Cons of Changing Address?


New Member
Hi i would like to know if i should there are any particular problems for changing address after filing the N-400.

For example, 1-delay in receiving interview letter, 2-loss of documents in the mail or on file, 3-more questions at interview regarding change of address or any other disadvantages of having to change address just before interview?
If you change your address to another jurisdiction after you file then you can expect a delay in transferring your case file to new DO.
You may face problems from USCIS continuing to send mail to your old address for a couple months, due to how they are often slow to process address changes.

And if you are moving to a different state, there is the jurisdiction transfer delay mentioned above.
I have to disagree with both Bob, and Jack. As far as your case hasnt been transferred to the district office yet, then you wont experience any delays. I transferred case from Los Angeles to Seattle, and dare I say, thing went even faster because my file was in Phoenix and not in the Los Angeles district office. If it's in the district office already, then yes you may experience delays. There will be no problem with mail as USCIS updates your address in 24hours if you call to change it over the phone and file an ar11 i think. Good luck.

You are forgetting about the 3-month district residence requirement. If you move to a new state (a state not covered by the same DO) you're not eligible to be interviewed until you complete 3 months in the new area.

There will be no problem with mail as USCIS updates your address in 24hours if you call to change it over the phone and file an ar11 i think.
Unfortunately, they are not consistently that fast with updating everybody's address, so some people still continue to have mail sent to the old address for weeks.
Jack, again, I must disagree with you. The 3 month residence requirement doesnt apply if you already fufiled it in your filling state. That is if you change your address after you file. However if you change your address before you file then you have to meet it. I went through the same thing, and the I/O and myself even conversed about this during my interview.

You are right that they are not always consistent.
Hi i would like to know if i should there are any particular problems for changing address after filing the N-400.

For example, 1-delay in receiving interview letter, 2-loss of documents in the mail or on file, 3-more questions at interview regarding change of address or any other disadvantages of having to change address just before interview?

I change my address after filing N400 and I didn't have any problem although i didn't move to a new state.

First i called the 800 number and asked them if my file has been transferred to the district office just to make sure an interview letter was not sent already. Then I changed my address online as well as with the rep on the 800 number. Then next day, I called them again and told the person about my change of address and asked her to check her system. It seems it got updated immediately. I didn't lose any letter from uscis.

good luck