Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


ypg12242003 said:
Hi garuda75,

I believe your case has been certified! ;-) Please let us know your STATE, and when you received and responded to the 45-day letter. My PD is close to yours. Thanks!

Why should we be informing State when the case is certified. Could you elaborate? I have never received 45-day letter for my case.
garuda75 said:
Why should we be informing State when the case is certified. Could you elaborate? I have never received 45-day letter for my case.

he is just asking if you could let us know which state u filed your application from.
Follow the instruction on this website. Good luck!

Infinite_gc said:

I checked the status of my Labor Petition online and the status is 'CLOSED'.
Can anyone please advise me what is the best method to get it re-opened?
3 months ago when I got the screen shot the status was 'Data Review' and we got no information from the BEC about the closure of this case. My attorney says that we should wait to receive the information from BEC about the closure of this case and then submit request to re-open the case. But I am not even sure if the BEC will ever inform us about the case closure.


PERM conversion approved

Pegasus503 said:

Should we refile under PERM for a pending labor certification application?

PERM permits employers to “refile” pending cases under the new PERM regulations. Refiling will preserve the original filing date and will be processed faster than many cases in the Backlog Elimination Centers. However, the DOL requires that the two applications be “identical.” If the DOL determines that the 2 applications are not identical, the pending labor certification application will be withdrawn without preserving the original filing date. The DOL expects to clarify the definition of “identical” later in 2005.

Where an employee is relying on the original filing date to establish “7th year H” eligibility, it may be inadvisable to refile. In addition, if the labor certification application was filed for a job requiring only a bachelor’s degree, the EB-3 immigrant visa category backlog is another reason to avoid refiling. Currently, individuals in the EB-3 category (bachelor’s degree holders, skilled and unskilled workers) may not file immediately for their adjustments or immigrant visa applications (the final steps toward permanent residence), even after their labor certifications are approved. They must wait until visa numbers become available for their original filing date, also known as the “priority date.” Those with later priority dates cannot yet file for permanent residence because of backlogs in the EB-3 immigrant visa category.

Can we file PERM and also keep the pending labor certification application?

The DOL has declined on several occasions to answer whether this is permissible. PERM regulations do not prohibit having two filings pending simultaneously. However, the DOL’s main priority is efficiency. Accordingly, DOL has discouraged dual pending filings.

The company lawyer notified me that my PERM conversion case had been approved this week. I submitted the conversion application on 7/25/06. It took about 6 weeks to get approved.

I did not confirm if my priority date was kept. But my pending case in Dallas backlog center was withdraw already.

EB2/IL/Nov.15, 2002/never reach region level/TR

I received an email from lawyer
Is it my time, finally?

I am not sure, if its really an authentic status. Yesterday it was showing "In process". This morning it said "Certified"
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Labor Certified

I have been a slient reader of this great forum. Just wanted to share with you that my EB2 labor has been certified.

PD: 01/05
Case # D-05198-0XXXX
45 DL Replied: 07/06
Certified: 09/06

jhegde said:
I am not sure, if its really an authentic status. Yesterday it was showing "In process". This morning it said "Certified"

jhegde, Congratulations. The website is accurate as far as I know. Mine showed Certified on Monday and received the letter from DBEC on Tuesday. See you at I140 forum.

Who got your approval letter (employer / lawyer / you).

Kupondole said:
jhegde, Congratulations. The website is accurate as far as I know. Mine showed Certified on Monday and received the letter from DBEC on Tuesday. See you at I140 forum.

jcgc said:
Who got your approval letter (employer / lawyer / you).

My Employer and the Attorney. I did not get my copy as I had moved since the application. It probably was not forwarded for some reason.


Thanks Kupondole.

Kupondole said:
jhegde, Congratulations. The website is accurate as far as I know. Mine showed Certified on Monday and received the letter from DBEC on Tuesday. See you at I140 forum.


Thanks Kupondole. I hope its accurate. Stress is relieved to some extent now. Congratulations to you also. See you at I-140 forum.
Some ideas to check DBEC process

since DBEC already have on line check in place, we can use it to check
how fast they go.

1) We need choose 100 members in different years,category(RIR/TR) and state.
2) Ask each members check 10 active case number,status near him each month.

if we have 100 member join the surey, we can check 100*10=1000 case,
it will tell us the whole picture how fast DBEC process.
jhegde said:
I am not sure, if its really an authentic status. Yesterday it was showing "In process". This morning it said "Certified"
How long does it take to change from "In Process" to "Certified"?
How long it took from INPROCESS to CERTIFIED


Can anyone please let me know how many days approximately it has took from the status "INPROCESS" to "CERTIFIED".

murthy newslestter: Nothing that we don't already know

1. BPCs Update on Labor Certification : September 2006

We at the Murthy Law Firm continue to track our labor certification case approvals for those cases pending at the U.S. Department of Labor's Backlog Processing Centers (BPCs). Our most recent report was made in our August 11, 2006 MurthyBulletin article, BPCs Update: July 2006 available on MurthyDotCom. Our optimistic anticipation that the pace of approvals would increase following the deadline for issuance of the 45-day letters has been dampened as the volume of decisions continues to be fairly modest and sporadic. There has been slow movement, particularly, in the last half of August and in early September 2006.

Philadelphia BPC

High Rate of Cases from Virginia : We continue to receive a high proportion of our case approvals from those originally filed in Virginia. Virginia cases are processed by the Philadelphia BPC. As avid readers of MurthyDotCom are aware, our practice at the Murthy Law Firm is national in scope, so this is not simply a reflection of our client demographic. The priority dates for these cases were primarily in early 2003.

New York Approvals Continue : We received our early approvals for New York cases in June 2006. We have continued to receive New York approvals in August and September 2006. The priority dates for the cases approved in August and September were all in mid 2003.

Other Case Approvals from MD and DE : In addition to the Virginia and New York cases, we received approvals from the Philadelphia BPC that originated in two other states; Maryland and Delaware. These cases had priority dates in early to mid 2003.

Dallas BPC

CA and NJ Approvals : The Murthy Law Firm received a smaller number of approvals from the Dallas BPC than from the Philadelphia BPC. The approvals we did receive originated from California and New Jersey. These cases had priority dates ranging from mid 2004 to March 2005. The March 2005 case is the latest priority date that we have seen approved from the BPCs. That particular case was filed a few days before the PERM program began. There are many such cases, filed in mid to late March 2005, due to the initial uncertainty of the PERM process.


We are happy to share this information with MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers. It may serve as a gauge in the movement of your own case, though it is difficult to judge with the limited information and the slow approvals so far from the BPCs.
despoeadstage said:

Can anyone please let me know how many days approximately it has took from the status "INPROCESS" to "CERTIFIED".


Based on the posts I have seen here:
2 months to 2 years :rolleyes:
Time took from In-process to Certified

leecs said:
How long does it take to change from "In Process" to "Certified"?

When my Manager called 202 number some time in July, we were informed that my case was assigned to analyst for final review on 6/16. I beleive final review is In process. If that's right, it took 3 months to get Certified status.
IN PROCESS Defintion

IN PROCESS = Waiting in Queue + Analyst Review + Final Review. So it is very hard to say anything at all with IN PROCESS.

From my understanding, Final review is hardly a week away from certification.
You are right. If we look at the poll thread, about 84% people are 'In Process'.

desolate said:
IN PROCESS = Waiting in Queue + Analyst Review + Final Review. So it is very hard to say anything at all with IN PROCESS.

From my understanding, Final review is hardly a week away from certification.