Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

sleepless_in_IN said:
Who cares when they will get processed....THE FIRST QUESTION IS:

When will SWA cases see 45 day letters??

What the heck constitues a "reasonable" queue? How can waiting to do 2001 PD SWA/SESA case until a "reasonable" queue is formed; FAIR while they process Regional cases with 2004 & 2005 PDs!!!

i agree with u, but i would rather c some processing in whatever way (FIFO LIFO etc) than remain waiting forever BEC to start processing.don't forget that most SWA and regionals stopped processing since last august. i think the FIFO will be first at the regional level than they get to SWA and not a mix. it makes a difference and it is not fair. therefore, i don't expect anything soon for SWA cases but some progress may occur at regional level. it is my personal opinion.
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antonioa77 said:
i agree with u, but i would rather c some processing in whatever way (FIFO LIFO etc) than remain waiting forever BEC to start processing.don't forget that most SWA and regionals stopped processing since last august. i think the FIFO will be first at the regional level than they get to SWA and not a mix. it makes a difference and it is not fair. therefore, i don't expect anything soon for SWA cases but some progress may occur at regional level. it is my personal opinion.

It is very likely that SWA cases will be processed soon and probably some of the analysts who r working on RIR regional cases might be moved to Non RIR.
There are 1800 cases already piledup for the DOL officials to certify. At the current pace, that is likely to swell. So in order to cut it down the DOL may shift some of the analysts working on RIR (Regional)to SWA and NON RIR cases which take much longer to clear.
You are right..

antonioa77 said:
so r u saying that till aug sep 05 , BEC will continue processing regional cases and by then they will mixthe remaining regional with SWA cases for RIR? or u mean that RIR cases from regional will be finished by aug -sep 05? there is a big difference and i think u r giving ur opinion but hopefuly it is based on facts.

Once the SWA cases get started on processing then the remaining Regional Cases will go slow..

I think WhyAllThis is right too..
There are many states like AZ and WA where the DOL cases have been cleared upto Dec 2004...

We may see results quicker than my analysis suggests..

m_chundi said:
It is very likely that SWA cases will be processed soon and probably some of the analysts who r working on RIR regional cases might be moved to Non RIR.
There are 1800 cases already piledup for the DOL officials to certify. At the current pace, that is likely to swell. So in order to cut it down the DOL may shift some of the analysts working on RIR (Regional)to SWA and NON RIR cases which take much longer to clear.

but what i'm worried about is the RIR cases at the state level and not the non-RIR. so from what u r saying that the rir cases will wait for the non-rir cases then we r back to the theory of having one queue compared to 2 independent queues:eek:ne for rir and for non-rir and synchronization.
Never doubted your analysis. But its not worst case scenario.


Your analysis is awesome. But I really was never convinced that, things will roll as you laid down. I think this whole labour/GC process is like 50% rule based and 50% random.

I am just keeping fingers crossed and waiting to hear directly from you. I think you have been saying from quiet some time that your case must be done by may 1st week or 2nd week. Lets hope it does, lets hope we hear good news. I hope then we can put some real analysis working.

My hopes are diminishing, because, not yet many Jan-March 2001 cases have been cleared. I know the CO has loads of cases to sign. But its really frustrating not to see Jan 2001 cases not being approved ....I have gone bearish about it now. And since my case is Jan 2003 , I think I am keeping my timeline as somewhere in Mar-Apr 2006. Initially I thought of Aug 2005, but now I dont.

Zany_Brainy said:
Once the SWA cases get started on processing then the remaining Regional Cases will go slow..

I think WhyAllThis is right too..
There are many states like AZ and WA where the DOL cases have been cleared upto Dec 2004...

We may see results quicker than my analysis suggests..

RIR single queue for DOL case?

Hi, Zany_Brainy

Your calculation is based on RIR case only. I suppose it's only for backlog case pending at Regional Office, doesn't include those from SWA, since it seems the only availabe database is for those passed SWA and reached RO already.

So we back to the original queue question. My question is, are you sure there is a seperate queue for RIR case for case from Regional Office? And will BEC maintain this queue before all RIR cases from RO are cleared? Or at least they're doing so right now till the near future, for example, Aug or Sep 05? Is this your speculation or based on some inside information?

Please shed some light on this million-dollar question? It sounds likely, since adjudicating those cases requires minimium effort. For folks in this classfication, a seperate queue for RIR is already good news, let alone RO case will be processed first.

Admitted, it may not sound fair to some folks.

Zany_Brainy said:
[B]Cases    Month      Year[/B]
...         ...          ...
15	1	2001
36	2	2001
155	3	2001
[COLOR=Red][B]5546	4	2001[/B][/COLOR] According to Icarus we are past this point now!!
192	5	2001
281	6	2001
338	7	2001
351	8	2001
351	9	2001
419	10	2001
282	11	2001
333	12	2001
361	1	2002
388	2	2002
555	3	2002
660	4	2002
[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]1022	5	2002[/COLOR][/B]  <-- This is where I am 
1261	6	2002
1641	7	2002
1526	8	2002
1593	9	2002
1465	10	2002
1403	11	2002
1781	12	2002
1941	1	2003
1921	2	2003
1947	3	2003
2122	4	2003
2184	5	2003
2014	6	2003
2151	7	2003
1950	8	2003
2129	9	2003
2007	10	2003
1304	11	2003
1619	12	2003
1250	1	2004
1061	2	2004
854	3	2004
603	4	2004
530	5	2004
518	6	2004
407	7	2004
684	8	2004
54	9	2004
(Remember that many many cases between 5/2001 and 5/2002 PD has already been processed by DOLS, I have excluded the cases processed by CA DOL, but I dont have an exact Idea enough to remove cases from other DOLs)
SO WORST CASE SCENARIO WE HAVE 4511 Cases before the RIR Queue reaches May 2002. i.e. 4511/90*2 (90 cases a day per BEC)= 25.06 Days ~ 1.2 month.

My estimates are that there are very few cases between these dates actually and we should get May 2002 cases in Analysis within a week or 2 at max..

ICARUS...Please just send us a message once you see even 1 (ONE) May 2002 case in Analysis (PLEASE)!!

sleepless_in_IN said:
That makes no sense at all.

If they shift analysts it's not like the pile will shrink! The pile will "SWELL" with other types (non-rir/swa) cases for the DOL officials to certify. There is no reason for them to shift to SWA cases at this time. DOL's (WRONG AND DUMB) assumption is that Regional cases are older than SWA/SESA cases. So they will do regional first.
My assumption is State cases take more time to process than regional cases. For ex i got an NOF on recruitment from CA SWA and SWA's do the prevailing wage check.
Icarus said:
Just some basic stats...no other news :(
Dallas PD processing is pretty much moved into 5/01 (finally). Also RIR queue is now over 16,000 cases awaiting RIR analysis and around 1800 (RIR and TR) awaiting final CO review for approval.

Icarus: Is it possible for you to provide some info on Philly as well?
GCCovet said:
You can get 7th year extension based on pending LC (provided your LC case is more then 365 days older). You would get 8th..9th.. year extension onthe same basis.

Thanks. And sorry I posted this question in this forum.
Zany_Brainy said:
[B]Cases    Month      Year[/B]
...         ...          ...
15	1	2001
36	2	2001
155	3	2001
[COLOR=Red][B]5546	4	2001[/B][/COLOR] According to Icarus we are past this point now!!
192	5	2001
281	6	2001
338	7	2001
351	8	2001
351	9	2001
419	10	2001
282	11	2001
333	12	2001
361	1	2002
388	2	2002
555	3	2002
660	4	2002
[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]1022	5	2002[/COLOR][/B]  <-- This is where I am 
1261	6	2002
1641	7	2002
1526	8	2002
1593	9	2002
1465	10	2002
1403	11	2002
1781	12	2002
1941	1	2003
1921	2	2003
1947	3	2003
2122	4	2003
2184	5	2003
2014	6	2003
2151	7	2003
1950	8	2003
2129	9	2003
2007	10	2003
1304	11	2003
1619	12	2003
1250	1	2004
1061	2	2004
854	3	2004
603	4	2004
530	5	2004
518	6	2004
407	7	2004
684	8	2004
54	9	2004
(Remember that many many cases between 5/2001 and 5/2002 PD has already been processed by DOLS, I have excluded the cases processed by CA DOL, but I dont have an exact Idea enough to remove cases from other DOLs)
SO WORST CASE SCENARIO WE HAVE 4511 Cases before the RIR Queue reaches May 2002. i.e. 4511/90*2 (90 cases a day per BEC)= 25.06 Days ~ 1.2 month.

My estimates are that there are very few cases between these dates actually and we should get May 2002 cases in Analysis within a week or 2 at max..

ICARUS...Please just send us a message once you see even 1 (ONE) May 2002 case in Analysis (PLEASE)!!


Hmm.. For me whose PD is Feb 2002. There are 2908 cases ahead of me. So using the same calculation 2908/(90*2) = 16.15 Days ~ 3weeks.
So if you are correct then my case will be analyzed this week.

I guess: all approval LC (PD 4/2001) has been sent out, all 1800 pending LCs have the PD after 4/2001. Once the DFLC thinks all 4/2001 LC is cleared, the CO will approve and let these 1800 LC send out.
Am I right? Any one agree with me?

Icarus said:
Just some basic stats...no other news :(
Dallas PD processing is pretty much moved into 5/01 (finally). Also RIR queue is now over 16,000 cases awaiting RIR analysis and around 1800 (RIR and TR) awaiting final CO review for approval.
Next step would be to see if 5/01 PD guys can confirm that they are getting approval notices. Please find out with the lawyers and post them here if you hear the sweet news. Thanks very much in advance.


u r our only ambassador to the BEC world.we really appreciate ur great help.

i have several questions for u:

1- Do u know when dallas BEC will start sending the 45 days letters to the people with applications pending at SWA level?

2- since the BEC has started processing 1-how many RIR applications were in total processed by the contractor and 2- how many of them were certified by the CO?

3- will the number of CO's be increased in the near future?

4-DO u know how many SWA cases were data entried in the system till this date?

hopefully we hear from u soon.

I want to send an enquiry

Can anyone give me the correct EMAIL
and an email template to send an Enquiry to the Dallas BEC.

I am going to make my HR department (Official Contact) send an enquiry on my case

Zany_Brainy said:
Can anyone give me the correct EMAIL
and an email template to send an Enquiry to the Dallas BEC.

I am going to make my HR department (Official Contact) send an enquiry on my case


loosing patience, ahhh!


Employer :
Alian : Last. First
CA DOL Case # :
Dallas BEC Response

I had sent a status inquiry email to the Dallas BEC on April 04, 2005 for my case. My priority Date is January 30, 2002. RIR/EB3 from Oklahoma.

Here is the response that I got today (May 02, 2005):

Dear Requestor:
The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: D-04264-XXXXX

The above-referenced case was transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification’s Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, the case is in final review.

DFLC Backlog Processing Center


Did you respond to 45-day letter?

May be your approval is on the way!

My status inquiry email was like this:

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification’s Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.

Can you tell us whether your company/attorney respond to the 45-day letter already and when was that?

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udaippan said:

My status inquiry email was like this:

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification’s Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.

Can you tell us whether your company/attorney respond to the 45-day letter already and when was that?


My attorney responded to the 45-Day letter on January 07, 2005.
Received response from DOL

I received the following response for my case: Non-RIR (MI), PD: 5/22/02

May 2, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: NOT YET ASSIGNED

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification’s Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.

Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days after responding to the 45-day letter.


DFLC Backlog Processing Center
Processing Jan 2002 now?!!!

May be your approval is on the way!

Does that mean they are processing Jan 2002 now !!!!!! :D