Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Good to hear approvals drizzling in and hoping to see the forum inundated with lots of them soon....

Now, As we all know, we at immigrationportal.com form a very small minority of the number of people waiting to get LC cleared... Can we safely assume that the number of actual approvals is much more than what we are seeing here in this forum.

actual approvals = (reported_approvals / forum_members) * Pending-LCs

thank u cipher 8000.if anyone else hears such good news pl post it here...family m,embers or distant friends
Kanjoos said:
I do not think they are slow, you will start to see approvals very thick and fast. Keep patience.

I think most of the 2001 PD's will get thier labour cleared by April end and PD with 2002 should be over by July. Currently as per my knowledge the BPC's are doing more of Analysis than data entry work.

One more thing to give you more hope is, I-140 & I-485 will be getting cleared faster, as they are streamlining the process.

So there is definitely hope. keep hope alive. Good times are coming.

Add to your comment

Dol has stated that by Sep 2005, I-140 and I-485 process will be broutht down to 6month approval cycle.
Currently they delinked I140 and I-485 for concurrent processing and understood the backlog is substantial decreased in view of this.
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antonioa77 said:
well unfortunately, the experience proves that what u said is over optimistic.
this is because:

once PERM is running and BEC, too many LC will be dumped into USCIS, therefore a tsunami of I140 and I 485 would be filed causing a new backlog. therefore if USCIS doesn't prepare itself for this surge, we r doomed to remain in a viscious circle. the only solution will be the addition of premium processing to I140 if not to I485 too. and second is the increase of visa numbers.

the trick is to streamiline the whole process in all phases from DOL to USCIS to state departement (visa numbers), otherwise we will still wait for yrs if at least one of those agencies is backlogged.

so i'm not that optimistic and hope I'm wrong.

How PERM will not effect the current filers at BPC

A case study

1.Lets say first PERM approval will come in 90 days 6/2005 which will have PD 3/2005 (Exception converted cases which are very less)

DOL states they have streamlined by delinking 140&485 processing seperately and effeciency has increased and further they say by Sept 2005 they target cycle time for processing could be 6 months (Optimism:))
2.PERM + BPC cases will get cleared in 1/2006 as per above statement
3.When cases move to I-485 in Jan 2006
Due to Visa Retrogressin all cases are processed on PD basis
Considering Current visa dates are moving by a month per month,
ie current April 2002 will become OCT 2002 in Jan 2006
4. As and when BPC cases gets approval of I-140 they will Jump the Q at I-485 based on PD.
5. So do the math if Visa Retrogression continues for CHINA,INDIA where do the PERM guys stand.
BPC cases (200K <2001) will have at least 24-30 months advantages at this stage.
6.PERM cases may just have to wait to file for Visa DATES avialbelity OR
7.For some days if the dates are availble and filed and again Visa retrogression occurs PERM file have to wait for Visa DATES and they stop processing Perm cases based on PD.
Only advantages for those acase are AC21,Extension of EAD,s, etc.
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6 LC were approved in BEC.

Information from WWW.FAN-LAW.com. Many of you may not read it due to the information writen in Chinese. He said they are training people with these cases. They didn't start RIR cases yet.

PD: 12/2003
No any further information.
PERM not to affect BPC?

Is there a distinction for EB2 and EB3 in PERM? If yes, then:
485 retrogression is only for EB3 and not EB2. So the EB2 PERM cases will chug along fast, while EB2 in BPC will have to probably wait in Non-RIR + RIR line.

mnhrdc said:
How PERM will not effect the current filers at BPC

A case study

1.Lets say first PERM approval will come in 90 days 6/2005 which will have PD 3/2005 (Exception converted cases which are very less)

DOL states they have streamlined by delinking 140&485 processing seperately and effeciency has increased and further they say by Sept 2005 they target cycle time for processing could be 6 months (Optimism:))
2.PERM + BPC cases will get cleared in 1/2006 as per above statement
3.When cases move to I-485 in Jan 2006
Due to Visa Retrogressin all cases are processed on PD basis
Considering Current visa dates are moving by a month per month,
ie current April 2003 will become OCT 2003 in Jan 2006
4. As and when BPC cases gets approval of I-140 they will Jump the Q at I-485 based on PD.
5. So do the math if Visa Retrogression continues for CHINA,INDIA where do the PERM guys stand.
BPC cases (200K <2001) will have at least 12-16 months advantages at this stage.
6.PERM cases may just have to wait to file for Visa DATES avialbelity OR
7.For some days if the dates are availble and filed and again Visa retrogression occurs PERM file have to wait for Visa DATES and they stop processing Perm cases based on PD.
Only advantages for those acase are AC21,Extension of EAD,s, etc.
MannyD said:
Is there a distinction for EB2 and EB3 in PERM? YES
If yes, then:
485 retrogression is only for EB3 and not EB2. So the EB2 PERM cases will chug along fast, while EB2 in BPC will have to probably wait in Non-RIR + RIR line.
Percentage of EB2 to EB3 will be allways significantly very less in both cases.
and in PERM EB2 is , more Salary, more restrictive comapared to present EB2
may be most of Employers may prefer EB3 compared to EB2.

Check these links for more info on PERM filings

However if no Visa Retrogression EB2 in both cases will have same chances
If visa retrogression happens BPC will have advantage.

it says in the chinese thing that 1999 cases only were approved,but that immigration lawyers website and also bibli and another posting stated cases of 2000 and 2001 :confused: being approved....so it doesnt add up
H-1B visa status

One of my friend is in bind right now and I am trying to find out if there is any way out for him. Below has been his visa status:
May 8, 2005 to Oct 1, 2000.................H-4 visa
Oct 2, 2000 to Oct 1, 2003.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS
Oct 1, 2003 to Oct 1, 2006.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS

My friend wanted to start the green card in January 05 thinking that if green is in file before Oct 05, he can get yearly H1 extensions. However, the lawyer who had done the H1 visa informed in February 05 that they had made a mistake in reporting the visa eligibility dates to INS and that his H1 visa is valid only until May 8, 2005 (including H4 and H1 visas). Though the H1 extension approval shows the the date until Oct 1, 2006, the lawyer says that that dates means nothing and that he will be illegal after May 8, 2005. This gives him no breathing room. He can stay on H4 visa but can not be in US on H-1 visa. His spouse's labor certification is in process, PD Nov 1, 2002. I would like ask if there is any way my friend has a way out to stay and continue working either based on dates on approval notice (which he knows now hss wrong dates.....thanks to his attorney) or under protection of his spouse's labor certification.
Any input will be welcome.
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It says that

shaaka said:
it says in the chinese thing that 1999 cases only were approved,but that immigration lawyers website and also bibli and another posting stated cases of 2000 and 2001 :confused: being approved....so it doesnt add up

6 cases that this lawyer was handling have been approved. Not overall..

Also, Icarus said that they are working on RIR cases...if that is the case then we should see RIR approvals soon, as RIR cases are supposed to take only 1 hour compared to a month for non-RIR cases (according to BEC training guidelines)

Who is sufferring more in this green card process, the rir brand or the non-rir brand. If the rir thinks its easy way out, then hell ya, they are wrong, and if Non-rir thinks that its hard way out, then hell ya, they are right. Give some relief to non-rir people and see it will make your day too. Just simply you applied in RIR doesn't mean that they have to process your first and just simply you have chosen to go via non-rir, you will see something cool.
Getting info from Dallas BEC...attorneys please help

It seems the Dallas center will not release any kind of information unless requested by an attorney or employer - this includes the sort of general info we all would like concerning processing methods and approx time frames.

If any attorneys are following these forums - PLEASE try calling the Dallas center for updates on progress now and again - any reliable info is better than none.

I notice the philly BEC is releasing some general info to people - wish Dallas would too...
Houston05 said:
One of my friend is in bind right now and I am trying to find out if there is any way out for him. Below has been his visa status:
May 8, 2005 to Oct 1, 2000.................H-4 visa
Oct 2, 2000 to Oct 1, 2003.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS
Oct 1, 2003 to Oct 1, 2006.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS

My friend wanted to start the green card in January 05 thinking that if green is in file before Oct 05, he can get yearly H1 extensions. However, the lawyer who had done the H1 visa informed in February 05 that they had made a mistake in reporting the visa eligibility dates to INS and that his H1 visa is valid only until May 8, 2005 (including H4 and H1 visas). Though the H1 extension approval shows the the date until Oct 1, 2006, the lawyer says that that dates means nothing and that he will be illegal after May 8, 2005. This gives him no breathing room. He can stay on H4 visa but can not be in US on H-1 visa. His spouse's labor certification is in process, PD Nov 1, 2002. I would like ask if there is any way my friend has a way out to stay and continue working either based on dates on approval notice (which he knows now hss wrong dates.....thanks to his attorney) or under protection of his spouse's labor certification.
Any input will be welcome.

6years of H - Visa counts both H1 and H4.,
as his first H4 starts on May 8, 2000(?) so his H4/H1 supposed to end by May 7, 2006 .He has to file labor 365 days before that is atleast by May7th 2005.,he can file through PERM ..but right now there is no clear rule on extensions based on PERM rules.,
If his labor get cleared before his 6yrs period then he can file for 140 and can extend H1 based on that.,
If his start date is May 1999 and 6 yrs ends by may 2005 .. Right now only option for him to get a approved labor to substitute him and file 140/485 based on that labor and file for H1 extension to work.,
the last option to stay here is go back on H4 based on his spouse pending labor/H1 or student visa

Legally ..He can not continue working based on dates on approval notice
ICARUS....Your one post can reply to many of our questions!! So please reply!!


This is great news for all of us that BEC has started processing cases and we have heard of few approvals too as discussed in previous posts of this forum.

I would appreciate if you could post some more details about processing....this would answer many of our questions!!


1). Which cases are being processed first? Either RIR or NON-RIR?

2). What PDs are being processed currently?

3). Could you roughly tell that how many 2000 PD cases are in FIFO-RIR queue and then how many 2001 FIFO-RIR cases are in queue? Based on this, we can atleast guess the expected processing time of our case.

4). California RIR cases which were transfered to BEC start from PD of June 2002 (or RD of MAY, 2003). So could you please tell us that where are these cases in FIFO queue...Like in top 100, top 200....etc.

If you answer above questions, i think we can get a rough idea about processing time frame..

So we all hope to see your reply pretty soon.

Thankyou so much Icarus!! :)
Houston05 said:
One of my friend is in bind right now and I am trying to find out if there is any way out for him. Below has been his visa status:
May 8, 2005 to Oct 1, 2000.................H-4 visa
Oct 2, 2000 to Oct 1, 2003.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS
Oct 1, 2003 to Oct 1, 2006.................H1 B1 visa approved by INS

My friend wanted to start the green card in January 05 thinking that if green is in file before Oct 05, he can get yearly H1 extensions. However, the lawyer who had done the H1 visa informed in February 05 that they had made a mistake in reporting the visa eligibility dates to INS and that his H1 visa is valid only until May 8, 2005 (including H4 and H1 visas). Though the H1 extension approval shows the the date until Oct 1, 2006, the lawyer says that that dates means nothing and that he will be illegal after May 8, 2005. This gives him no breathing room. He can stay on H4 visa but can not be in US on H-1 visa. His spouse's labor certification is in process, PD Nov 1, 2002. I would like ask if there is any way my friend has a way out to stay and continue working either based on dates on approval notice (which he knows now hss wrong dates.....thanks to his attorney) or under protection of his spouse's labor certification.
Any input will be welcome.

May 2006 is still far off
File under PERM - Nothing to loose
After filing of 485 of spouse get an EAD
Continue to stay - only option is H4
Not Yet Received my 45 days letter

My case has been pending in Dallas DOL since sep 2002. I havn't received my 45 days letter yet. Did anybody know what's wrong is :confused: ? What PD date they are sending 45 days letters now?
Thank you,
Icarus: We know that Dallas has started approving the cases from 2000/2001. How about Philly BEC? do you have any info for Philly?
Response from Dallas BEC!!!

Hi everyone!

I can finally post in this thread now! After months of not getting any response on case status from Florida SWA (where my case has been since Dec. 2003), my employer sent an email to Dallas BEC on 03/01/05 and got the response saying "no information on that case is available at this time." ... Then, last Friday on 03/25/05, they sent us ANOTHER email now confirming they have the case and giving us the new case number!

So here's my status now:

PD: 12/30/03 SWA Florida
Never made it to regional DOL
Currently at Dallas BEC

With the whole transition to BECs, I was very anxious to know when and where my case would be transferred. Now at least I know it's at the Dallas BEC and SOMEONE has seen it.

How come no case no after 0513

I have not seen any case number with Julian date more than 13, that is after Jan 13. Have they stopped working on cases after that?