Correcting an Error in Green card during N-400 process


Registered Users (C)

When I received my green card 6 years ago, by DOB was incorrectly printed on the card. The advise that I got at time was rather than doing an I-90, this can be corrected during the N-400 process. Hence I did not do anything about it.

Now I am about to submit my N-400.

1) Was I advised correctly

2) If I can fix this during N-400 process how would I do that. Some one recently mentioned that I can write a cover letter and provide evidence with the N-400 application.

Appreciate your advise

thank you very much
A1: No
A2: Once you get into the adjudicator's office and take the oath, mention this immediately. Keep in mind, background check may be re-requested due to incorrect date of birth, even if your N-400 had the correct date of birth.


When I received my green card 6 years ago, by DOB was incorrectly printed on the card. The advise that I got at time was rather than doing an I-90, this can be corrected during the N-400 process. Hence I did not do anything about it.

Now I am about to submit my N-400.

1) Was I advised correctly

2) If I can fix this during N-400 process how would I do that. Some one recently mentioned that I can write a cover letter and provide evidence with the N-400 application.

Appreciate your advise

thank you very much
Correcting an Error in Green Card during N-400 Process - Followup question...

A1: No
A2: Once you get into the adjudicator's office and take the oath, mention this immediately. Keep in mind, background check may be re-requested due to incorrect date of birth, even if your N-400 had the correct date of birth.

***** Thanks a lot for your reply

1) When I submit the N-400 can I write a cover letter to state this and attach evidence of correct DOB (Notarized copies of BC, Current Passport, DL, etc...)

2) When you mean background check, do you mean what they did during the GC process or the one they would do during N-400 after FP.

thanks again for your response
A1: You can do that. Hopefully they will run a background check based on the N-400 date and not based on the date on the photocopy of your GC. The positive aspect is, your entire A-file will be at the N-400 interview. So if all the forms/documents in that file have the correct date and only a typo on the GC itself, it should be a non-issue.

A2: A fresh background check will be requested as soon as your N-400 is filed.

1) When I submit the N-400 can I write a cover letter to state this and attach evidence of correct DOB (Notarized copies of BC, Current Passport, DL, etc...)

2) When you mean background check, do you mean what they did during the GC process or the one they would do during N-400 after FP.

When I received my green card 6 years ago, by DOB was incorrectly printed on the card. The advise that I got at time was rather than doing an I-90, this can be corrected during the N-400 process. Hence I did not do anything about it.
Are you sure it's only a typo on GC and that USCIS has the correct DOB in your case file?
Correcting an Error in Green card during N-400 process...Followup (2)

Are you sure it's only a typo on GC and that USCIS has the correct DOB in your case file?

Thanks again for your valuable advise.

I went and dug my old files and this is what I found:

1) The letter I got from NVC for the CP interview in 2004 has the wrong DOB

2) But my I-140 seems to have the right DOB.

With all that excitement at that time I completely overlooked this mistake.

Do I have a recourse to fix this now at N-400. What are my options.

thanks again for your continued advise.
Thanks again for your valuable advise.

I went and dug my old files and this is what I found:

1) The letter I got from NVC for the CP interview in 2004 has the wrong DOB

2) But my I-140 seems to have the right DOB.

With all that excitement at that time I completely overlooked this mistake.

Do I have a recourse to fix this now at N-400. What are my options.

thanks again for your continued advise.
Enclose a letter with N-400 application indicating that you noticed USCIS has incorrect DOB. Also enclose copy of your birth certificate showing correct DOB.
At interview, explain to IO that you noticed that USCIS had incorrect DOB and present your original birth certificate.