

Registered Users (C)
Has anyone gone to their COP during the 5-yr waiting period with a green card and was questioned about it during their citizenship interview? I have gone twice (sick mother) and wonder if I will need to explain that.

You have serious problems awaiting you at the interview. The idea behind seeking asylum is because you fear returning to your country of origin for various reasons. The idea of a sick parent while valid, USCIS will feel that your fear disappeared, plus you weren't prosecuted in the process of visiting your country of origin. You actually went twice and you should prepare to respond about the compelling reasons for your trip. Unfortunately, a sick parent won't find much sympathy from some IOs.

I believe this could get ugly for you, so prepare now and read-up on as many previous people's experiences as possible. Moreover, save money, because this could cause you to retain a lawyer if USCIS goes for the kill.
Has anyone gone to their COP during the 5-yr waiting period with a green card and was questioned about it during their citizenship interview? I have gone twice (sick mother) and wonder if I will need to explain that.

I have stated this in the other forums and I am going to repeat my self again for the sake of avoiding headaches. I just recently completed a citizenship interview and my green card was based on asylum. I have traveled outside united states to Asia and south America but not to my COP. I have renewed my passport for travel as I have a very compelling reason to do so as i travel for business. but during the interview ( even though it lasted 10 min or so) , half of our conversation was on why I renewed my passport as it's literally be considered as asking protesting form COP government. ( that is exactly what IO said). I believe the IO was nice enough not to proceed further into our discussion but could have made my experience a nightmare.

So dear friends , just have a compelling reason for you to travel to your COP. I know all IO not the same , but why risk it.

PS - the IO have all the print out of my travel itineraries in front of me ,some with the pictures on them I didn't even know they took.
half of our conversation was on why I renewed my passport as it's literally be considered as asking protesting form COP government. ( that is exactly what IO said).
In your case the reason to obtain passport was due to requirement to travel by plane outside the US, not to visit COP. It would be unrealistic for USCIS to think you you won't travel at all until you obtained US citizenship.
Did you read the the existing threads on the issue? At the very least, be prepared to show evidence that the travel was due to family medical emergency and couldn't otherwise be delayed.


People who come to this board, a vast majority of them are lazy to read. I wouldn't be surprises if a new thread under a different name with the same information re-appear in a day or two. People come here to hear what will fit their preconceived idea of what the results will be.
Please take evidence to your interview of why you had to travel to your COP. You might be asked for it, and you might not. You just don't know.