Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Any Suggestion?

I applied LC June/2003 at "A" company and it is still pending.
Only our division of "A" company was sold to "B" company on Nov/2005.
The attorney of "B" company told me that I could use the pending LC without
notice to DOL that my company was changed.
Problem is that I have no idea when I get LC approval.
When I talked to "B" company attorney, I expected my LC would be approved soon. But, I didn't get any good luck yet.
Could anybody suggest for me?

PD : 6/2003
RD : 6/2004
45 Letter : 2/2005
No Approval Yet
Yes this is very important posting.

2manzi said:
Thank you, sfmars, for posting this information!

This is a good news for us whose LC have never reached the region. Looks like Dallas is getting close to complete the region cases and hopefully will start the state cases soon. For state cases who reveive the 45 letters, please do post your information here. This will be very helpful for us to understand the fate of our state cases.

Yes this is very important posting for all of us who are waiting for 45 Day letter. Our Unregistered friends please register and post this info when you receive the 45 Day letter. Also pl. keep us informed about your LC approval so that we can estimate the gap betn two. Hope it is not about 12 months as it used to be.
immm said:
I applied LC June/2003 at "A" company and it is still pending.
Only our division of "A" company was sold to "B" company on Nov/2005.
The attorney of "B" company told me that I could use the pending LC without
notice to DOL that my company was changed.
Problem is that I have no idea when I get LC approval.
When I talked to "B" company attorney, I expected my LC would be approved soon. But, I didn't get any good luck yet.
Could anybody suggest for me?

PD : 6/2003
RD : 6/2004
45 Letter : 2/2005
No Approval Yet
IS your case in PBEC or DBEC ?
SWA cases received 45DL as early as August 2005

None of our company sponsored LC applications went to the Regional. As far as I know of, four people had already received 45DL, two as early as 8/2005, one in 9/2005, and the other is in 12/05. No approval for these guys. (Posted as requested, don't know if it helps)

My info:
PD: 11-01-2002
RD: Never reached Regional
45DL dated 12/19/2005 and replied in 1/2006
Thanks enqueued,

My opininon is:

1. Within next 3 months (probability - 30%)
2. Within next 6 months (probability - 50%)
3. Within next 12 monts (probability - 20%)

My attorney's opinion is within next 12 months (option#3) we should expect the decision.

My own personal analysis and abovementioned probabilities I consider only for SWA cases with PD < 2004 and who got 45 day letter, and based on the estimation of DBEC speed.

enqueued said:
congrats sfmars, finally good things are happening to us SWA folks as well. I know I ve asked you this question plenty a times already but, hey, tell me when you expect your approval now? :)

PD 08/2003 WA
45 DL: No
For those who are in Arkansas, my attorney just told me that he received my 45 day letter. So, I am glad there is a progress..

good luck to all...

ETA Case Number: D-05146-XXXXX
PD: 10/18/2002
State: Arkansas
Type: TR
45 day letter received 02/02/2006
Dallas backlog elimination center
state cases

My case was filed in IN in 2002/9 and the attorney recieved the 45 day letter in 09/2005. It took them 3 years to tell me that my case was still there. Nothing happened to the approval yet. My experience is that 45 day letter only says that your case is in the system, but I don't think that means that you are in the queue yet, since the focus now is still regional cases.

enqueued said:
congrats sfmars, finally good things are happening to us SWA folks as well. I know I ve asked you this question plenty a times already but, hey, tell me when you expect your approval now? :)

PD 08/2003 WA
45 DL: No
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pangmao said:
My case was filed in IN in 2002/9 and the attorney recieved the 45 day letter in 09/2005. It took them 3 years to tell me that my case was still there. Nothing happened to the approval yet. My experience is that 45 day letter only says that your case is in the system, but I don't think that means that you are in the queue yet, since the focus now is still regional cases.

To know that your case is in their system it would be enough to figure out by sending request for screenshot as many of us did. People did not get 45DL but got information about their cases from screenshots. But the key point is 45 day letter, and confirmation that Dallas received your response.

Without 45DL you can not even think that your case close to be cosidered.
45 Dl

What I'm trying to say is that 45 dl does not mean that your case is close to be considered. My impression is that unless they finish the regional cases, they won't work on the state cases. Gurus, please let know I am wrong and I'm actually hoping that I am wrong.
sfmars said:
To know that your case is in their system it would be enough to figure out by sending request for screenshot as many of us did. People did not get 45DL but got information about their cases from screenshots. But the key point is 45 day letter, and confirmation that Dallas received your response.

Without 45DL you can not even think that your case close to be cosidered.
Time will tell

pangmao said:
What I'm trying to say is that 45 dl does not mean that your case is close to be considered. My impression is that unless they finish the regional cases, they won't work on the state cases. Gurus, please let know I am wrong and I'm actually hoping that I am wrong.

May be by end of Feb.06 we will be able to predict something based on how things move for State cases. Better if it happen like Reg cases, we saw approvals from Dec.03 to Apr.04 only in one month Jan.06
Approval lost in the mail

I have received a mail from DBEC saying that my labor was approved on Jan 31st.
My employer hasn't recieved anything so far. If anyone has any info as how long
it takes for the employer/attorney to receive the mail can you share with me.

In my case the employer's address and the attorney's address are one and the same.
To add to the complexity of this whole labor process, my employer has changed his
address 2 months ago, and he says since he did mail forwarding and he should receive the
mail from DBEC and he claims he has been receiving other communicaions from INS
at his new address. He has a person who checks the mails at the old address regularly,
so in essence as per him I should not have any problem.

I would appreciate if anyone can answer
1)How long does it take for the employer/attorney to receive the approved
copy given the fact that I received the approval confirmation on Jan 31st?

2)Is my employer correct? will he receive the mail without any problem

I have an appointment with a leading attorney on Tuesday, but wanted to hear
what the experts from this forum have to say in this regards.

Enquiring WY applicants

Hi All,

Is there anybody, who applied for WY SWA. I have not come across anybody from WY. My details are as below.

PD: Nov 04
right in DBEC
Have not received 45DL
I have same problem. I am also waiting.
gmr said:
I have received a mail from DBEC saying that my labor was approved on Jan 31st.
My employer hasn't recieved anything so far. If anyone has any info as how long
it takes for the employer/attorney to receive the mail can you share with me.

In my case the employer's address and the attorney's address are one and the same.
To add to the complexity of this whole labor process, my employer has changed his
address 2 months ago, and he says since he did mail forwarding and he should receive the
mail from DBEC and he claims he has been receiving other communicaions from INS
at his new address. He has a person who checks the mails at the old address regularly,
so in essence as per him I should not have any problem.

I would appreciate if anyone can answer
1)How long does it take for the employer/attorney to receive the approved
copy given the fact that I received the approval confirmation on Jan 31st?

2)Is my employer correct? will he receive the mail without any problem

I have an appointment with a leading attorney on Tuesday, but wanted to hear
what the experts from this forum have to say in this regards.

NO 45 days letter yet

I just have a file Number from my lawer.How do i check my status.

Any gure please suggest should i move on with PERM.

Thanx in Advance

Just an FYI,

If the mail from DBEC explicitly says that "Address/Forwarding service not requested" and/or "Return to Sender", then the USPS will not forward to the new address. Instead , it will return the mail to sender.

gmr said:
I have received a mail from DBEC saying that my labor was approved on Jan 31st.
My employer hasn't recieved anything so far. If anyone has any info as how long
it takes for the employer/attorney to receive the mail can you share with me.

In my case the employer's address and the attorney's address are one and the same.
To add to the complexity of this whole labor process, my employer has changed his
address 2 months ago, and he says since he did mail forwarding and he should receive the
mail from DBEC and he claims he has been receiving other communicaions from INS
at his new address. He has a person who checks the mails at the old address regularly,
so in essence as per him I should not have any problem.

I would appreciate if anyone can answer
1)How long does it take for the employer/attorney to receive the approved
copy given the fact that I received the approval confirmation on Jan 31st?

2)Is my employer correct? will he receive the mail without any problem

I have an appointment with a leading attorney on Tuesday, but wanted to hear
what the experts from this forum have to say in this regards.

I did not see any "Address/Forwarding service not requested" and/or "Return to Sender" kind of terms on the Mail I have received from DBEC. Not sure if these terms will be there on the mail sent to the attorney/employer.
If anyone has any info regarding this I greatly appreciate it.


Immi_Seeker said:
Just an FYI,

If the mail from DBEC explicitly says that "Address/Forwarding service not requested" and/or "Return to Sender", then the USPS will not forward to the new address. Instead , it will return the mail to sender.
DBEC corrected Wrong Case Source from STATE TO REGION

After 6 months of effort, DBEC finally corrected my Wrong Case Source from STATE TO REGION.

I guess due to this wrong entry my labour was not approved while DBEC approving cases with PD JAN2004 later. Since this is corrected, Does it have any influence on fast labour approval sooner?. Please share if any one had similar experience....
Case Number D-05011-XXXXX
PD APR2003
Case Source : REGION
Case Status : DATA REVIEW
Priority Date Vs case Source : STATE

YES.. I guess DBEC did not approv case Source : STATE and there seems no meaning for Priority Date..

pangmao said:
My impression is that unless they finish the regional cases, they won't work on the state cases. Gurus, please let know I am wrong and I'm actually hoping that I am wrong.