Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

no-luck said:
Hi Kanjoos

This is not to dispute you, but for sure I know three people from my company MI division got their approvals with Jan 2003 PD, all these guys used the same adds, their details are

PD: 9/JAN/2003
State: MI
RD: MAR/2004
Case moved to DBRC
45 days letter : Some time in Fib 2005
Got approval letters last week
date of approval: 23/Jun/2005
Thanks for the info. So it is approx. taking 5 weeks after approval to receive it by mail. My PD is Dec 2, 2002 from MI--EB3. Waiting to receive the approval by mail. The screenshot showed it certified around July 13.

I don't think any one with out permission is physically allowed near BEC office premises

This question is primarily for the folks living in the Dallas area. Has anyone ever tried personally dropping by the BEC office to find out if they would reveal any information regarding the exact procedure of approving and mailing out the letters?

Good luck to all of us.
I visited Dallas BEC office 2 times....but..

first time, the front desk miss said "no information...only employer and attorney called the number 214-237-9111"....but I said it was automatic voice mail system. then she said "we would not talk with benificiary".

the second time, another front desk lady said the same thing....

they will let you in but.....

the office is located Plaza of America's...very nice working environment.

BEC employee must have code to get into their 4th floor office....

VAMAX said:

I don't think any one with out permission is physically allowed near BEC office premises
Quick Question

Does anyone know if there is intentional delay in approving labor for the PD prior to June, 2002. I heard that it is being done to avoid bottlenecks on 485s that are getting available on October. All comments will be appreciated.

PD: 06/2002
45 Day Letter replied: 05/03/2005
Status as of 07/14/2005: RIR (from the screenshot)
strange ???

According to ICARUS's last posting on 7th July, the analysis queue as reached 12/16, and ram-ram's Certified date around 13th July confirms that the queue is around that time.

But i am surprised how come Jan 2003 cases are certified by June 23 when the queue is at 12/16 on 07/07.

very interesting.... could you please check again on these cases if you are missing anything...

can you ask those guys about the date of Certified...

PD : 02/03

no-luck said:
Hi Kanjoos

This is not to dispute you, but for sure I know three people from my company MI division got their approvals with Jan 2003 PD, all these guys used the same adds, their details are

PD: 9/JAN/2003
State: MI
RD: MAR/2004
Case moved to DBRC
45 days letter : Some time in Fib 2005
Got approval letters last week
date of approval: 23/Jun/2005
Same as u waiting for mail

ram_ram said:
Thanks for the info. So it is approx. taking 5 weeks after approval to receive it by mail. My PD is Dec 2, 2002 from MI--EB3. Waiting to receive the approval by mail. The screenshot showed it certified around July 13.
HI Ram_Ram.
I am also in the same situation ,waiting for the Certified Labor in the mail, got screen shot certified, but no mail yet. pl Do let me know when u receive your hard copy.
lc4gc said:
I visited Dallas BEC office 2 times....but..

first time, the front desk miss said "no information...only employer and attorney called the number 214-237-9111"....but I said it was automatic voice mail system. then she said "we would not talk with benificiary".

the second time, another front desk lady said the same thing....

they will let you in but.....

the office is located Plaza of America's...very nice working environment.

BEC employee must have code to get into their 4th floor office....

I just sent you a private message. Please respond when you get some time.


when did you receive your 45 day letter?
What is your exact PD in Jan? mine is Jan 22 '03

Kanjoos said:

I requested screenshot and they replied to me in 3 hours. Not sure why, it was so fast, but it may be because I work for NY Gov. and I sent mail from my official ID. One more interesting stuff is my screenshot is very clear. I do know few of the members told earlier that, they were unable to see clearly. Seems like they have fixed this problem.

My PD is Jan 2003, and case status is - "RIR" , existence check- "Overridden".

So it looks like, they have not picked my case, hence most likely they have not reached January cases much, barring few that may have randomly got picked.

Note : I have 8th Year extension pending in 4 months.

dsugandhi said:

Just thought of asking you the same question. Do you have any proof from www.dol.gov where it says an employer can not file multiple times for the same person for a different job title?


Unfortunately NO

Their FAQ http://www.ows.doleta.gov/foreign/faqsanswers.asp
gives description only about withdraw of the pending case and filing under new PERM but nothing about simultaneous filing for different positions.

I know that some people did it.

That's why I was interested if it is legal.
Maveric - maybe different analysts are handling different cases at one particular time..someone might have a Jan 03 case in his hand, while the other could have a nov 02 case..and Icarus probably quoted the 'most ahead' case PD

Maveric said:
According to ICARUS's last posting on 7th July, the analysis queue as reached 12/16, and ram-ram's Certified date around 13th July confirms that the queue is around that time.

But i am surprised how come Jan 2003 cases are certified by June 23 when the queue is at 12/16 on 07/07.

very interesting.... could you please check again on these cases if you are missing anything...

can you ask those guys about the date of Certified...

PD : 02/03
my PD is jan2003 too..

To be specific my pd is jan23/jan24 of 2003 and I am waiting too. If either of you guys receive approval pls pm the others.

puhrince said:

when did you receive your 45 day letter?
What is your exact PD in Jan? mine is Jan 22 '03
sfmars said:
Unfortunately NO

Their FAQ http://www.ows.doleta.gov/foreign/faqsanswers.asp
gives description only about withdraw of the pending case and filing under new PERM but nothing about simultaneous filing for different positions.

I know that some people did it.

That's why I was interested if it is legal.


As per my understanding, DOL does not want to see multiple application for the same employee because they get nothing, no fees just more work. That's why they never cleared about more then one filing for the same employee for the same post.

If I am not wrong then, in the old system DOL had allowed to file multiple application for the same employee for the different occupation code.
Would you share the format of your email please. Thanks

frenchdream said:
I sent three emails asked for my screen shot. No reply on July 15, July 20.

but I sent it again on Monday July 25 at noon, got it back in 6 hours. just using my frenchdream @ yahoo email address. but I found out I gave them wrong PD on first 2 emails, so I corrected it and sent it again. this time got it. the status is TR.

I sent out email with my PD,company name, D-14295-***** number, Alien Name.

the result is like this. see my attachment.
MI Case

I was informed by my lawyer that my PD is Jan 17, 2003. But, yesterday when I got screenshot, the PD is Jan 12, 2003. So I think my PD is Jan 12, 2003 and may be lawyer gave me date when he received that my papers have reached.

My 45 Day letter was generated & printed by DBEC on 03/03/2005 & reply sent back on 03/07/2005. The received date of my 45 Day letter by DBEC is 03/11/2005.

puhrince said:

when did you receive your 45 day letter?
What is your exact PD in Jan? mine is Jan 22 '03
Icarus...come Back...


We request you to comeback sir. We need information and seems there is no respite here. Till the time you were telling us timelines, we saw lots of approvals & after you left the forum, we have hardly seen any.

Whatever it is, you bring fortune to us, a breath of fresh air, a dream, a hope, peace and tranquility in our quest for GC.

There are countless members who are waiting for your inputs. Please enlighten us.

GOD be with you and with every one.

send to:h1b7yr@dal.dflc.us
cc to:frenchdream****@yahoo.com
Subject: Please provide proof of the submission to apply for an extension of an H-1B visa

Please provide proof of the submission to apply for an extension of an H-1B visa. Here are the details of my Permanent labor.

case #: D-04295-*****

type: Traditional LC (NON-RIR)

Company Name: ******

Alien Name: First Last

Priority Date: Dec 11,2000


MA001 said:
Would you share the format of your email please. Thanks
I received response the next day. But it was sent to my junk mail box. You may need to check your junk box as well.

RAM4GC said:
TR55 -
When did you send the request for screen print and in how many days you got reply? I sent a request (mine is genuine case, H1B expiring in Oct'05) two weeks back and no reply till now. I have talked to my attorney and he said the '45 day letter' received from BEC can be used as proof for filing 7th year extension. I dont know if this can be done but he might be right and i will go with his word.

Also, i asked him about finding the case staus of my friend (only in H1B 4th year but labor pending for more than a year) whose application is with Dallas BEC and he said its risky and not advisable to send such emails with false information. -- HI PEOPLE, MAKE YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT--


...Not a lawyer, please act accordingly....
your case might have been approved

hhanyu said:
Any good news for PD Nov. 2002, RIR/EB3, CA? Thanks.
Ther are lot of cases with PD10/11/2002 have been approved.Send a mail to DBEC asking for a screen shot.Best of luck.Though one thing is clear DBEC queue is the most confused onem, whoever lucky got their approval.