Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Conference call locked!!

Conference call was locked by the time I tried to get on. I assume the capacity may have been full. As Days-Go-By requested can comeone please post notes here or in a linked thread?

Thank you
SFDoLRd_082003 said:
That is good news!!!
This shows that some progress has been made...
Good luck to all...
Here is my details:

Employer : Medium Sized Semiconductor Company

LC RiR Filed @State Workforce (SWA) : 08/19/02
Case Forwarded to Dept.of Labor (TX) : 03/04/03
Case @Dallas BEC;Received 45-day Letter : 12/15/04
replied for 45 days letter on :12/28/04

Can this be added to the consolidated spreadsheet and does any one know when my case would probably touched by BEC-Dallas?
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Sorry for using this thread but need help from you guys.
After my request one nice person gave me this email address status@dal.dflc.us
to contact Dallas BEC, but unfortunately my lawyer is saying he cann't see this email address at DOL site or any official site. So he says we should not send our information till we are sure about this email address.
So can you guys tell me , How we got this email address or is it there on DOL website? I looked but I couldn't see it. Reply soon.
Sorry again to use this thread for my work.

I thought this is the one, I did send all my information to them 3 weeks ago to ask them about my case status.... I did not get any reply....I hope that is true.

Whyallthis said:
Sorry for using this thread but need help from you guys.
After my request one nice person gave me this email address status@dal.dflc.us
to contact Dallas BEC, but unfortunately my lawyer is saying he cann't see this email address at DOL site or any official site. So he says we should not send our information till we are sure about this email address.
So can you guys tell me , How we got this email address or is it there on DOL website? I looked but I couldn't see it. Reply soon.
Sorry again to use this thread for my work.
this is the email address to ask for information.
it was not in DOL website. We appreciate ICARUS's kind help. She/he provided it to us(see this thread page 35,post #512). and it works.
my boss sent email to them on Jan 27 and got response back on 28th with attached word document stating "no query in 90 days after 45 days replied".
I only can say it was your attoney's excuse.
or you could send by yourself's email address, you will get it in 30 or 5 weeks. some people in this forum post it. I also know one my friend using yahoo email to send case query and got response back in 5 weeks. only got his case number and simialar words as I got. but it is plain email, not word document.

hope it helps.

or you can see www.immigration-law.com see their news post on (I bet they got this info from our fourm :rolleyes: ). maybe your lawyer would listen to you

02/06/2005: DOL Backlog Processing Center E-Mail Status Inquiry System

Sources indicate that the Backlog Processing Centers have in place the e-mail inquiry system for those cases which have been issued 45-day letters. This inquiry will be available only after 90 days of responding to such 45-day letter. The BPC will respond to such e-mail inquiry in three days.
E-mail inquiry requires (1) the exact employer name; (2) First and Last Name of the Alien Beneficiary; and (3) BPC case number which is printed in the 45-day letters. Any inquiries without these entries or premature inquiries or any other inquiries which are not related to the 45-day letters are likely to be ignored. Readers, please do not send the e-mails unless you meet the foregoing requirements.
The e-mail addresses for Dallas and Philadelphia Backlog Processing Centers are: status@dal.dflc.us and status@phi.dflc.us

Whyallthis said:
Sorry for using this thread but need help from you guys.
After my request one nice person gave me this email address status@dal.dflc.us
to contact Dallas BEC, but unfortunately my lawyer is saying he cann't see this email address at DOL site or any official site. So he says we should not send our information till we are sure about this email address.
So can you guys tell me , How we got this email address or is it there on DOL website? I looked but I couldn't see it. Reply soon.
Sorry again to use this thread for my work.
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Whyallthis - it takes a while (a month these days) to get a reply from the email id posted..but you will definitely get a status update, and you can email urself, ur lawyer dosen't have to do it
IllinoisGC said:
According the Rajiv Khanna,

• NO class action lawsuit possible

• BEC cases are not eligible for litigation (But typically they charge a flat fee of 15K + expenses - mentioned most of the other firms may not work on flat fee basis)

Courts can't go after the process as BEC's may come up with answers that they're lacking of resources/technology etc..and is too early to conclude that BEC's are not working (was answered positive about the BEC clearing the cases for one of the questions :confused: )

Unfortunately there were lot of irrelevant questions from callers in the beginning and I couldn't wait for longer. Guys please post if you hear any thing important further/correct me if got the points wrong
It should be status@dol.dflc.us but not status @dal.dflc.us
There is a typo, check again

Whyallthis said:
Sorry for using this thread but need help from you guys.
After my request one nice person gave me this email address status@dal.dflc.us
to contact Dallas BEC, but unfortunately my lawyer is saying he cann't see this email address at DOL site or any official site. So he says we should not send our information till we are sure about this email address.
So can you guys tell me , How we got this email address or is it there on DOL website? I looked but I couldn't see it. Reply soon.
Sorry again to use this thread for my work.
status@DAL.DFLC.US (for Dallas BEC) - is that right?

Hi sravu – were you sure that's a typo – many posts indicate that..(ex. http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showpost.php?p=1080376&postcount=7)

email address: status@DAL.DFLC.US (for Dallas BEC)
email address: status@phi.DFLC.US (for PHIL BEC)

Guys – if any body has recent format of their letter and response, appreciate put both in one posting

sravu said:
It should be status@dol.dflc.us but not status @dal.dflc.us
There is a typo, check again
No 45 day letter yet...

Icarus said:
Apologies to Manny, GC and Ziv....
9:00am - Pit stop due to 44 oz Dr. Pepper consumed en route to work.
11:30am - Hand next case to Data Entry supervisor to close case due to case being bumped into RIR queue to avoid closure due to lack response to 45-day letter. Unfortunately, letter was "produced" during initial snafu in printing letters causing no letter to be mailed out. Case goes back to data entry to produce "new" 45-day letter.
2:00pm - Pit stop.(Hey, we're human)
3:30pm - Smoke break (Now up to 2 packs/day)
Next Day....see 7:30am above.

Hey Icarus,

What do you mean "we're human"? I thought you guys were a bunch of robots processing cases like there's no tomorrow... :)

Kidding aside, I have a question regarding your 11:30am task: So you're saying there was a snafu early in the process and some people didn't get the 45 day letters. If that's the case, I bet my friend is in that category, as well as LC4ever, as both cases have similar PDs and were forwarded to DOL regional from Oklahoma (and hence probably were part of this "snafu").

Are these cases going to be fixed (and letters generated AND mailed out) as their processing time approaches? If so, then since my friend's PD is December '01, he should get a letter any day now...

Could these cases "fall between the cracks" and be closed by an analyst who is not as alert to the issue as you are? What can be done in such a case?

As always, your help and updates are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Littlerunner1 said:
Hey y'all:

Good news - I heard from my lawyer today that my LC was approved. I was at Dallas, non-rir, PD April 2001

Congract, can you give us your case details providing the state, field and level.
Good luck in your next step
little runner

Littlerunner1 said:
I filed in Louisiana
Field = Higher Ed
Level = Master's

did your LC move to Regional or was it stuck at SWA?

can you elaborate the advertisemnmt process set forth by the DOL for
non-rir process

Many thanks
LC approval for a company guy

I am going to post LC approval from TWC applied case of friend of mine. I received an email today from him about his approval.
Here are the details:
LC filed Category: EB3, NON-RIR
LC filed State: TX
LC PD: 03/01
LC RD: ???
45 days letter: Yes
45 days letter RD: 01/05
45 days letter SD: 01/05 ( I assume SD means Sent date)
Approval Granted: 19/05/05.

I still need to get more info when they asked him to advertise and stuff, keep you all posted.