CP in Chennai how long for Parents ?


Congratulations to you and your mom! Thanks for sharing the experience.

We have done birth affidavits for my mom on stamp paper. They have been witnessed/signed by a Notary Public. Consulate instructions state that, Indian affidavits need to be signed by a First Class magistrate. I told my parents and they checked with Notary, he told them that in India Notary has the same status as 1st class magistrate. I am a little concerned about it.

It is very good to know that your mom did not have any problem. Were the affidavits signed by a 1st class magistrate? Thanks.
Thank you very much.

I'm glad that you got the birth affidavits on stamp paper. We had the same concerns about the First Class Magistrate, but it is enough if a Notary Public signs the affidavits. Don't worry about this. My mother also had her affidavits signed only by a Notary Public.
An update

My mother got her passport with the visa, and the sealed envelope today. The visa is valid till May 26, 2007.
Visaapp -

Both my parents got their affidavits notarized by a Notary Public. No issues on that one. In fact, only after reading your post, I even came to know about the First class Magistrate thingy. As Jyo said, your parents should be ok.

My wife arrived here today :)

At the POE, she was directed to a back office for further immigration processing. The officer opened the sealed envelope, asked her to verify the address where she will be residing. He did not ask any other questions. He stamped her passport and gave her a sheet of paper containing some SSN info. The document says that if she had requested for an SSN along with her IV application, then she will receive her SSN card within three weeks from the date of entry into the US.

He also informed her that she will receive her green card within 60 days.

One other thing, I noticed on her immigrant visa there is a printed notation which says that "upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for one year".

I am so glad that this is finally over. I will post a message when we receive the card. Good luck to all of you.
Congrats Az! Great to hear that your wife had no problems at the port of entry, and she is now a permanent resident.
What are you doing about health insurance for your parents? The quote that I got from a health insurance company for my mother has a monthly premium of $1000 for $250 deductible, and $500 for $2500 deductible. Have you found any better alternatives?

Congratulations, az & wife!! Seems to have been a breeze at POE. Did she wait in the GC line, before she was asked to go to the back room? Would you say that the whole process would have taken a half hour?
This time when going to pick up my Dad at the airport, I'm going to be more worried than those times when I used to anxiously wait to see the 6 months I-94 stamp on his PP :eek:

Thanks very much for the update, az. An ordeal is over for you guys, am waiting for ours.
Please do also let us know when you wife gets the SSN.
No, Jyo., I haven't started looking at it yet. I think I'd postpone doing this at least until I know the fate of my father's GC.
Recently, I had to take my Mom for a Dr's visit and I very much wished then, that I had bought medical insurance for her earlier. It's funny that she has been here several times on visitor visa and she had bought MI from India every single time. We never had an opportunity to use it, Thank God! But when there's no medical ins, there's always something or the other that needs a Dr visit.
The $250 deductible you mentioned is too attractive, but of course comes with a $1000/mth bait. I can't imagine how I would manage that for both parents..
I definitely have to start looking around after my Dad arrives. If you don't mind sharing, which ins is offering these plans?

Thanks for the other link. Yes.. it's hard to buy anything unless we have some reliable recommendations.
Thank you Jyo and Jen.

Yes, my wife did wait in the GC line. Initially she was directed to the visitors line inspite of informing them that she was a new immigrant. But she stood her ground and insisted that she was an immigrant and did not have an I-94 filled in. She was then directed to the GC line.

The whole process was very quick because she was out within 45 minutes after the plane landed. Of course, there were no other international flights landing at the time and my wife said that she was the only one with an immigrant visa.

I forgot to mention that she was fingerprinted again during her backroom processing.

The insurance company I contacted for the plan is MJ Insurance, and plan is called Anthem Blue Access PPO Plan 2. The company was recommended by my place of work.

I understand how worried you must be about your dad. I am worried about my mother too. Till they are admitted into the country, it is always uncertain.

Good luck to you!
Thank you both, az and Jyo for all the useful info.
Good luck to you guys too!

az - Yes, I'm going to ask my Dad to not fill out the I-94. Was your wife given some other form to fill in-flight? Is it the Green form that she filled out this time? Do you know what form it is ?
My wife only filled out the blue customs form. No other form is needed. The airline staff are not very knowledgeable about these things, they will most probably hand your dad an I-94 form (they did for my wife), he can just hang on to it :)
Thanks much, az. I will have to pass on this info to my Dad.

In general, do GC holders have to fill out any form when landing in India or while entering US, besides the Customs form?
GC holders do not fill any other form, besides the Customs form, when entering US.

Everybody is required to fill out an Indian Immigration form when entering as well as when leaving India.