Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Have they started to process the files? It looks like some people whose RD in SF is latest in June,July got approved from BEC. Anyone know how the transfer was done. Whether the LO date depends on the RD in SF serial,etc., How they do the process in BEC. If it FIFO then how June,July files are approved now?

Icarus said:
I can only imagine the frustration compounded by so many different storys, theorys and opinions. I do know that delays, real or imagined, are not deliberate-at least at the case processing level. Can't speak for DOL policy or political/bureaucratic point of view.
Callers to the BEC are indeed being advised to contact their sponsor/employer or to their designated agent/attorney as those two parties are the only ones currently authorized to inquire as to case status. Although BEC's have been in existence since late August, the process of physically inventorying and transferring cases, re-entering the information in a new database, and working out software shortcomings in order to maintain case file integrity and produce a notification/45-day letter that isn't gibberish has been our first priority.
Other than data entry, actual "processing" of files, i.e. case analysis and certification has not yet occurred. This will not happen until responses to the confirmation/45-day letters begin to come back. As stated before in other forum posts, it is at this time that cases are prioritized by Local Office received date and queued for analysis by RIR or TR.
Have they started to process the files? It looks like some people whose RD in SF is latest in June,July got approved from BEC. Anyone know how the transfer was done. Whether the LO date depends on the RD in SF serial,etc., How they do the process in BEC. If it FIFO then how June,July files are approved now?

At this point, files have been inventoried, and originally entered into the initial data entry system (CAPS). BEC converted the data entered prior to Nov. 7th into the DOL's data entry system (PBLS) and any subsequent data entry of files has been into the new system. In mid-October, 20,000 cases at the RO in S.F. were transferred to the BEC's, half to Dallas and half to Philadelphia. Beginning 11/22, the converted files-both Dallas RO files entered from early October until 11/7 as well as any S.F. RO files entered through 11/22 have continued to be entered into PBLS. At this time, no preference is being made to any previous priority dates as the emphasis has been on getting the files into PBLS to facilitate continued processing of the cases after responses have been received to the confirmation/45-day letters. These letters are being queued until the files converted from CAPS to PBLS have been checked for data entry accuracy stemming from the conversion. When that process has been completed, letters will begin to print in batches and mailed out to the appropriate parties (employer/agents). Once responses begin to return to the BEC, at that time, they will be prioritized by Local Office received date, irregardless of the file's source RO. Analysts will then process files, whether RIR or TR, and decisions will be made using that analysis by a Certifying Officer whether the case is to be approved or denied. In this light, any information suggesting that the BEC has begun to process cases beyond data entry and case file verification would seem to be premature and erroneous.
Labor Cert Processing in the Dallas office

Hey guys,

I am new to this website. Can one of you please tell me what the state of Labor cert applications from Dallas are? My application moved to the DOL in May 2003. The labor processing dates on their website (for Dallas office) has not moved from the Jan 2003 date which has been there for a while now. Should we already be getting the initial letters from the BEC's? I am kinda lost and figured i will post my question before i dug up some more info.
Any help is appreciated.

called Dallas BEC,no result

BEC in Dallas wouldn’t give any info and transfer your phone call to a recorded message: They are still transferring to the new system. We still have to wait for letter and new ID number.
allaboutgc said:
Just talk to a lady live through the number 214-237-9111!

I encourage you all to call. Just say that you are the emplyer (HR).

Did you get answer! Is your file in Dallas BEC. Which is your original filing center. Is it SF. Are you from AZ! Sorry for asking too many questions. :confused:
Thanks in advance
Srihar said:
Did you get answer! Is your file in Dallas BEC. Which is your original filing center. Is it SF. Are you from AZ! Sorry for asking too many questions. :confused:
Thanks in advance


Just for Information, AZ cases are still in SF DOL.. Only California Cases (RIR: May '03 Onwards, Non RIR: Oct '03 Onwards) have been moved to BEC.
gp111 said:

Just for Information, AZ cases are still in SF DOL.. Only California Cases (RIR: May '03 Onwards, Non RIR: Oct '03 Onwards) have been moved to BEC.

Thanks gp111. Good news. :)
One more question. I noticed in this website

stating some months as March 2003 and April 2004 for RIR. Does it mean March 2003 they process for CA and April 2004 for other states including AZ. Why I am asking this is because my SF DOL RD is 05/24/2004.
Thanks in advance
Srihar said:
Thanks gp111. Good news. :)
One more question. I noticed in this website

stating some months as March 2003 and April 2004 for RIR. Does it mean March 2003 they process for CA and April 2004 for other states including AZ. Why I am asking this is because my SF DOL RD is 05/24/2004.
Thanks in advance

Yes that is true.. They are processing April 2004 RIR application for all other states then California.. Check the Seattle Thread for the latest approvals of Non California Cases.
gp111 said:
Yes that is true.. They are processing April 2004 RIR application for all other states then California.. Check the Seattle Thread for the latest approvals of Non California Cases.

Thanks for the good news gp111 :)
Please put some more light on your information. Do you have any information on DOL Dallas Regional March 2004 cases. Where these cases are being processed .

gp111 said:
Yes that is true.. They are processing April 2004 RIR application for all other states then California.. Check the Seattle Thread for the latest approvals of Non California Cases.
billofempire said:
Please put some more light on your information. Do you have any information on DOL Dallas Regional March 2004 cases. Where these cases are being processed .

Sorry for Confusion.. I was responding to Srihar who asked about SF DOL Cases.. & I ment to say that in SF DOL they are processing March 2003 cases for California & other states Apr-04... I Do not have Info for Dallas DOL
gp111 said:
Sorry for Confusion.. I was responding to Srihar who asked about SF DOL Cases.. & I ment to say that in SF DOL they are processing March 2003 cases for California & other states Apr-04... I Do not have Info for Dallas DOL

Hi gp111

My case number in the letter, which I received from SF DOL, shows a reference number as P2004-AZ-09583393 in the left side corner of the letter. But in the body of the letter it shows P2004-CA-09583393 to provide information when we call the auto voice message in SF DOL. So does it show like this to every one. How should I treat this! i.e., as AZ case or CA case. But my state labor has been filed in AZ only and moved to SF DOL.
Please help me. Thanks in advance :confused:
Srihar said:
Hi gp111

My case number in the letter, which I received from SF DOL, shows a reference number as P2004-AZ-09583393 in the left side corner of the letter. But in the body of the letter it shows P2004-CA-09583393 to provide information when we call the auto voice message in SF DOL. So does it show like this to every one. How should I treat this! i.e., as AZ case or CA case. But my state labor has been filed in AZ only and moved to SF DOL.
Please help me. Thanks in advance :confused:

Yours is AZ case..
allaboutgc said:
Just talk to a lady live through the number 214-237-9111!

I encourage you all to call. Just say that you are the emplyer (HR).
You do realize what you are suggesting is highly illegal. Please do not recommend illegal actions on this forum. This kind of misrepresentation is felonious and could get you in jail and out of the country very quickly.
I did NOT misrepresent myself. I told the lady that I am the employee or the worker. The lady said that she could only talk to employer or lawyer. But she is also kind enough to pass me some general information.
Dallas and SF together!

I've been a silent observer so far - but now the confusion has gotten to me -have to write to get rid of confusion! Kindly help gp111/icarus

Mine is a CA case with LO receipt (PD) 6/02 and RO receipt (RD) 05/15/03. I'm assuming my case is in one of ther BECs and I'm obviously expecting a letter to my attorney/employer.

Since the Dallas DOL date is Jan 2003, are both Dallas and SF cases (forwarded to BEC) handled at the same time by the same set of people? If yes, how are the cases being prioritized?!

There was a posting by icarus that the prioritization is by LO receipt (PD) - How is that gonna work? - I mean would now all cases starting RD of Feb'03 for Dallas and RD of May'03 for SF now be re-organized on PDs?? In that case, do we have any info on the earliest PD date/month that's remaining to be certified??

Appreciate your help
nother1inline said:
I've been a silent observer so far - but now the confusion has gotten to me -have to write to get rid of confusion! Kindly help gp111/icarus

Mine is a CA case with LO receipt (PD) 6/02 and RO receipt (RD) 05/15/03. I'm assuming my case is in one of ther BECs and I'm obviously expecting a letter to my attorney/employer.

Since the Dallas DOL date is Jan 2003, are both Dallas and SF cases (forwarded to BEC) handled at the same time by the same set of people? If yes, how are the cases being prioritized?!

There was a posting by icarus that the prioritization is by LO receipt (PD) - How is that gonna work? - I mean would now all cases starting RD of Feb'03 for Dallas and RD of May'03 for SF now be re-organized on PDs?? In that case, do we have any info on the earliest PD date/month that's remaining to be certified??

Appreciate your help
Once data entry has been completed and letters have been sent, cases will be prioritized for analysis and certification by the L.O. date, irregardless of the source. As of Friday, 12/3/04, no letters had been generated, unfortunately. To address your question of processing, all cases are being worked by the same individuals, whether coming from Dallas, S.F. or elsewhere.
Icarus said:
Once data entry has been completed and letters have been sent, cases will be prioritized for analysis and certification by the L.O. date, irregardless of the source. As of Friday, 12/3/04, no letters had been generated, unfortunately. To address your question of processing, all cases are being worked by the same individuals, whether coming from Dallas, S.F. or elsewhere.
Hi Icarus,
I think still we do not know how will they sink up the date between the two BECs - like one may processing little earlier than the other.
sarathynp said:
Hi Icarus,
I think still we do not know how will they sink up the date between the two BECs - like one may processing little earlier than the other.
To the best of my knowledge, each BEC will progress independently. Obviously, this isn't an exact science, but considerable effort is input in determining the case distribution so that L.O. date progression is equitable between the BEC's.