Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hanging in there

Am expecting LC certified any day now given other folks experience.

State: CA
PD: 05/15/2004
ETA#: D-05195-xxxxx
45DL Revd: 07/12/2006
45DL Rpld: 07/14/2006
Online Status: InProcess
Is Online Labor Status Web Site Genuine?

I have checked my status on the http://www.pbls.doleta.gov/pbls_pds.cfm site.

The status is as "Closed" on September 11 2006.

I have received the 45 days letter in March 2005 and replied back in March 2005, after that I got my 7th year extension on the 45 days letters base in Sept 2005.

I had talk with my company, they wrote e-mail to DBEC on September 12, 2006. We got the response from DBEC with scrren shot on September 13, 2006 and as per the screen shot the status is Data Review.

I don't know why if everybody got the genuine status from this site, and I have the conflicts for my case.

The status is still as "Closed on site.

Do I still need to inquire the status with some different way? Please need your help.

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I see a date marked "Assigned to Analyst" in your signature. How did you know what date your case was assigned to an analyst?

jhegde said:
I am not sure, if its really an authentic status. Yesterday it was showing "In process". This morning it said "Certified"
www.pbls.doleta.gov/pbls_pds.cfm: "Status closed"


I am in the same boat.
The mentioned URL shows same status "CLOSED" for my case.

I received my 45-day letter on June 13,2006 and
replied back on June 30,2006.

I talked to my company about this situation and thy sent the "REOPEN REQUEST" to Dallas Backlog Center on September 15,2006.

(Note: there were few cases with me and 45-day reply letter sent in same package, others status are "IN PROGRESS" except me, which is closed.

Good Luck, GC_greatcard.
(I assume once your case is opened, status should be In PROGRESS)


Priority Date: 3/25/2005
45 Day Letter : 06/13/2006
ETA CAse Number : D-05201-XXXXX
Type : RIR
State : Arkansas.
Case Closed Letter from DBEC: So far not received
E-mail sent requesting reopening : 9/15/2006

GC_GreatCard said:
I have checked my status on the http://www.pbls.doleta.gov/pbls_pds.cfm site.

The status is as "Closed" on September 11 2006.

I have received the 45 days letter in March 2005 and replied back in March 2005, after that I got my 7th year extension on the 45 days letters base in Sept 2005.

I had talk with my company, they wrote e-mail to DBEC on September 12, 2006. We got the response from DBEC with scrren shot on September 13, 2006 and as per the screen shot the status is Data Review.

I don't know why if everybody got the genuine status from this site, and I have the conflicts for my case.

The status is still as "Closed on site.

Do I still need to inquire the status with some different way? Please need your help.

Online status Closed

I am also in the same boat. I received 45 day letter around mid July and replied back within 10 days. Now the status shows 'Closed'. I asked my attorney to request to reopen the case. My PD is August 2004 and EB2/CA/non-RIR


deeptrouble said:

I am in the same boat.
The mentioned URL shows same status "CLOSED" for my case.

I received my 45-day letter on June 13,2006 and
replied back on June 30,2006.

I talked to my company about this situation and thy sent the "REOPEN REQUEST" to Dallas Backlog Center on September 15,2006.

(Note: there were few cases with me and 45-day reply letter sent in same package, others status are "IN PROGRESS" except me, which is closed.

Good Luck, GC_greatcard.
(I assume once your case is opened, status should be In PROGRESS)


Priority Date: 3/25/2005
45 Day Letter : 06/13/2006
ETA CAse Number : D-05201-XXXXX
Type : RIR
State : Arkansas.
Case Closed Letter from DBEC: So far not received
E-mail sent requesting reopening : 9/15/2006
Assigned to Analyst

CA_Man_In_Labor said:
I see a date marked "Assigned to Analyst" in your signature. How did you know what date your case was assigned to an analyst?
When we called 202 number the guy informed us, all the history on my case. He said it's been assigned to an analyst for final review
Nice idea.

PD : 04/2003
45-days response : 05/206
LC : In Progress

stuck_gc said:
since DBEC already have on line check in place, we can use it to check
how fast they go.

1) We need choose 100 members in different years,category(RIR/TR) and state.
2) Ask each members check 10 active case number,status near him each month.

if we have 100 member join the surey, we can check 100*10=1000 case,
it will tell us the whole picture how fast DBEC process.
My prediction is BPCs are processing the cases in LIFO order. I don't see any cases, which were filed in 2002, certified. It looks like those cases will be certified at the end of processing. But I am very optimistic and checking my status everyday. That's what I can only do.

Thanks for sharing the info. We are looking forward to see your news letter at least once in a month.

Days_go_by said:
1. BPCs Update on Labor Certification : September 2006

We at the Murthy Law Firm continue to track our labor certification case approvals for those cases pending at the U.S. Department of Labor's Backlog Processing Centers (BPCs). Our most recent report was made in our August 11, 2006 MurthyBulletin article, BPCs Update: July 2006 available on MurthyDotCom. Our optimistic anticipation that the pace of approvals would increase following the deadline for issuance of the 45-day letters has been dampened as the volume of decisions continues to be fairly modest and sporadic. There has been slow movement, particularly, in the last half of August and in early September 2006.

Philadelphia BPC

High Rate of Cases from Virginia : We continue to receive a high proportion of our case approvals from those originally filed in Virginia. Virginia cases are processed by the Philadelphia BPC. As avid readers of MurthyDotCom are aware, our practice at the Murthy Law Firm is national in scope, so this is not simply a reflection of our client demographic. The priority dates for these cases were primarily in early 2003.

New York Approvals Continue : We received our early approvals for New York cases in June 2006. We have continued to receive New York approvals in August and September 2006. The priority dates for the cases approved in August and September were all in mid 2003.

Other Case Approvals from MD and DE : In addition to the Virginia and New York cases, we received approvals from the Philadelphia BPC that originated in two other states; Maryland and Delaware. These cases had priority dates in early to mid 2003.

Dallas BPC

CA and NJ Approvals : The Murthy Law Firm received a smaller number of approvals from the Dallas BPC than from the Philadelphia BPC. The approvals we did receive originated from California and New Jersey. These cases had priority dates ranging from mid 2004 to March 2005. The March 2005 case is the latest priority date that we have seen approved from the BPCs. That particular case was filed a few days before the PERM program began. There are many such cases, filed in mid to late March 2005, due to the initial uncertainty of the PERM process.


We are happy to share this information with MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers. It may serve as a gauge in the movement of your own case, though it is difficult to judge with the limited information and the slow approvals so far from the BPCs.
Need advise


Currently my family and me don’t have valid US visas. I recently got 7th year extension. If we go out of US we will have to apply and get it stamped.

1. My family plans to visit home. I am not planning to go. Do you think they will have any issues getting the US. My attorney said that the embassy would not issue them H4 visa if I don’t also apply for H1.

2. I hope to get my LC approved in the next few months. Can I apply for the next stage if my family is out of the county?

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

My case status in the online system changed from "In Progress" to "Certified"

Here is my case details

PD: 12/8/04 (EB3 - MI state)
45 day letter RD : July '06
45 day letter repsonde : Aug '06
Case certified on 9/15/06
GPG congrats,
What date in August 45 DL was replied for your case?

Mine was replied on August 29th, still waiting.


GPG said:
My case status in the online system changed from "In Progress" to "Certified"

Here is my case details

PD: 12/8/04 (EB3 - MI state)
45 day letter RD : July '06
45 day letter repsonde : Aug '06
Case certified on 9/15/06
LCA Error

I checked my case on DOL site http://www.pbls.doleta.gov/pbls_pds.cfm site. and it says,

An error occurred when you requested this link.We apologize for the inconvenience and will work to correct the problem please try again Thank you"

My case no.is D-5104-xxxxx
45 days letter replied on April 2005 and do not know wether it is In Progress/closed .
My attorney does not know the status but sends invoices continously .
Please advise .
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kgp said:
GPG congrats,
What date in August 45 DL was replied for your case?

Mine was replied on August 29th, still waiting.


45 day letter was replied on August 11th and my case was approved within a month.
billofempire said:
I put my case number to check the status on DOL site and it says
An error occurred when you requested this link.We apologize for the inconvenience and will work to correct the problem please try again Thank you"

My case no.is D-5104-xxxxx
45 days letter replied on April 2005 and do not know wether it is In Progress/closed .
My attorney does not know the status but sends invoices continously .
Please advise .

Even I saw that problem sometime. Keep trying and you should see the case status. It happend to me few times. May be try to open the link in new broswer if you get an error.

Please let me know how to open new link .I tried several times but same error .
I tried with lower and upper case starting with D but does not help.
Please advise.
billofempire said:
Please let me know how to open new link .I tried several times but same error .
I tried with lower and upper case starting with D but does not help.
Please advise.

Even I am getting that error now. I think they have some bug. It happened to me before, but was able to get the case status after somtime. May be give a try tomorrow.