing PERM cases while so many people are waiting for their cases filed long time ago? Now it is quite clear that there is almost no way to convert a RIR case to PERM.


If any body know some lawyer ; we can collect $100 per head and put in account for lawyer fees.

We will exchange phone no.s for discussion

Pl. reply "Yes " who are interested.
you can just ask rajiv khanna,our own lawyer - he has filed petitions for the community before - and i think he does it for free
puhrince said:
MidWestBruce, thats a good idea - if this is seriously carried out, we can make it work..only point is we have to spread this word

I am not against it. But when they did notify for any corrections and Objections i think no body complained. I think we have missed the bus to stop at this juncture. However checking with attorney is not bad idea.
who notified us when? i never heard of any talk or news on that - even if they did, we did not know that the PERM would forget about the rest of the backlogs without clearing them first - i mean it should be pretty obvious to these dumb people that they are treating us unfairly - its happening in the I-485 stage too - all the new rules there apply to new filers and they are getting approved before the guys who applied in 02 and 03..its ridiculous
You have the option of converting to PERM to take advantage of the new system, why don't you do it?

We should be glad that they are addressing the backlog problem. The reason they setup the BEC is to clear the pending applications and NPC to process PERM applications. The reason they setup PERM is to reduce the future backlog.

puhrince said:
who notified us when? i never heard of any talk or news on that - even if they did, we did not know that the PERM would forget about the rest of the backlogs without clearing them first - i mean it should be pretty obvious to these dumb people that they are treating us unfairly - its happening in the I-485 stage too - all the new rules there apply to new filers and they are getting approved before the guys who applied in 02 and 03..its ridiculous
GC_DJ - i don't think you have been following whats been happening - yes everyone is aware of PERM - thats good for future filers - but do you know they stopped processing regional cases for a year(just when they were about to get approved) and now we are in a line in the backlog system for another year - the point is the people at BPC and NPC should work to clear these backlogs first..
regd converting our cases to PERM - just go through the other threads on this in the PERM forum and u will know why - it dosen't help us especially people with cases almost at the next level
puhrince said:
GC_DJ - i don't think you have been following whats been happening - yes everyone is aware of PERM - thats good for future filers - but do you know they stopped processing regional cases for a year(just when they were about to get approved) and now we are in a line in the backlog system for another year - the point is the people at BPC and NPC should work to clear these backlogs first..
regd converting our cases to PERM - just go through the other threads on this in the PERM forum and u will know why - it dosen't help us especially people with cases almost at the next level

I agree with puhrince. DOL have to clear the Backlog first before introducing the PERM for future filing....
Raghuthu ,

I am in the same boat as yours . I have yet not received the 45 day BEC letter.Does anyone know a number to contact them -

My Details are below:
Labor State applied: April, 2003
Forward to Dallas DOL: December, 2003

Regards ,
The Optimist
I am agreed and can help in the contribution to file a petition to stop injustice of clearing newly filed labors before clearing backlog and old labor applications from Chicago DOL or any other DOL.
Application approval should be first come first serve basis respective of PERM or any change in DOL reforms.

Lets come together to file a petition for this injustice.
well we will have to spread the word and get approvals from everyone in this and other forums - thats the least we can do