Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

*** USDOL requests that do not initiate status checks (especially through Members of Congress)

WHY USDOL ARE SO AFAID OF? They will get exposed that they are wasting time and money or they are used to for unaccountability.
Please contact the congressman (mail/email/fax/telecom) and expose DOL/BPC's way of working. it works.

gp111 said:
These are Rajiv Khanna's Comments on BEC (from AILA conf 2005)

*** As of last week they have received 250,000 cases from states and federal offices. They are doing cata entry for status. They have entered info only for 87,000. They expect to have all applications in BEC by end of May. It will take them another couple of months to finish data entry. They will then be able to post detailed data on where enerything is.

*** Don't worry if you have not yet received your 45 day letter. Their data entry is still not even half complete. A lot of cases are sitll in the boxes so they cannot tell the status of individual cases.

*** They will have a FIFO policy. RIR and Non RIR (Then call them "TR" - Traditional Cases)application will have two separate tracks. They think that RIR's will go through a "little quicker"

*** DOL intends to respect the regional RIR policies for advertising and recruitment, but will take a NATIONAL approach in RIR adjudications.

*** USDOL requests that do not initiate status checks (especially through Members of Congress)

*** They have had a fairly large number of withdrawals.

Ref :http://www.immigration.com/fromtheagency/Aila_Conf_2005.pdf
Withdrawals due to 45-day letters

According to these comments, they have had a fairly large number of withdrawals. On the other hand the latest updates on <www.murthy.com> says that only about 1% of the cases have been closed out due to the 45-day letters. Further it states that, "This is far lower than the percentage that the DOL had expected to have closed out with the 45-day letters."

Which is the accurate information?
I takes them longer to respond

GCCovet said:
Sent Email 5 days back, haven't got any reply (status@DAL.DFLC.US for 45-day letter to DBPS).
Anybody having SWA=WI ? I would appreciate input from anybody with similar dates as mine.
Thanks in advance

It used to take them about three days to respond to the status requests. It now takes about a month. I wouldn't send them any repeats. It would probably just overload the system and make it longer for others. My friend sent a status request 2/24 and got a response 3/18. It just takes a little longer now.

I heard their information in not reliable. Immigration.com is reliable.

According to these comments, they have had a fairly large number of withdrawals. On the other hand the latest updates on <www.murthy.com> says that only about 1% of the cases have been closed out due to the 45-day letters. Further it states that, "This is far lower than the percentage that the DOL had expected to have closed out with the 45-day letters."

Which is the accurate information?
I think case withdrawal is very limited and murthy.com info is correct in this case. I have may be 50+ friends and colleagues whose application is now in BEC. Nobody is withdrawing his or her application. This 45-day letter is only wasting valuable time and efforts of BEC and bottom line, we are suffering just without a valid reason.

I would like to quote from a message some one posted in this forum, “One day BEC will start sending letters asking information, whether we are still alive or not”.

rest_2004_free said:
I heard their information in not reliable. Immigration.com is reliable.
got the case number

Finally I got the case number through that email reply.
Plz. update in tracker!!

PD: 6/9/2003
RD: 12/29/2004
New Case # D-05075-5xxxx
Just waiting to get the 45-day letter
According to these comments, they have had a fairly large number of withdrawals. On the other hand the latest updates on <www.murthy.com> says that only about 1% of the cases have been closed out due to the 45-day letters. Further it states that, "This is far lower than the percentage that the DOL had expected to have closed out with the 45-day letters."

Which is the accurate information?

The numbers mentioned was 300
rest_2004_free said:
I heard their information in not reliable. Immigration.com is reliable.

Most of the websites take info from from AILA and interpret.
If you browse through many sites you will know everybody has different approach for the subject. Dont be fan of only one site and better browse on different sites also.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) recently released an update on developments at the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Backlog Processing Centers (BPCs). AILA reports that more than 180,000 applications for alien employment certification (AEC) have been shipped from the various State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) to the BPCs. This figure does not include the thousands of AECs that were shipped from DOL’s Regional Offices to the BPCs, so the total number of files presently at the BPCs exceeds 200,000 and continues to grow.

DOL has entered data for 86,000 cases into the BPC database system, and has issued over 40,000 Center Receipt Notification Letters (CRNLs), also known as “45 day letters,” as employers are given 45 days to respond. Through February 2005, DOL reports receiving less than 300 withdrawal requests, so it would appear that most employers are electing to continue the processing of their cases.
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not too many petitions will be withdrawn...

What does an employer gain by withdrawing a LC petition? Nothing! The company has undergone the trouble, lawyer expense, etc. to file the petition. Even if the beneficiary (the alien like us) is no longer working for the company, by withdrawing the petition, company will not get any return on it's investment. On the other hand, if the employer choose to "proceed" with the already filed LC petition and it is eventually approved, they can always hire another guy using LC replacement and thus get a return on it's investment. It's simple logic!

Therefore, I believe, there is no reason to expect that too many petitions will be withdrawn. Am I right?

Thanks everybody and good luck to all!

mnhrdc said:
Through February 2005, DOL reports receiving less than 300 withdrawal requests, so it would appear that most employers are electing to continue the processing of their cases.
Withdrawals..My $0.02

s_chicago said:
I think case withdrawal is very limited and murthy.com info is correct in this case. I have may be 50+ friends and colleagues whose application is now in BEC. Nobody is withdrawing his or her application. This 45-day letter is only wasting valuable time and efforts of BEC and bottom line, we are suffering just without a valid reason.

I would like to quote from a message some one posted in this forum, “One day BEC will start sending letters asking information, whether we are still alive or not”.

It should be kept in mind that majority of the 200K backlogged applications are the *infamous* 245i cases. As per the DOL's own assessment most of these (69%) have incomplete information or are downright invalid. These applications will not respond to the 45-day letter at all, and might get filtered out as a result of *not responding* within the 45-day timeframe.

There are few of *non 245i* applicants who would withdraw there applications as they have a legitimate case and hence the low number,300,makes sense.
vijay421201 said:
It should be kept in mind that majority of the 200K backlogged applications are the *infamous* 245i cases. As per the DOL's own assessment most of these (69%) have incomplete information or are downright invalid. These applications will not respond to the 45-day letter at all, and might get filtered out as a result of *not responding* within the 45-day timeframe.

There are few of *non 245i* applicants who would withdraw there applications as they have a legitimate case and hence the low number,300,makes sense.

I agree that we need to distinguish between "withdrawals received", which means the employer actually bothered to respond to the 45 day letter, and those who didn't/will not respond at all. I think the 300 figure fits the first category. However, we don't know, out of the 40,000 letters sent, if they indeed got 40,000 responses: 300 withdrawals, and 39,700 continuations. That's probably not the case.

It's impossible to know for sure how many employers are actually responding. You have to remember also that members of this forum are a very biased sample, in my opinion, as we are all anxiously waiting for the LC for years. But how many of us are there here? a 1000? out of over 200,000 or even 300,000 - that maybe a statistically representative sample, if the selection of sample participants were selected at random, which we're not.

The point: I believe the 69% figure maybe closer to reality than most of us here think, but then again, it's impossible to predict for sure until we get more data from the BECs.
Good point!
This is my first post in this forum and thanks to all for this wonderfull site.

Sooner DOL will get confused on manging their resources when seeing increasing number of PERM applications, while the Backlogged cases remain almost the same.
In my dreams, 2 years later you see new back-backlog centers to process cases backlogged at backlog centers and PERM-backlog centers etc...

Just kidding !

g2p2 said:
What does an employer gain by withdrawing a LC petition? Nothing! The company has undergone the trouble, lawyer expense, etc. to file the petition. Even if the beneficiary (the alien like us) is no longer working for the company, by withdrawing the petition, company will not get any return on it's investment. On the other hand, if the employer choose to "proceed" with the already filed LC petition and it is eventually approved, they can always hire another guy using LC replacement and thus get a return on it's investment. It's simple logic!

Therefore, I believe, there is no reason to expect that too many petitions will be withdrawn. Am I right?

Thanks everybody and good luck to all!
Buddy I quoted that line...you replied to me...

Funny I quoted that line in one of my comments...and you replied to me...

s_chicago said:
I think case withdrawal is very limited and murthy.com info is correct in this case. I have may be 50+ friends and colleagues whose application is now in BEC. Nobody is withdrawing his or her application. This 45-day letter is only wasting valuable time and efforts of BEC and bottom line, we are suffering just without a valid reason.

I would like to quote from a message some one posted in this forum, “One day BEC will start sending letters asking information, whether we are still alive or not”.
Another problem with 45 day letters...is

A genuine case who is waiting for that letter if for some reason looses that letter in the mail, and it could be possible that his or her case might get closed becuase they did not respond.....although it is rare...considering the huge amounts of letters they are mailing it is possible...

Not only that, one of the forum memebers mentioned, he replied to 45 day letter with an intent to continue, but those morons sent a letter saying since you have intended to close the application, we are hereby closing this app...I mean how can they do it...now he has to go through uncessary loops to reopen that file.

I feel sorry for all of us.....oh what a mess...if only some level headed people are working in DOL they can understand what is at stake...

sd_guy27 said:
Good point!
This is my first post in this forum and thanks to all for this wonderfull site.

Sooner DOL will get confused on manging their resources when seeing increasing number of PERM applications, while the Backlogged cases remain almost the same.
In my dreams, 2 years later you see new back-backlog centers to process cases backlogged at backlog centers and PERM-backlog centers etc...

Just kidding !
Hey Everybody

Stop talking about what problems we all might face and all that. Right now just talk about has anybody got approved or NOF, If not then few of the guys who are claiming that approvals have started then provide a source e.g. a site or lawyer..etc

To Icarus,
We all appreciate your input in this forum but when you are giving input don't suddenly stop it as some of us get hopes and then they fed away. so continue your good work.
Kindly let us know have they started sending out approvals if yes then which dates have they reached to.
g2p2 said:
What does an employer gain by withdrawing a LC petition? Nothing! The company has undergone the trouble, lawyer expense, etc. to file the petition. Even if the beneficiary (the alien like us) is no longer working for the company, by withdrawing the petition, company will not get any return on it's investment. On the other hand, if the employer choose to "proceed" with the already filed LC petition and it is eventually approved, they can always hire another guy using LC replacement and thus get a return on it's investment. It's simple logic!

Therefore, I believe, there is no reason to expect that too many petitions will be withdrawn. Am I right?

Thanks everybody and good luck to all!
I agree with you guys 100% but few thoughts here. The number of cases withdrawn will increase in coming few months as more letters are mailed out and replied/not replied to. Following are few reasons, I can think of
1. Many big companies acquire small companies, when the acquisition happens, old company employees have to file GC process again(provided their LC did not get cleared).
2. Some people might go for PERM (Goodluck to them!).
3. Some people would have gone back to their respective countries due to several reasons(filled, but left USA for ever).
4. There would be companies(small ones) who would not want to continue or would have closed out (I know this as The company I came thru in this country has closed its recruitting/consultancy business all 200 people have joined other companies).

I am just a rookiee, this are just my thought, I may be wrong on several of them.
Frustrating as hell

This whole process is amazingly frustrating to say the least. On one hand we have some of our friends in Denver and Boston and areas as such, where the labor certifications are approved in 3-6 months and here we are waiting for our labor certifications for 3-4 years.
Sometimes it makes us all think (at least it makes me think), what did we do to deserve this? Just because we filed our labor certs. from areas like TX, CA, NJ, IN and MD we have to go through this mental agony and pain.

Bottom line is: We have our immigration gurus (more like our maibaaps!!!) like Tomshu and Orissa and Akela (forgive me if I left out anyone) telling us that the approvals at the BECs have started gradually. At the same time we have our respective attorneys telling us that the processing of the cases will not start until the end of summer '05. What do we exactly believe? I would rather believe our gurus who show us some ray of hope.

Our journey of little hope and more despair continues.

Best Regards and good luck to us all.
original case number

Detroit2003 said:
Finally I got the case number through that email reply.
Plz. update in tracker!!

PD: 6/9/2003
RD: 12/29/2004
New Case # D-05075-5xxxx
Just waiting to get the 45-day letter

Can anybody tell me what's the original case number looks like? Should it be the SWA number? I am going to use the original number to request for the new case number at BRC.

No 45 day letter yet

Days are going by and nothing coming in.
I think the quote 'No news is good news!' does not apply in GC process :rolleyes:
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How can we know BRC get the response letter??

:confused: My attorney just reply the 45 days letter and she didn't tell me how she replied it (mail or fax). So how can we track whether or not BRC received the response letter? Did BRC send back the receipt when they get the response letter?:confused: :confused:

Thanks in advance.

PD: 11/19/2002
RD: 06/01/2004
45 letter got: 03/16/05
45 letter reply: 03/18/05