CP in Chennai how long for Parents ?

Jen and Jyotsna,

I864 and I864EZ that NVC sent me in end of September were the latest versions and had the expiry date of 9/30/06. I filled out I864 and sent it back in October. Like Jyotsna said USCIS needs to update the forms.

Please check Chennai consulate website for recent instructions. When I checked Mumbai website a while ago, I believe it said you have to pay the fees to vfs and take the documents there. Vfs will help with checking docs, arranging them for interview etc. These docs include all the stuff needed for interview i.e. birth cert, police cert, sealed medical envelope etc. Maybe now they will keep the docs and send to consulate for interview. In any case we will have to follow the instructions.

Good luck with the process and please keep us posted.
Regarding the I-864 version, I have to go back and verify, but I believe that I also used the I-864 form with the 9/30/06 expiry date.

My wife did not mention having received any new instructions when I spoke to her yesterday. I remember that she received her appointment package a few days after your dad, so the new instructions are probably on the way.

One other question, has your dad called the doctor yet to make an appointment? My wife was not sure how early she should call the doctor to set up an appointment, she is planning to travel to Chennai the week before her appointment date to take care of all the medical stuff.
Thank you visaapp,
I did read about Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta using VFS for immigrant visa processing, but nowhere on the Chennai website is it mentioned. They only mention using the services for non-immigrant visas. Must be a new procedure for Chennai, since Jaise's parents didn't go through it.

Az, my mother is going to Chennai on Nov 1st for her medical exam, to get it over with. I am not sure which doctor she is seeing, though.
Thanks a lot for your immediate response - Jyo, visaapp, Az.

I spoke to my Dad just now and he tells me he got yet another packet similar to the first today, asking him to take the relevant docs to VFS with some additional info (which I'll mention below). He had called VFS to confirm and they said they're very confused. They seemed to have told him that they have been receiving calls for the last three days about this, from Immigrant visa applicants - whereas they have been asked by the Consulate so far to collect the docs only for NON-Immigrant visa applicants. It appears that they have not been notified by the Consulate itself to collect docs from IV applicants, but the Consulate has been sending out such letters.

I've been checking the Chennai Consulate website on and off and didn't see the VFS thingy for IV applicants. Either the consulate has made a mistake when sending this to my Dad or it must be a brand new procedure for IV which they haven't updated yet.

The new packet again asks for docs to be taken to the nearest VFS (for my Dad, it is the one in Cenetaph Road). This is a copy paste from his email, of what's mentioned in the recent packet - the one he got today:

PROOF OF RELATIONSHIP: We strongly suggest that all applicants bring extensive documentary evidence of the relationship between the petitioner and the primary beneficiary and between the primary beneficiary and any derivative beneficiaries. Failure to do so could greatly delay your application while your application is investigated. Some examples of such evidance are family and other photographs (old or recent) showing the parties together. Letters, cards, correspondence, and telephone records.

If form1-864 was not submited to NVC the applicant MUST submit the following from the petitioner (sponsor). IF the additional sponsor lives in the same household as the petitioner, he/she is considered a household member, and cannot fill out a separate 1-864. The household member must execute an 1-864A, as described below & so on...

FEES: Currently there is an immigrant visa fee of usd $380 for each applicant. Only fees that have not been collected by the NVC will be paid at our office.

I think I-864 need not be sent, but I'm going to anyway. I appreciate your quick response, all.

az & all -

My Dad already got the medical done, the very next day after he got his interview packet. These are valid for a year. My Dad generally does things this way, so I wasn't even surprised. Although personally, I would've liked him to wait closer till end of Oct to have it done.
Anyway, that worked out better for him because, the tests that was done in Lister labs he took the results to Dr.Mathai. The doctor gave him some more shots - flu shots etc and charged him Rs.4000 additionally. The doctor asked him to go for additional tests for the next few days at Lister (I'm not sure exactly for what) and he okayed it after 3 days of testing. This may not happen to everyone, but it is better to have the tests scheduled ahead of time, in case if further tests are ordered. Especially, as indicated in the letter that my Dad got, if the docs have to be submitted with VFS at least 10 business days prior to interview, waiting until 1 week before interview to do the test might be too late.

The doc seemed to have told him that he will send the sealed medical packet directly to the Consulate and that's how it is normally done in his practice. This is quite confusing, as the letter from the Consulate indicates that medical clearance should also be submitted with VFS. I think it might be better for you guys to check what the other doctors on the list do. Do they hand over the sealed envelope to the applicant or do they send it directly to the Consulate?
What originals?

My Dad is going to submit the following ORIGINALS with VFS:
His Birth Certificate
His Marriage Certificate
My Birth Certificate
Some pictures.

Everything else, copies.

Can you guys list what originals your folks are taking? I think az's will be a little different, b'cos it is marriage based.
Thank you Jen, for the detailed information. If the VFS people themselves are unaware of what they have to do, I wonder how they can be relied on to do a good job! Looks like a Consulate botch up. Hope things get clearer soon.

Regarding originals, I advised my mother to submit copies for all documents (including birth certificates) unless expressly asked to present the originals. That is what the appointment letter instructions say too.
Thanks, Jyo.
I didn't know that the interview letter instructions ask for copies only. Thanks for bringing that up. I called my Dad again and he says that the new instructions ask for Originals and copies to be submitted with VFS. How confusing can this get? :(

When I consolidate all my questions, I am planning to email the chennai consulate for answers.
Thanks Jyo and Jen for all the detailed info. My wife lives in Mysore and we were trying to avoid having to make an extra trip to Chennai for the medical exam. But after reading about Jen's dad's experience, I will advise her to get her medical exams completed ASAP.

Regarding the original documents, yes, our case will be different, as it is marriage-based, but here is the list of originals docs my wife will be taking:

1. Police Clearance certificate.
2. Affadavits of Birth and non-availability certificate. (she does not have a birth certificate).
3. Marriage docs: Marriage certificate, wedding invitation, photos etc.
4. Photographs.
This is what the OF171 (appointment letter says):

"If you wish to retain an original document, you may submit a photocopy but you must bring with you the original for inspection by the consular officer. Such documents will be returned to you. YOU ARE STRONGLY URGED TO PERSONALLY KEEP A DUPLICATE FILE COPY OF ALL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR VISA APPLICATION."

I don't know if that means you submit copies and keep originals with you for presentation, or submit originals also, and request that they be returned (I've taken it to mean the former). My understanding is that only the medical report cannot be copied, and must be submitted in original. I told my mother to arrange her documents in three folders:

Folder 1 with all document copies that are required to be submitted.
Folder 2 with all originals of documents in folder 1.
Folder 3 with all other documents that need to be presented (such as those needed to prove relationship, extra photographs, etc.).
jenimmi said:
abs - Thanks!

It is the applicant/beneficiary who has to attend the interview in the Consulate. Therefore, even if we are the agent, it is our parents who get the interview packet. Up until the interview, the agent will be getting all the docs. But the interview packet will ONLY go to the applicant/beneficiary and NOT the agent.

Hi Jen!

I just called the NVC b'coz I am so anxious to know when we are going to receive the interview packet for my parents. Anyway I was informed that I (The Agent), will receive the packet and not the benificiary. They said the NVC Office schedules interview for country like Philippines. I am not sure what other country they schedule directly not the consulate but I assume India is not one of them... Just want to share that info,,,,


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abs -
Thanks for sharing the info.
I was speaking out of my experience, but should have been clear stating that it is just my experience. :)
Hopefully, your parents will have their interview scheduled soon, so the childcare issue (if I remember right) will be taken care of, for you.
Thanks azguy and Jyo.

I've been asking my Dad to keep separated folders for Originals and Copies from Day 1. God knows how organized he's going to be on that day!
It was different for my Mom here, as I did everything and was also there at the interview. But for CP, it's kind of scary when we are actually not around for the interview. I think some of you guys share similar feelings :eek:

Are you guys also sending your own "Original" Birth Certificate? Jyo?
You just echoed my feelings. I'm really worried about how my mother's going to manage on her own. I give her detailed instructions, yet she forgets everything, and does exactly what she shouldn't! :eek:

Anyway, I did mail my mother my 'original' birth certificate, since she will need to present it to establish our relationship.
ditto here, I keep worrying about how my wife will manage this on her own. Her parents are planning to travel with her, so she will have some support until she enters the consulate.

Jen, I don't need to send my birth certificate as ours is a marriage-based application. which worked out well as I don't have a birth certificate :eek:
Thanks for the info Jyo, az.

I mailed my Original birth certificate to my Dad, along with everything else.

After your folks go for the medical, let me know what the procedure was. I'm kind of worried that the Doctor said he'll send the clearance report directly to the Consulate, when the instructions my Dad got specifically asks him to take it to VFS.
I sent an email two days ago to Chennai consulate asking for clarification on this and still no response. :(
An update

My mother also received a letter from the Chennai Consulate asking her to submit the listed documents to the nearest VFS office between 15 and 10 days before her interview, with Rs. 365 in cash.