Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

inque said:

Would appreciate your feedback on this.....

I had applied for LC under RIR and with Masters + 1 yr experience as minimum requirements.
Advertisements were placed based on the LC Requirements. However, only 9 candidates responded to the advertisement and none qualified for the minimum requirements.

Would such a low number of responses to the advertisements lead to an automatic RFE or would my company be asked to advertise again based on few responses ?

In Que
No, as long as the employer in the Recruitment Summary gave valid reasons for the disqualification of the other 9 applicants, it shouldn't be a problem.
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For Icarus Please


My case has a priority Date of 02/03/2004. The case was filed under RIR in CA-SFO. The case has been transfered to BPC. I am yet to receive the 45 days letter.
1) when can I expect the 45 days letter ?
2) when can I expect BPC to certify my case ?

Thank you very much for all the guidance in this forum

CA-SFO PD 02/03/2004
Icarus please


Thanks for providing the valuable information. You are the only hope in this dark labor certification process. Could you provide some prospective regarding the following questions?

1. How many RIR cases in total analyst have reviewed including all the 4 outcomes you have mentioned in the previous post? How many TR cases?

2. You mentioned about 4000 cases reviewed so far seems fall in the outcome 1(good). What is the total number of RIR cases being reviewed each day including all the 4 outcomes?

3. I remember you mentioned each person can review about 10-20 cases each day and only about 4 is recommend for certification. Is this number still correct?

4. According to the current processing speed, do you still think 24-30 months is a reachable goal?

Thank you very much.
Icarus said:
No, as long as the employer in the Recruitment Summary gave valid reasons for the disqualification of the other 9 applicants, it shouldn't be a problem.

Hi Guru


My PD - 05/13/2003
Moved to fed level - 04/29/2004
Moved to Dallas Backlog center

My employer has not received the 45 days letter yet.Can you tentatively say when I can expect some case decision.

( I have some personal plans & Iam waiting for this to happen )
thanks in advance

Any ideas for Chicago DOL processed at Dallas BEC

Hi Gurus,

PD 03/01/2004
WI approved 09/01/2004
Moved to Regional Chicago DOL immediately
Moved to Dallas BEC earlier this year
Employer received 45 Day letter March End 2005 and responded immediately

Dallas BEC tracking # D-05098-XXXXX

Any idea based on experience where I stand ?

Question to Icarus

Hi Icarus,
I wander why wouldn't government do the job you are doing in this forum. Is it so difficult to bring some light to what is happening at BECs ? Or they just do not want to ?

Anyway here is a question that I guess many people would like to know answer to.
How long does it take to complete the data entry after a 45 days letter arrives from employer ? In other words if I responded to the 45 days letter when my case is ready for the analysis ?

Thank you.
Zany_Brainy said:
It is unfair,
Just look at cases like mine, mnhrdc, Raydhan, we have got everything 45 day letter, replied 5 months back and we are still nowhere. Case after us are getting certified everyday while we sit in despair..

This is unbelievable!!!


Add me to the list of guys who responded 5 months back with PD June 2002 from SF
Icarus - so does it mean...?

Icarus said:
As has been alluded to in previous posts...cases are pulled from queue in FIFO order. They are analyzed either: 1. to the point of cert recommendation (good), 2. additional info needed (not as good) 3. denial of RIR and sent to TR (pain felt by all) or 4. recommendation to NOF(bad). At that point, the next case pulled from queue is worked until the same point (one of four above). Obviously, if cert is recommended, it goes into C.O.'s queue for Final Review and Cert. This is where your fastest turn-around is seen. On the other hand, if one of the other 3 options come into play, things slow down to accommodate the situation and a case with a later PD date that is clean and gets recommended for cert possibly may get past the case being worked under 2,3 or 4.

Does this automatically mean that all cases that haven't recd. an approval notice between the earlier date and 8/02 have one of 2 to 4 happening to them or is there a delay in sending out the mail (like was pointed out earlier about a queue at the CO's office!!)?
new to forum

thanks for all the great work folks! I get a lot of coomfort knowing that I am not the onnly one waiting endlessly on m LC. Not that it is a good thing but it gives me strength to go throuth this.
My case info
PD: 8/02
Sent to Fed: 01/03
received 45 day letter: 01/16/05
replied: 01/18/05

Before going to Dallas BEC, they were currently processing Jan '03 in the dallas regional center.
again best of luck to everyone here. Will keep this updated.
Icarus's update summary

Thanks Icarus bring us the answers! it really help us.

I summary the questions and answers and put them into FAQ file, hope you will find it useful, Note, all the answers are by Icarus,


Dallas BPC FAQ

Here is a summary from immigrationportal.com with a link back to the original post by Icarus,

1. [orignoal link] DOL and the contractors

The contract was to "eliminate the backlog" in a "timely" manner. That's it. You have roughly 100 people each in two cities from Mailroom Clerk to C.O. with an initial contract of 2 years with possible extensions for year 3 and 4 for a tidy sum of $16-18M. Data entry is estimated to take until March of '06 to complete.THAT'S JUST THE FIRST STEP!!! So, it's no wonder they take great satisfaction in proclaiming #cases being "processed".

2. [original post] do u know if the processing in the final review will get faster? i mean will the contractor add more personal for that queue? and will the queues for RIR and TR remain independent?

Right now there are about a half a dozen on the DOL side (Dallas) working on final review/certifications. That function is still under the domain of the DOL and I don't know if thee are plans to increase their numbers as time progresses.

3. [original post] after march 2006, all the people doin data entry will be moved to the processing queue? in other words, processing will get much faster after march 2006?

Unsure of future plans but as Data Entry dries up, it is likely that additional personnel will be transferred to the review function to maintain the paper flow. Will probably have more info as the Data Entry function approaches conclusion (fall,winter '05?)
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4.[original post] How a Labor analysis process a case

As an RIR or TR analyst, I would pull the next case from the queue (arranged in FIFO order by PBLS) and attempt to complete analysis and make a recommendation for or against certification. In many cases, if the file is in order and everything is there, this might take 15-20 minutes and then it's sent into the C.O.'s Final Review queue. If there are problems, I might call the agent for additional information (if minor) or recommend NOF, which the agent/employer would be notified of the DOL's intent to deny cert if problems are not addressed within 35 days. If corrective action/documentation is accomplished, the case is reviewed and recommended for cert. If no response or the response falls short of the remedy required, the case is denied. At that point, the case can be dropped by the employer or appealed to BALCA (Labor Court) which reviews the denial and either affirms the decision or returns it to the BEC for further analysis/review.(kinda like Court of Appeals). At any time during the RIR analysis stage, to get back to your question. If we have to wait for a response, the case is set aside pending the response, and the next case is pulled from the queue

5. [original post ] How happen when a case is remand to state

unfortunately, after a remand, the case is pretty much sequestered to TR analysis unless it's evident the remand was erroneous. If it stays in TR, the agent/employer will be contacted re: supervised recruitment process (advertising, posting, etc.)
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6. [original post ] What are the guidelines an Analyst will follow on an LC to recommend to the CO for certification?

Analysts are responsible for checking data entry into PBLS for accuracy and completeness. Also they determine if all required documents are present in file. If so, analyst fills in checklist in PBLS affirming that recruitment is complete and then forwards case in PBLS to CO for final review and cert.

7. [original post ] What could be the possible reasons that you can think of an LC to require additional information by the Analyst?

Incomplete recruitment results, clarification of discrepancies between Application and supporting documents.

8. [original post ]For what reasons an RIR case will be denied and recommended for NON RIR case?

RIR denial is based upon whether case file evidence supports the assertion by the employer/agent that a bonafide recruitment effort has been accomplished. Missing evidence of advertising, ads and recruitment efforts prior to the 6 month period immediately prior to the request date for RIR-examples

9. [original post ] Under what circumstances an NOF will be issued on LC?How one can overcome on this issue?

NOF's are based upon numerous issues. Frequent examples are questionable proof of employer existence, recruitment that appears to favor the alien (tailoring),vague recruitment results unaddressed by response to #2 above,unduly restrictive job requirements that are beyond what is customarily expected of applicants possessing stated education and experience on 750A, among others. When a NOF is issued, the employer has 35 days to remedy to CO's satisfaction or case will be denied.

10. [original post ]Based on your estimates when one can see the bunch of approvals/RFE's/Denials/NOFS?

Unable to say at present. All of these have cases currently in process.

11[original post ]Do you know how one can appeal(Procedure) the LC when he/she had NOF?

If an employer feels that the NOF is erroneous, they may appeal to BALCA(see DOL website for details) who will review decision and either confirm denial or ask the BEC to reconsider/amend decision.

12. [original post ]When an analyst process the cases, Does he/she follows the guidelines as per the LC filed state or GLOBAL UNIQUE PROCEDURE?"global" or whatever standard the DOL has agreed upon nationwide.

To my knowledge,Until issuing of 45 days letters are completed one may not see much move on decisions of cases as the resources are being utilized in the generation of so called 45 days letters.What is your take on this?Although some personnel may be moved into analysis once Data Entry is wrapped up, the contract was awarded under the proposal that did not propose a 100% analysis labor shift. Obviously, personnel will be needed for mail processing, filing, and other departments, but chances are that as some job functions end, a slight reduction in staff will occur. Unfortunately, most of this is speculation.
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some firms's update on BPC

May 31, 2005

We would like to provide an update of our firm's experience to date regarding the Backlog Processing Centers (BPC's).

As of today, we have received close to half of our clients' the 45 Day Letters.

There does not seem to be any pattern in which the BPC's are sending out these letters. Some are from cases filed in 2001, some are from cases filed in 2004.

The BPC's appear to be processing the 45 day letters that have been returned with a request for continuation. Our firm received our first BPC Labor Certification approval last week.

The BPC's seem to be experiencing some some delays and we expect they may be adjusting to the case volume.

We fully expect to receive all of our 45 Day Letters. As always, we will keep clients posted as soon as we receive updates.
SWA Case - letter anybody ?

Appreciate the efforts of all active members for their contribution of information and time.

Anybody from SWA stage cases, received 45-day letter or any other progress?

If any, please reply.
Per Tracker I could see 8 cases with the status letter received. But I am not sure all the data are complete (e.g.: BPEL got certified, but no DOL RD date).

Once again Thanks to all for the good work.
Icarus update please

Thanks for all your updates.
My case is filed under NON RIR in Michigan on August 21,2001. It was never opened in SWA and sent to Dallas BEC last year. No case # has been assigned yet.
You have mentioned that Dallas BEC is processing 8/02 cases. Can you clarify. ? Is that for regional cases?
Any feed back on Michigan SWA cases will be appreicated.
GCpossible said:
May 31, 2005

We would like to provide an update of our firm's experience to date regarding the Backlog Processing Centers (BPC's).

As of today, we have received close to half of our clients' the 45 Day Letters.

There does not seem to be any pattern in which the BPC's are sending out these letters. Some are from cases filed in 2001, some are from cases filed in 2004.

The BPC's appear to be processing the 45 day letters that have been returned with a request for continuation. Our firm received our first BPC Labor Certification approval last week.

The BPC's seem to be experiencing some some delays and we expect they may be adjusting to the case volume.

We fully expect to receive all of our 45 Day Letters. As always, we will keep clients posted as soon as we receive updates.

Could you please provide details about the case for which you received the approval as in the state receipt date, state, RIR/TR etc.
nother1inline said:
Could you please provide details about the case for which you received the approval as in the state receipt date, state, RIR/TR etc.

Guys & Gals..

Please check / read the contents of message before asking questions about it. "GCpossible" has updated us about One Approval quoted from An Attorney Website, Now I believe He/She would only know WHAT IS THERE AT THE WEBSITE Nothing more !
One More Update..

I owed you folks One more Update from my Attorney..

My Attorney Firm has received 5 more Approvals & few NOFs today with PD of 2002. All approvals are dated 3 week of May.

Hope you see all of you in I-140/485 Forum Really Soon !
Hello, everybody!
Office of my attorney received several approvals on 2001 and 2002 cases, though unfortunately not on mine. That is all the information I am able to provide; can not get the exact range of PDs or number of approvals from them.
GCNoway said:
I owed you folks One more Update from my Attorney..

My Attorney Firm has received 5 more Approvals & few NOFs today with PD of 2002. All approvals are dated 3 week of May.

Hope you see all of you in I-140/485 Forum Really Soon !

Thanks Dude..
We all would love to hear similar news from our Attorneys
GCNoway said:
I owed you folks One more Update from my Attorney..

My Attorney Firm has received 5 more Approvals & few NOFs today with PD of 2002. All approvals are dated 3 week of May.

Hope you see all of you in I-140/485 Forum Really Soon !

Hi GCNoway,
is there a chance you can get the Months of the priority dates please? Is it June/July/et., 2002 ?

Thanks for the info.