Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Pvr2Pvr, You have done really good calculations and also from the reply of Icarus( Thanks Icarus for feedback), it seems the regional cases should be clearing soon. Probably 3-4 months from now on.
As per my reading, people started getting the 45 day letters from last week of November to first week of december 2004. So 3 - 4 months from then, i.e, Somebody should be getting answers from first week of March-April 2005 from BEC.
Lets hope it works this way.
little math

My Mistake,
To my knowledge the regional cases are 55,000

55000/2.5 * 200 = 110 days.

in 110 working days the regional cases should be cleared.

Well, this is all the rough figures, and as the RIR cases can go little faster, can we expect the RIR cases cleared little faster!!

I guess from March 28th there should be approvals for regional cases approx @ 200-500 apps per day.

may be Icarus can coment on the little math, I appriciate Icarus contribution to the forum.
pvr2pvr said:
My Mistake,
To my knowledge the regional cases are 55,000

55000/2.5 * 200 = 110 days.

in 110 working days the regional cases should be cleared.

Well, this is all the rough figures, and as the RIR cases can go little faster, can we expect the RIR cases cleared little faster!!

I guess from March 28th there should be approvals for regional cases approx @ 200-500 apps per day.

may be Icarus can coment on the little math, I appriciate Icarus contribution to the forum.

Assuming 20 working days are in a month,

80 working days = 4 months
160 working days = 8 months
110 Working days = 5.5 months
And Can we safely assume that the entire 200 strong staff is capable of and will be working only on adjudication? I mean, there may be some other cerical staff, maintenance staff and so on.....

Icarus, how many of these 200 are actually going to work on the LC cases?
!!!!I disagree with your analysis!!!!

My appologies, but I disagree with your analysis. I think after so long of pains from the GC process, you are still doing Sunny day calculations. You still think Roses are red. You still see light at the end of tunnel. You still are highly optimistic.

It will take 24-30 months to just do data entry of the whole 300,000 applications and then there are another 100,000 applications that will get piled up by Apr 2005, because lot many companies are filling for GC labour as many immigration lawyers still consider old process better and chances better in old process than in PERM.

When its taking 24 months just to enter the data, how come your analysis is clearing 300,000 applications in 2 years. And Although its BEC, its still gonna be 2 step process type like the way earlier it was, State labour and regional labour although the differences will be thinner this time unlike earlier where physical file was being moved from State to Regional. That will not happen, but still the BEC will ask report from Regional center to determine if really the need of labour in that region. So its a 2 step process and then generation of new case numbers, sending out 45 days letter and receiving the letters back, putting it back in order in the system. All these make it like 3 step process. And then Again there may come some new law or may be some problem and the BEC office can go stand still. There are lot many conditions, and calculations you are basing upon is really of creating a false hope.

Although I sincerely wish and hope and pray to GOD that your scenario holds true for hundreds and thousands of us who are stuck in this process.

My appologies, if this message sounds rude. I have no intention to offend you or anyone else. But just that I thought it to be too much optimistic without too much base.


pvr2pvr said:

I am following all the forums, to my understanding

1. There are around 200 people working in both the BRC's for clearing the cases.
2. BRC's will take 24 months to 30 months from the date PERM is implemented(approx working days are 600)
3. Total applications to be cleared are 300,000.

lets do a little math now, the numbers may be approx.

Total work days = people working * days
200 * 600 days = 120000 work days.

# or applications to be cleared per person per day to finish the backlog is = total applications / #work days
300000/120000 = 2.5 apps. per day

So if each person clears approx 3 applications, definately they can finish the backlog in 2 years.

If they choose to clear the regional first, not touching state apps.
40000 / 2.5 * 200 = 80 days.
So from the date of implementing the PERM in 80 working days the regional cases should be cleared.

if half the resources are being used for data entry then in 160 working days the regional cases should be cleared. or each person has to clear 5 apps. per day to complete in 80 days.

Do you all think clearing 5/6 cases per days per person is that difficult, keeping the consideration all the factors?

What do you say?
gogia said:
And Can we safely assume that the entire 200 strong staff is capable of and will be working only on adjudication? I mean, there may be some other cerical staff, maintenance staff and so on.....

Icarus, how many of these 200 are actually going to work on the LC cases?

Also, there may be some overhead time involved in processing of cases... (training sessions, employee orientation, troubleshooting problematic cases, etc).
Inaccurate calculation

These guys get 20 days paid holiday in 1 year. so in 2 years 40 days are gone of from 200 persons.

mvinays said:
Also, there may be some overhead time involved in processing of cases... (training sessions, employee orientation, troubleshooting problematic cases, etc).
Kanjoos said:
These guys get 20 days paid holiday in 1 year. so in 2 years 40 days are gone of from 200 persons.
"The DTI policy has been to celebrate six fixed holidays and four floating holidays per year. The six fixed holidays are: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Under the new policy, effective on January 1, 2005, these holidays will continue as fixed holidays. In addition, four new fixed holidays are being added. They are: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day. This makes ten holidays per year." :)

AND vacation/sick/personal time accrues at 8 hours a month (12 days a year). DTI is a governmental contractor for the DOL that isn't tied to standard Federal employee benefits.

AND their employees get weekends off, too! :cool:
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Icarus said:
"The DTI policy has been to celebrate six fixed holidays and four floating holidays per year. The six fixed holidays are: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Under the new policy, effective on January 1, 2005, these holidays will continue as fixed holidays. In addition, four new fixed holidays are being added. They are: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day. This makes ten holidays per year." :)


sorry to bug you, but you know if data entry for ATL DOL cases is finished? Or in which stage they are?

Thank you
Need advise...

My state labor approved (RIR) and my application sent to DOL on November 2003. So far my attorney didn’t get any 45 days letter from BEC. How I/my attorney need to approach to get the status? Is there any e-mail or phone number I can contact? Please advise.
gogia said:
And Can we safely assume that the entire 200 strong staff is capable of and will be working only on adjudication? I mean, there may be some other cerical staff, maintenance staff and so on.....

Icarus, how many of these 200 are actually going to work on the LC cases?
That 200 figure is FOR BOTH BEC'S . Dallas has a total of 109 employees. 10 are DOL (Certifying Officers and support staff);14 are Team Exceed Management;the remaining 85 are divided among: Records Management, Mail Management, Data Entry, Quality Assurance, Letter Generation, Special Cases(Troubleshooting), Prevailing Wage, RIR Analysis and TR Analysis. There has been some cross-training, and departmental balance is still being worked out as cases progress, but that is how it stands presently.
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By Holidays , I was including Vacations too

I was including the Vacation of 3 weeks in an year which is standard policy all across various Governmental organisation.

Icarus said:
Less than 10 :(
Hey Kanjoos

If you are so pesimistic why apply for GC, Just go back home now.
And thats a nice way to close the message by saying I don't mean to be rude, well flash news you are being rude.
All of us are trying to make sence of this BEC and trying to find out How long it may take for us to get approved Labor. So everybody is just trying to use their logic from information available from this portal.
So next time kindly don't make rude remarks.
But Still,

Regional RIR cases(about 1/7 of the total) should see the light of the day between 6-12 months If they plan on doing all the cases in 24-30 months...

Regional RIR in Dallas BEC

Does anybody have any idea when the regional RIRs are going to be processed at Dallas BEC?
DOL is saying they will need up to 30 months to finish processing all the backlogged cases at both BECs. They did not specify in what order they are going to process. In my understanding, they are going to process the 50000 pending regional RIRs first and until they are completed will they start with the state level cases. Is that correct? Getting so confused without DOL putting everything in black and white.
My RIR was approved by Texas SWA in Feb 2004 and sent to Dallas DOL in March 2004.
Thanks for your update.
Hey guy
We didn't think of one more thing, When there are 50000 cases in regional gone to BEC, I am sure out of that few of the cases must have stopped processing for many reasons (Got GC from marraige, left country....etc), few of the companies are closed or merged, ...etc
So we are not exactly looking at 50,000 number and from previous information data entry of regional cases is done and analysis is left so there might be light at the end of the tunnel. Hope to hear in 3-4 months
Has anyone from Arkansas gotten their LC approved from the Dallas BEC? Mine was still stuck in the Arkansas SWA, recieve date was march 2002.
it is better you check with your attoney. the DOL website said AR SWA already take care of cases of Jan 2003 for TR and RIR cases. it is unusual you haven't heard anything from your state part.


LC-2002 said:
Has anyone from Arkansas gotten their LC approved from the Dallas BEC? Mine was still stuck in the Arkansas SWA, recieve date was march 2002.