Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

gp111 said:
BEC uses PD to establish FIFO not RD. There will be nationwide Queue based on PD at Philly & Dallas so that people applied first get processed first. Don't you think its fair system ?

About, Regional cases getting 45 letters first & SWAs later, that is because All regions sent the cases to BEC first & SWAs are still under process of trasnferring the application. Once BEC receives cases with earlier PD it will go automatically ahead of queue.

I did not say anything about fairness. I was trying to explain that previous regional processing date had nothing to do with the so called PD. What I said is true whether you like it or not. I don't know why you still insist on fairness from DOL. If you want to talk about fairness, I am not sure if stopping processing any case to set up the freaking BEC was fair to those cases at Philly and Dallas at all. If you want to literally interpret fairness, there should be only one BEC rather than two, and all other regional offices should stop processing cases now.
BEC approvals have started

Hey All,

BEC has been approving cases for past few weeks now, some 300 approvals were done before March 3rd mostly CA,TX, so I think by today the approvals must have reached in 1000....so we will see the forum now with approval coming. Please post your approval date guys.

Kanjoos said:
Hey All,

BEC has been approving cases for past few weeks now, some 300 approvals were done before March 3rd mostly CA,TX, so I think by today the approvals must have reached in 1000....so we will see the forum now with approval coming. Please post your approval date guys.



how did u know that BEC started approving cases? what is the source for this information? thanks
pennwaiting said:
I did not say anything about fairness. I was trying to explain that previous regional processing date had nothing to do with the so called PD. What I said is true whether you like it or not. I don't know why you still insist on fairness from DOL. If you want to talk about fairness, I am not sure if stopping processing any case to set up the freaking BEC was fair to those cases at Philly and Dallas at all. If you want to literally interpret fairness, there should be only one BEC rather than two, and all other regional offices should stop processing cases now.

Nobody cares what "I" like it or not.. Everybody like their case to be processed first.. is that possible ? I was just trying to explain BEC FIFO process.

Also, What is not fair with BEC ?? (other then they have stopped processing for last 6 months in most of the regions).. BUT why do you think SOME regions /States should get fast labor & some others have to wait long ? Yes, NY/SF DOL are still processing at a very slower rate (SF DOL is stuck on same date for last 42 days) BUT those cases have ealier PD then Cases sent to BEC.. I don't see any problem when people who applied first gets their cases processed first. OR do you still support NH/DE folks gets LC in 3 months while CA/TX/NJ/NY/IN etc have to wait for 3 years !
Kanjoos said:
Hey All,

BEC has been approving cases for past few weeks now, some 300 approvals were done before March 3rd mostly CA,TX, so I think by today the approvals must have reached in 1000....so we will see the forum now with approval coming. Please post your approval date guys.


How did you know? Can you post a link or you just heard it from someone.
It moved .. A little bit !

My Attorney has received NOF for 2 cases (PD of 2001) last Friday & as per my communication with him Dallas BEC has started sending out Approvals & NOFs.
Are you sure they are from a BEC ?

gp111 said:
My Attorney has received NOF for 2 cases (PD of 2001) last Friday & as per my communication with him Dallas BEC has started sending out Approvals & NOFs.

Also, are these CA cases ? There should be very few CA cases in Regional from 2001, does this mean they are processing the State Cases (auto-remand to state) cases ?

My source told me 4 weeks ago that we should see approvals in the Mid of March, seems he was right after all..

Hey thanks for the good news but kindly let us know what is your source or site?
Also if anybody has heard about any approvals kindly confirm if they are from BEC and their PD.
But thanks everybody with their input.

Kanjoos said:
Hey All,

BEC has been approving cases for past few weeks now, some 300 approvals were done before March 3rd mostly CA,TX, so I think by today the approvals must have reached in 1000....so we will see the forum now with approval coming. Please post your approval date guys.

gp111 said:
My Attorney has received NOF for 2 cases (PD of 2001) last Friday & as per my communication with him Dallas BEC has started sending out Approvals & NOFs.


As far as I know most of the RIR cases from CA with a PD of 2001 have been cleared by the SFO Regional Center. The only ones remaining should be the ones remanded to the state either by employer choice or because of the Carlson's memo which would basically be Non-RIR cases. Your post has again given me some hope. Would really appreciate if you can share a bit more about the cases that you have mentioned in your post as to whether they are RIR/Non-RIR -OR- they are cases from CA.

Thanks in advance.
gp111 said:
Nobody cares what "I" like it or not.. Everybody like their case to be processed first.. is that possible ? I was just trying to explain BEC FIFO process.

Also, What is not fair with BEC ?? (other then they have stopped processing for last 6 months in most of the regions).. BUT why do you think SOME regions /States should get fast labor & some others have to wait long ? Yes, NY/SF DOL are still processing at a very slower rate (SF DOL is stuck on same date for last 42 days) BUT those cases have ealier PD then Cases sent to BEC.. I don't see any problem when people who applied first gets their cases processed first. OR do you still support NH/DE folks gets LC in 3 months while CA/TX/NJ/NY/IN etc have to wait for 3 years !

Those are problems at the state rather than DOL. Also, why do you think two BEC will be fair and several regional offices will not be fair.
pls don't forget us


- MD2001

gp111 said:
Nobody cares what "I" like it or not.. Everybody like their case to be processed first.. is that possible ? I was just trying to explain BEC FIFO process.

Also, What is not fair with BEC ?? (other then they have stopped processing for last 6 months in most of the regions).. BUT why do you think SOME regions /States should get fast labor & some others have to wait long ? Yes, NY/SF DOL are still processing at a very slower rate (SF DOL is stuck on same date for last 42 days) BUT those cases have ealier PD then Cases sent to BEC.. I don't see any problem when people who applied first gets their cases processed first. OR do you still support NH/DE folks gets LC in 3 months while CA/TX/NJ/NY/IN etc have to wait for 3 years !
mnhrdc said:
All the Mailers from Attroneys News letters are identical

But still we are not sure how FIFO is applied or we dont want to believe that way:(

1.Earlier it was mentioned that BEC will process on PD
2.Separate Q's for RIR and Non-RIR
3. Now Most of us are reading to believe that it is combined Q based on PD
4. If this is true our turn will come only after 200000 cases which were filed during year 2001.
5.Does some body have any info whether RIR and Non-RIR are combined or NOT ?

Answer recieved from Attorneys web site

We are little confused after reading about FIFO and have fallowing questions.

1.Will they Combine RIR and TR Q's to gether and process by PD?
2. Or still the Separate Q's exists and process by PD ?


Thank you for your eMail. What we have been advised is that separate cues
will exist for non RIR and RIR cases. However, what we have been told is
that they will try to keep the processing dates in both of these cues even.
Accordingly, if they start to get ahead with one type of case they will
shift the resources to the other.

Now that is good news. I hope it is true

As long as we see some progress in this area, we can be well assured that some backlogs will be cleared....good luck to all the people who have been waiting since 2001, hope you will get certified soon.

- :)

Kanjoos said:
Hey All,

BEC has been approving cases for past few weeks now, some 300 approvals were done before March 3rd mostly CA,TX, so I think by today the approvals must have reached in 1000....so we will see the forum now with approval coming. Please post your approval date guys.

Hey guys
Stop fighting and kindly talk about information.
Hey Icarus can you let us know if the BEC has started sending approvals and NOF's , if so what PD date have they reached to?
Thanking you in advance.

pennwaiting said:
Those are problems at the state rather than DOL. Also, why do you think two BEC will be fair and several regional offices will not be fair.
Just called my lawyer

and he said the BPC has only sent 50% (80,000) 45 days letter cases , it will take 3 to 4 more months to send all cases, hopelly, they will start to approve the case at the end of this summer. Don't know where he got this information.
I just estimate roughly the date that I can get LC.

First, I think it is obvious that the # in SWA is larger than # in DOL. And, I think that most of PD of the DOL is eariler than SWA. SO, say, it takes 30 monthes to clear of the case, I divide into first 15 monthes for DOL and last 15 monthes for case from SWA. Maybe DOL takes less time cause the # is obvious lower. SInce my case is in DOL (PD: June, 03, RD:APril, 04) San-Fan orginally, I think at most it may take 15 monthes. But since CA and TX get the longest waitng period when they were in DOL, so I guess my PD maybe even earlier than the majority cases from other regional offices. Since they FIFO according to PD, so I guess, my date to get LC maybe later than 60%-70% of people in DOL overall. So, I plot it, find that it is going to take around 10 monthes. So, My guess is that I am going to take from 10 to 15 monthes to get it. So, since they have only sent out 50% of the love letters, if you got it already and you case were in regional office previously, you chance to get LC from now is no more than 15 monthes. Am I right or am I daydreaming?
pennwaiting said:
Those are problems at the state rather than DOL. Also, why do you think two BEC will be fair and several regional offices will not be fair.

NO.. Its Regional DOL problem also.. For example, SF DOL was taking 2 years to process a case after receiving from SWA while NY regional was Current, Chicago DOL was taking 2 months..

Also, They have devided 2 BEC regions such that backlog dates are shared almost equally (+/- 10%).. I believe 10% is better then 80%...
dawnbell said:
and he said the BPC has only sent 50% (80,000) 45 days letter cases , it will take 3 to 4 more months to send all cases, hopelly, they will start to approve the case at the end of this summer. Don't know where he got this information.

He might have got this information from this FORUM. Who knows.