Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Excellent analysis

Excellent, very smart analysis. I agree with you 100% budy.

harihoudini said:

This is very similar to going for dinner to a busy and understaffed restaurant on a friday night. They are using the same tactics:

You arrive there to find a Huge population waiting for a table. You approach the host - they tell you its going to be an Hour and a half wait time (PD).

You look at the crowd waiting (Visa bulletin) and decide its probably true. You therefore leave hoping to find another place that doesnt have a wait.
This is what they want: they dont really want you to wait - they want to "clear the queue and go" because the staff cant handle the load anyway

People who stay and try and ride out the wait (retrogressed visa queue) generally notice that they get their table within 30 minutes. SO 1.5 hours was a "LIE" and grossly overestimated (hence 1 yr queue moves in 1 month).

While waiting you also notice that people who came after you get a table quicker (PERM) and this is due to several factors including number of people in a party (2 vs 4). Highly frustrating ! however on second inspection you will find that they havent progressed very far and just made it to the bar to have drinks while they are waiting (LC cleared but cant file 140 or 485).

Some people get adventurous and pay a person to wait for 1.5 hours who will call the original party when the table is ready. (Labor substition).

Finally i would like to conclude by saying that there is no method to the madness here. USCIS are well and truly a lost cause as an Organisation.
The best thing to do is not get depressed and look for other options - this is what the USCIS want with their PD retrogression message.

Hang in there, Stick it out - the people who dont will open the opportunity for people who do !
Is That True

safdarali said:
Hi! Mjee and all.

Even your case is in Dallas for screen shot send request to Phily.
Also if your case is approved there will be no Status field.

When my case was in process the CASE STATUS was shown as RIR and after it is approved it does not show case status.

Good Luck

BAD NEWS for S. 1932...we are dead !!!!

Senator Arlen Specter, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, proposed this immigration bill as part of the Budget Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 and it appears that the strategy worked in the Senate. However, the House leaders are battling with the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 even without the immigration recapture provisions as revealed by its cancellation of vote yesterday. The House GOP leaders are considering to try a vote again when it comes back from the Veterans Day (today) holiday weekend. The Senate S. 1932 is at this time trapped in the House internal struggle. At this time, no member of the House has come forward to introduce an amendment to add the Senate immigration packet to the House bill on the floor. In fact, it is not clear whether such amendment strategy will work better than the strategy to handle the S. 1932 immigration bill rather at the conference level. At this point, quick vote of the House budget bill with or without immigration packet is the top priority from the perspectives of the immigration community. Please read the New York Times report (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/11/politics/11cong.html) on yesterday's struggle in the House.
sfmars said:

Absolutely Not.

You can not inherit PD. If you have your LC approved and I140 you can own PD it is your forever even if you change employer in the different region and different position you use your old PD.

But if you get a new job at the different employer and got his substituted LC, your PD will become today's date.

I would like to be wrong if you find any facts agains it.


I will try to find the facts in writing but just to answer you, I have already applied for substitution and before I applied I spoke with 3 different attorney about PD. Please check with your attorney about PD.

See my signature...
New approval

My lawyer recieve the certification letter yesterday. Here's my details:

PD: October 17, 2003
Case Source: Chicago DOL
ETA Case Number: D-05010-XXXXX
45-day Letter: April, 2005

Not sure of the approval date, I haven't seen the letter yet.

Thanks a lot for the support and insights from the forum! I was so depressed when they move cases to DBC last year, then I found this forum, and this forum kept me abreast of latest trend and status and helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. And for those who are still waiting, good luck and keep your faith!! Eventually, we all will get the plastic card, let's be realistic, they need lots of new blood to support the retiring baby boomers, closing the door and out-sourcing the job is definitely not the answer. Although the journey is long and painful, we're not alone. And we will be so proud of ourselves one day for our patience and courage.

At the same time, I will continuously write to senators and fight another big battle for filing I-485, let's end the painful journey for all of us sooner. May God bless all of us!

Last edited by a moderator:
Finally got Certified letter from DBEC yesterday, certify date is Oct 31, 2005. I know there are people with PD of 2002 still waiting, just don't lose the hope. It will come.

PD Feb 5th, 2003
45 days letter Jan6, 2005, replied Jan 10, 2005
ETA Case Number: D-04299-XXXXX
LC Certified letter

Ilwaiting said:
Guys, Any new DBEC Approvals Pls post . Folks just a friendly reminder this is a BEC thread. I'm sure we are all very much aware of the current Priority dates

Thank you.

Have been a silent reader ....just received news from employer and verified the copy of approval.....we have not received the notice and lawyer has not received original ETA nor notice

Looks like notice was sent on Nov 7th, 2005 to employer and has certified date of October 26th...

Thanks folks for all the posts .....

PD : Oct 9,2003
State - IL [EB3]
45 Day Letter Received - 03/16/2005
45 Day Replied : 03/17/2005
LC Certified : 10/26/2005
Case # D05010-13XXX
safdarali said:
Hi! Mjee and all.

Even your case is in Dallas for screen shot send request to Phily.
Also if your case is approved there will be no Status field.

When my case was in process the CASE STATUS was shown as RIR and after it is approved it does not show case status.

Good Luck

Thanks for your info. Appreciate your response.
NY Times Article
House Leaders Postpone Vote on Budget Bill

Published: November 11, 2005
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - Facing defeat, House Republican leaders on Thursday abruptly called off a vote on a contentious budget-cutting bill in a striking display of the discord and political anxiety running through the party's ranks.

Despite making major concessions to moderate Republicans, House leaders failed to win enough converts to the budget plan and surrendered in midafternoon. Leading Republicans said they would try again next week to find a bare majority for more than $50 billion in spending cuts and policy changes.

"The product we had for today wasn't quite where it needs to be yet," said Representative Roy Blunt of Missouri, the No. 2 Republican, who said backers of the cuts remained a "handful" of votes short.

It was a stunning retreat for a Republican majority that has prided itself on iron discipline and an ability to win even the most difficult floor votes consistently. It was set against Democratic election victories on Tuesday that left Republicans worried about the 2006 midterm contests. It was also a setback for Mr. Blunt, who is filling in as majority leader for Representative Tom DeLay and would be a candidate for the job permanently should Mr. DeLay's legal problems persist in Texas, where he is under criminal indictment.

"I'm the whip," said Mr. Blunt, who with Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois spent hours on Thursday closeted with lawmakers trying to line up backing for the bill. "We've had 50-plus straight victories, so any time we can't go to the floor the day we are supposed to go to the floor, I don't see that as a victory for me."

For more than a month, Republicans have been trying to bring a budget bill to a vote, but competition between moderates and conservatives has prevented the leadership from being certain enough of the outcome to move forward.

The fiscal fight is not limited to the House. Senate Republicans on the Finance Committee had hoped to approve a bill with $68 billion in tax cuts over the next five years. But they were forced to postpone a vote on Thursday after failing to win over a crucial dissident, Senator Olympia J. Snowe, Republican of Maine, despite two hours of closed-door talks.

In the House, Mr. Blunt and other top Republicans said a main impediment was the unity of the Democrats, who would not provide a single vote for the plan, forcing Republicans to rely on party support for a measure that makes moderates nervous because it contains politically charged cuts in food stamps and health care for the poor.

Democrats said the postponement reflected growing resistance within the Republican Party over its direction on spending and tax issues. Democrats have begun home-state attacks over the budget cuts against Republicans deemed vulnerable.

"I think that the Republicans are feeling the impact of the election and feeling the heat of our arguments about why this budget is a bad one," said Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader.

Failure to pass budget cuts that would be extended over five years, along with a series of tax cuts, would anger conservative Republicans who have warned that the party needs to restore its reputation as fiscally responsible. It would also be a defeat for President Bush, who has backed the spending and tax cuts.

House conservatives reacted with strong disappointment to the postponement. "The American people long to see this Republican majority apply the principles of limited government and fiscal discipline to the challenges facing our federal budget," said a statement issued by Representatives Mike Pence of Indiana and Jeb Hensarling of Texas, leaders of a conservative coalition. They urged their colleagues to "live up" to party principles and called for immediate rescheduling of the vote.

Other rank-and-file Republicans said they had to weigh the sentiments of their voters. "You have to listen to the people that live in your district," said Representative Dave Reichert, a freshman Republican from Washington who opposed a provision opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

In an effort to reduce such opposition, the leadership late Wednesday night dropped the Alaskan drilling provision from the bill and made other changes that won new support from moderates. But it was evident on Thursday that the majority was still scrambling even as lawmakers were chafing to return to their districts for Veterans Day observances.

Lawmakers also heard from Bush administration officials. But party leaders said the objections were too numerous to overcome quickly. "We have run out of time on this bill," said Representative Deborah Pryce of Ohio, chairwoman of the House Republican Conference.

Mr. Blunt said the Budget Committee would revisit the budget package next week to try to make more adjustments, with nutrition programs and rural pharmacies among programs that could receive changes.

He said that the absence of some Republicans complicated the floor strategy and that the leadership had decided not to gamble on killing the bill after the Senate had advanced about $35 billion in spending cuts.

Even if House Republicans are able to pass the budget cuts, the measure's fate is unclear. Senior House and Senate Republicans are determined to use the bill to achieve drilling in the Arctic and will insist that it be included in any final bill.

Mr. DeLay, a strong advocate of the drilling, said Thursday that he believed "chances are very good" that the exploration provision would emerge from negotiations between the House and Senate. But some moderates declared that they would oppose a final bill if it cleared the way for Arctic drilling.

"I and other like-minded members will not vote for the final package when it comes back if it has drilling in the Arctic," said Representative Charles Bass, Republican of New Hampshire and a leader of the coalition opposed to the drilling.

Democrats said they saw the Republican reversal on drilling as a temporary ploy, predicting that House and Senate leaders would restore the provision and then squeeze moderates to back the final bill.

"The only wildlife that Republicans protected today is the red herring," said Representative Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts.

The decision to hold off on the budget vote came a few weeks after House Republicans barely eked out a victory on an energy and oil refinery measure. Some Republicans and Democrats have attributed the recent difficulties to the absence of Mr. DeLay and to his replacement by a makeshift leadership structure.

Others said Thursday that Mr. Blunt could not be held responsible for the inability to win a very difficult and consequential vote that lawmakers are weighing carefully.

"I don't think it would be one vote difference if Tom DeLay were still there," said Representative Michael N. Castle, Republican of Delaware.

Mr. DeLay, who appeared with House leaders but remained silent as others announced the postponement, told reporters later that the inability to move forward with the vote was a shared responsibility.

"Everybody has been working very, very hard on this," he said. "We have all worked together, and we have all had a part to play."

i-for-a-change said:

Could you pls post the details of this story regarding the retro issus? The link requires logon to review.

Is that true


Can you please tell what date was it (approximately) when you received your screen shot, after you knew your case was approved.

Did anybody else run into this scenerio.



safdarali said:
Hi! Mjee and all.

Even your case is in Dallas for screen shot send request to Phily.
Also if your case is approved there will be no Status field.

When my case was in process the CASE STATUS was shown as RIR and after it is approved it does not show case status.

Good Luck
Here are my details:

PD: Sep 17th 2004

Don't know if it made to regional.
Didn't receive 45 days letter yet.

- When can I expect 45 days letter?
- Is my case still in state level/ DBEC?
- How can I check my case status?

Any respond will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all.
Rir ?

Hi Guys,
just now my employer received letter from DBC telling my case has been reinstated after receiving the 45letter reply. Does that means my case satus is now RIR? What does RIR in status field stands for?

I have been trying to get some information regarding Colorado cases files in 2001. If anybody has anyupdate, please share.

Case PD: 10/15/2001
Filed in: Denver
Category: Non-RIR/EB2
45day letter: not recieved

any information will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
hopehope41 said:

Can you please tell what date was it (approximately) when you received your screen shot, after you knew your case was approved.

Did anybody else run into this scenerio.


now a days for all cases they are deleting the status field. so please dont be n the impression that if the case status is blank it is approved. Not to discourage you all but this is what is happening.
congratulations on your approval..
did u ever request a screenshot during your wait??
if yes....what did it say?
did u ever get any RFEs during your wait for LC?
thank you in advance for your response.

JeremyBoy said:
Finally got Certified letter from DBEC yesterday, certify date is Oct 31, 2005. I know there are people with PD of 2002 still waiting, just don't lose the hope. It will come.

PD Feb 5th, 2003
45 days letter Jan6, 2005, replied Jan 10, 2005
ETA Case Number: D-04299-XXXXX
TX LC approvals ?

Please respond , What could be latest PD approval for TX from DBEC ? I see most of them are Oct month for CA,IL only. :(

PD- Oct 30 2005
45 letter -replied on Jul05
ETA - D-05074-XXXXX