Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

misunderstood said:
Icarus, If the processing will go ahead case by case, and not when all 300K applications have been received, will that not derail the FIFO process ? Especially since those with PDs from 2003 are already getting the 45 day letter and are sending back the responses and those from 2001 are yet to see anything at all....

Are we not to expect any LC approvals from BECs for another 14 months from now....

Since the boxes from all states and ROs are being shipped in date order per the local SWA receipt date (PD), can the BECs not start the Case analysis phase in parallel to data entry since they can be sure that they are processing the first cases from the first boxes from the RO's and SWA's ?
All the BEC needs to ensure is that all boxes have been received from SWAs and RO and that they are opening the earliest case boxes first ?

This is what worries me, when great pains were taken to ship boxes in date order, why then are the BEC folks not opening them in date order, to facilitate a true FIFO ? They seem to be opening boxes in a random order altogether.
Folks from 2001 are yet to see any movement at all while 2003 and 2004 PDs have generated movement...

Thanks for your reply to my earlier post, and thanks in advance for your reply to this post too.

I'd like to re-iterate the concerns expressed by "misunderstood". Anyone who has insight into this, kindly respond
lc4gc said:
how many cases in front of you waiting for the responses in Dallas Region?
(Sources from FLCDATA center)

year Month(RD) TR Cases RIR Cases
2001 1 34 6
2001 2 17 3
2001 3 13 9
2001 4 29 8
2001 5 19 3
2001 6 46 9
2001 7 114 10
2001 8 36 31
2001 9 31 13
2001 10 36 10
2001 11 32 8
2001 12 5 13
2002 1 18 31
2002 2 10 16
2002 3 14 13
2002 4 17 39
2002 5 50 22
2002 6 47 41
2002 7 60 48
2002 8 64 102
2002 9 59 146
2002 10 43 87
2002 11 32 135
2002 12 31 136
2003 1 23 326
2003 2 27 329
2003 3 165 311
2003 4 39 357
2003 5 31 380
2003 6 55 287
2003 7 73 377
2003 8 26 316
2003 9 81 406
2003 10 95 391
2003 11 51 202

I assume these are Dallas applicants in the Dallas Regional office?!
BEC and PERM - help

well, i am late into these postings and was looking at many posting and kind of lost what is happening. can some one put some light on. i did file for maryland state labor certification in may 2002 and forward to Philadelphia in feb 2004. now i am wondering what happens next. and more over my 7th year starts in MAY 2005. i need some help to understand what is going on.
My case from Denver - SWA has been transferred to Dallas - BEC. No clue when they'll start sending the 45 day letter. Anyone in the same boat or has any info on State labor cases...pl share.
PD - Mar -02 - Reg - Denver - SWA
I got the letter

Hi, guys!

Both my employer and lawyer received the BEC letter.

PD: July 2001, Oklahoma
RD: May 2003, Dallas

Meanwhile, I have a question. If my LC got approved now, can I file I-140/I485 concurrently? I saw on some websites saying that EB3 can't file those two concurrently due to the I-485 retrogression, but my PD is before 1/1/2002. Thank you for your reply!
Yes you can because your PD is before 1/1/2002. Good 4 U.
dawnbell said:
If my LC got approved now, can I file I-140/I485 concurrently? I saw on some websites saying that EB3 can't file those two concurrently due to the I-485 retrogression, but my PD is before 1/1/2002. Thank you for your reply!
misunderstood said:
Icarus, If the processing will go ahead case by case, and not when all 300K applications have been received, will that not derail the FIFO process ? Especially since those with PDs from 2003 are already getting the 45 day letter and are sending back the responses and those from 2001 are yet to see anything at all....

Are we not to expect any LC approvals from BECs for another 14 months from now....

Since the boxes from all states and ROs are being shipped in date order per the local SWA receipt date (PD), can the BECs not start the Case analysis phase in parallel to data entry since they can be sure that they are processing the first cases from the first boxes from the RO's and SWA's ?
All the BEC needs to ensure is that all boxes have been received from SWAs and RO and that they are opening the earliest case boxes first ?

This is what worries me, when great pains were taken to ship boxes in date order, why then are the BEC folks not opening them in date order, to facilitate a true FIFO ? They seem to be opening boxes in a random order altogether.
Folks from 2001 are yet to see any movement at all while 2003 and 2004 PDs have generated movement...

Thanks for your reply to my earlier post, and thanks in advance for your reply to this post too.
Unfortunately, letter generation was initiated based upon the data entry that had been accomplished at that time. Although admittedly tortuous in it's logic, the plan is to establish analysis queue's of bona fide applications that the employer is still interested in pursuing. Once that queue has been initiated, as responses are received and logged with any corrections, they will assume their FIFO(by LO date) place within the queue and will be processed from that point in order. As an analyst finishes a case and opens the processing screen for the next case, the system will automatically select the next case by earliest LO date, etc.
Although ideal, maintaining the RO or SWA file order by LO date loses its integrity when combined with files from 3+ regions and potentially half of the state offices. Suddenly, files that were shipped with yours, where you're number 2250, are combined with 15,000 other files with LO dates all within the last 5 years, and suddenly you may find yourself number 7500 within a couple of weeks. That is where the rub comes in trying to follow a process that is logical, fair and also doesn't penalize applicants that are only following the rules. Unfortunately, this may all be moot as time progresses...someone might come up with something better, but right now that's what we're working with.
We are doomed..

01/11/2005: Report from Chicago: Status of Backlog Reduction Work and Anticipated Processing Times

The Backlog Processing Centers (BPC) must complete several stages of activities before they can adjudicate any cases. The first step is to receive the backlog cases from the former Regions and SWAs in 50 states. The second step is to perform data entry and development of national database system for establishment of national "queue" for Traditional Cases and RIR pursuant to the policy of processing of First In First Out (FIFO) order. Once the development of national database system is completed, they will be ready to adjudicate the backlog applications. At this time, the BPCs are at the stage of receiving shipments from the states and the Regions. As soon as they receive the shipments, the contractors start making data entry to the national database.
The shipments are undertaken per the DOL Transitional Guidelines (TG). Those cases which were received before 01/01/2002 were scheduled to be shipped to the BPC by 12/31/2004 and remaining cases are scheduled to be shipped to the BPC by March 31, 2005. The shipments include only "unopened" cases. For the opened cases, the DOL has sent out instructions to the SWAs to complete the entire opened backlog cases by 03/31/2005.
The first shipment was made from San Francisco Region. Total 20,000 oldest cases. 10,000 cases were shipped to the Dallas BPC and 10,000 cases were shipped to the Philadelphia BPC. These cases have been data-entried and part of the inquiry letters have been sent out to the employers and their attorneys. The BPCs have also received 24,000 cases from 17 states as of the end of the year, and expects to receive altogether 100,000 within January 2005.
As for the backlog cases in the Regional Offices, total is tallied at 55,000 nationwide. These cases need to establish the national queue for FIFO processing.
The backlog reduction cases are handled by the two BPCs and the two satellite centers in San Francisco Regional Office and the Boston-New York Regional Office. These two Regional Offices cannot actively perform the backlog reduction work because they are not hooked upto the national database system. They are scheduled to be hooked upto the national database system along the way. These satellite centers will participate in the backlog reduction work for one year and will be phased out.
The timing of actual adjudication of cases will depend on two factors: One is the volume of conversion cases after the launch of PERM program on 03/28/2005. The larger the conversions are in number, the smaller the total numbers for the BPC will end up. The second factor is the timing of completion of shipment and data entry. DOL anticipates that it is not going to be for a while that the BPCs actually adjudicate and decide any cases. The entire backlog cases are predicted to be removed not in 24 months but from 24 month to 30 months from 03/28/2005. People should keep patience.
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Thanks Icarus

Thanks much for your valuable insight. Two quick questions. Sorry if they were answered before.

1) Do RIR and regular goes into same FIFO queues or will they be under seperate queues? Also will applications from Regional office have any higher precedence than the state level? or will it be FIFO based on Priority Date.

2) Did Dallas recieve any Applications from Chicago Regional office yet?

Thanks again.

Icarus said:
Unfortunately, letter generation was initiated based upon the data entry that had been accomplished at that time. Although admittedly tortuous in it's logic, the plan is to establish analysis queue's of bona fide applications that the employer is still interested in pursuing. Once that queue has been initiated, as responses are received and logged with any corrections, they will assume their FIFO(by LO date) place within the queue and will be processed from that point in order. As an analyst finishes a case and opens the processing screen for the next case, the system will automatically select the next case by earliest LO date, etc.
Although ideal, maintaining the RO or SWA file order by LO date loses its integrity when combined with files from 3+ regions and potentially half of the state offices. Suddenly, files that were shipped with yours, where you're number 2250, are combined with 15,000 other files with LO dates all within the last 5 years, and suddenly you may find yourself number 7500 within a couple of weeks. That is where the rub comes in trying to follow a process that is logical, fair and also doesn't penalize applicants that are only following the rules. Unfortunately, this may all be moot as time progresses...someone might come up with something better, but right now that's what we're working with.
I am new

Hi Icarus,

what is LO date?

PD(state): jan 2004, NewMexico
RD(regional office Dallas): may 2004, Dallas
BEC : Letter Dec 15 2004

what is my LO date?

Appreciate all your information!!!!
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h1b2ndterm said:
Thanks much for your valuable insight. Two quick questions. Sorry if they were answered before.

1) Do RIR and regular goes into same FIFO queues or will they be under seperate queues? They will be processed out of seperate queues Also will applications from Regional office have any higher precedence than the state level? or will it be FIFO based on Priority Date. In theory, cases at the regional level have been in the system longer and will have an earlier priority date. Although, at some point, overlap may occur and some state cases may have earlier dates.

2) Did Dallas recieve any Applications from Chicago Regional office yet?
Chicago Regional cases have been received by the Dallas BEC, and are going through inventory and data entry at the present time.

Thanks again.
LC approval

It seems like people are starting to get the letter, which is a good sign. Why all of sudden, people sound negative again about LC approval? Can't we expect to see approvals soon? My colleague told me (our cases are both filed in Dallas DOL) that his friend in CA has got his LC approved from Philly two weeks after he responded the letter. When can we see any light out of Dallas BEC, anybody?
lfgc said:
My case from Denver - SWA has been transferred to Dallas - BEC. No clue when they'll start sending the 45 day letter. Anyone in the same boat or has any info on State labor cases...pl share.
PD - Mar -02 - Reg - Denver - SWA
Although some CO cases have been received that had risen to the Regional level, no shipments have been sent to the BEC as of yet from Denver. Per the DOL, the state has until 3/31/05 to forward backlogged cases at the state level to the BEC.
mnhrdc said:

My attorney states for SFO RIR cases "Applications with regional office dates of July 2003 to September 2004 are being sent to the backlog processing center"

But we see quite a few of SFO CA RD cases with dates May and June 2003 also have recieved BEC45 day letter.

Coul you throw some info why there is a delay for SFO May and June 2003 cases .

I wish My attorney is wrong and we have to wait only a couple of weeks/months to recieve Bec letter.

Thanks in advance.
Any delay of particular months' cases having letters sent out is unintentional and purely coincidental. Although apparently random, all cases were distributed among data entry personnel to be entered and to have letters generated. Your letter should arrive within the next few weeks.
Can someone please shed light on when I can expect letter from BEC... :confused: :confused: :rolleyes:

My Details:-
LC Applied from Arkansas
PD:- 10/2001 Arkansas
RD:- 01/2003 Dallas..


Hi Icarus,

First of all I'd like to thank you for all ur info that u're giving us I thinks its a real help and really appreciate it.

Everyone is infromed from Chicago Regional that our cases have been transfered to Dallas Bec. When calling Dallas Bec they hae an automated system infroming us not to check status for 90 days after replying to 45 day letter, so 45 days+ 90 days + 30 for data entry, mailing time= 165 days. Which is 5 1/2 months before we know anything. Approvals is a question on everyone's mind. I'll appeciate if you could give us some insights as to when we can start expecting approvals? will be in a expedited manner or will there be another Backlog ( god forbid that happens) just like the failure of current regional offices?

Further, will they start adjudication of cases once they get 45 day letter reply or will they just start once they recive replies to all the backlogged cased from all regionl levels and state level cases?

sorry if I've asked some questions which have already been posted, appreciate ur patience.

Thanks once again
Icarus said:
Unfortunately, letter generation was initiated based upon the data entry that had been accomplished at that time. Although admittedly tortuous in it's logic, the plan is to establish analysis queue's of bona fide applications that the employer is still interested in pursuing. Once that queue has been initiated, as responses are received and logged with any corrections, they will assume their FIFO(by LO date) place within the queue and will be processed from that point in order. As an analyst finishes a case and opens the processing screen for the next case, the system will automatically select the next case by earliest LO date, etc.
Although ideal, maintaining the RO or SWA file order by LO date loses its integrity when combined with files from 3+ regions and potentially half of the state offices. Suddenly, files that were shipped with yours, where you're number 2250, are combined with 15,000 other files with LO dates all within the last 5 years, and suddenly you may find yourself number 7500 within a couple of weeks. That is where the rub comes in trying to follow a process that is logical, fair and also doesn't penalize applicants that are only following the rules. Unfortunately, this may all be moot as time progresses...someone might come up with something better, but right now that's what we're working with.
Icarus, did I mention "chaos" before? And I also suggested we had to wait until the last cases to be entered before any cases could be certified. I wish I was wrong.
charlesmighty said:
Hi Icarus,

First of all I'd like to thank you for all ur info that u're giving us I thinks its a real help and really appreciate it.

Everyone is infromed from Chicago Regional that our cases have been transfered to Dallas Bec. When calling Dallas Bec they hae an automated system infroming us not to check status for 90 days after replying to 45 day letter, so 45 days+ 90 days + 30 for data entry, mailing time= 165 days. Which is 5 1/2 months before we know anything. Approvals is a question on everyone's mind. I'll appeciate if you could give us some insights as to when we can start expecting approvals? will be in a expedited manner or will there be another Backlog ( god forbid that happens) just like the failure of current regional offices?

Further, will they start adjudication of cases once they get 45 day letter reply or will they just start once they recive replies to all the backlogged cased from all regionl levels and state level cases?

sorry if I've asked some questions which have already been posted, appreciate ur patience.

Thanks once again
Since you are from Chicago Regional, you probably have no idea what happened to Philly and Dallas Regionals. People under those two offices have been waiting since last Jan. And, most have not received the letters yet.
BEC Dalas

I called Chicago dol , Was told , my file is sent to Dalas.


Chicago date :- Oct 6 2004

Michigan date :- july 2003

How much time in Dalas, any clue ?
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