Concurrent Filing - Using Cross Chargeability

VSC - heads up

Hey folks
Over on the main board, there's an active thread under the VSC issues where people are reporting that a bunch of VSC filed 485s were transferred over to the TSC this morning. So far nothing for me, but just a heads up to dbins and all other VSC filers. Its the bi-specialization thing they started doing last year to divi up workloads. Dont know if this helps or hinders either service center, but at this stage who knows.
We went to the SSN office today. The officer asked my wife, what is the current spelling for your name. She verified the EAD and issued us a receipt for the application and mentioned that we should hear about it in the next 4 weeks or so. I think the SSN people are aware of the typos :). Spoke to my attorney who mentioned that he will work on correcting the typo.

Huizet ,

i have sent u a Private message please read and reply.

Hi all,
My Attorney informed me that they received the Receipt Notice. Does this means that my application has been accepted (without any issues)?


Hey nidhin,

What EB category did you file your application on? Congrats for the acceptance of your application.
Mine is a EB2 Category.
I am curious on what are the following things and time line I am looking at for NSC filed 485 Applications.

I had to abandon my 485 filing @VSC and persue a new application from scratch
due to variety of reasons and which was the best step forward for me too.
I sent a withdrawal letter to VSC just before filiing the second one and
there was LUD but no message change. The A# remains the same
and i have not got any fresh notice for FP yet..not sure how this is handled..
the fresh filing @NSC details are

NSC-EB2filled using Cross-chargibility Rule
140/485/AP/EAD---RD 01/22/07
140/485/AP/EAD---ND 01/25/07
AP - ??
EAD - ??
485 - Last LUD - 02/15
140 - AD - 01/30/07 --(via premium)
And so it begins!

Hey folks,

Just to let everyone know that my 140( EB2 Premium), 485, 765 and 131 was filed today with NSC using CC. I made sure they used a hot pink cover sheet and highlighted in bold the fact that we are using CC and made it to the attention of the mailroom supervisor. If they reject it after all that, they are either being deliberate or are real morons!!

The wait begins!
Yes! Congratulations. Now when you get your receipt numbers, open up a portfolio for yourself off the USCIS site and you can track you case(s).

Hey ks_cc,

Just to take this question a little further, does this acceptance mean that CC related hassles are done ? Or does it just mean that the mailroom supervisor reads it, accepts it and passes it on for processing. Down the line, could some other USCIS officer reject it for CC reasons and begin the convincing-USCIS-about-CC cycle all over again ? If they do reject it for CC (NOT for security check), will they tell us or just dump our files somewhere and we'll have no idea ?

I know it's difficult to answer that question without being an USCIS employee but you pretty much are this board's all knowing seer ;)
Hey ks_cc,

Just to take this question a little further, does this acceptance mean that CC related hassles are done ? Or does it just mean that the mailroom supervisor reads it, accepts it and passes it on for processing. Down the line, could some other USCIS officer reject it for CC reasons and begin the convincing-USCIS-about-CC cycle all over again ? If they do reject it for CC (NOT for security check), will they tell us or just dump our files somewhere and we'll have no idea ?

I know it's difficult to answer that question without being an USCIS employee but you pretty much are this board's all knowing seer ;)

:)...don't know about being an all knowing seer, but perhaps I could venture a guess. Firstly, congratulations on sending the forms across. Hot pink can definitely get my attention, and it definitely shall get the mailroom's attention...and perhaps get some amusement (hey, they probably have a sense of humor evident by their six month wait letters).
So anyway, to address your question. The answer is that we just don't know for certain. All the CC cases that have been approved thus far, have been approved sans issues once they got past the mailroom. The way I see it, an adjudicating officer does look at the country of chargeability, and I am semi-certain that they're aware of CC, based on the fact that they'd realize that these applications made it past the mailroom. None of the other folks who have been approved have run into an issue. Note that one of them, I believe it may have been william, who took the proactive route and sent a bunch of letters to the VSC reminding them that his visa numbers were current and that he had applied using CC. I guess once you know for certain that your security checks have cleared, then you can turn up the heat by writing to the service center, as well as involve your elected officials.
For instance, in my case, if I find out, say next month, that my FBI name checks have cleared, I have full reason to bemoan...for four wonderful reasons...both spouses have security checks complete, visa dates are currently available, the case is well outside normal processing time, and well over their published current processing dates.
But until these name checks are done, we just have to sit tight. Keep the faith...we've all come this far, there should be plenty of sunshine at the end of the tunnel...which is more than I can say for the granite state..snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain...hopefully winter's last hurrah.
I had to abandon my 485 filing @VSC and persue a new application from scratch
due to variety of reasons and which was the best step forward for me too.
I sent a withdrawal letter to VSC just before filiing the second one and
there was LUD but no message change. The A# remains the same
and i have not got any fresh notice for FP yet..not sure how this is handled..
the fresh filing @NSC details are

NSC-EB2filled using Cross-chargibility Rule
140/485/AP/EAD---RD 01/22/07
140/485/AP/EAD---ND 01/25/07
AP - ??
EAD - ??
485 - Last LUD - 02/15
140 - AD - 01/30/07 --(via premium)

Hi dbins. Long time. Well, I guess you need to reapply for the EADs and APs based on your withdrawal and refiling. I did not realize that the A number sticks with you like an SSN. On the bright side, I would assume that they wont need to resend your FBI name check? I think you would be doing yourself a great service if you find out if they need to resend your name check to the FBI. Even if they do, chances are that your name check via VSC was on the cusp of being cleared, thereby propelling your NSC case to the top of the approvals list. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted.
I had to abandon my 485 filing @VSC and persue a new application from scratch
due to variety of reasons and which was the best step forward for me too.
I sent a withdrawal letter to VSC just before filiing the second one and
there was LUD but no message change. The A# remains the same
and i have not got any fresh notice for FP yet..not sure how this is handled..
the fresh filing @NSC details are

NSC-EB2filled using Cross-chargibility Rule
140/485/AP/EAD---RD 01/22/07
140/485/AP/EAD---ND 01/25/07
AP - ??
EAD - ??
485 - Last LUD - 02/15
140 - AD - 01/30/07 --(via premium)

dbins, I don't know if you need to go for fingerprints again just because of the refiling. I think the FPs are valid for 15 months, so I dont know if theyd ask you for a fresh set right away. Ditto the medicals, right?

I did the medicals fresh,did not have to take vaccinations or the HIV test
the Doc just referred the earlier one..BTW I went to the same doc this time.
My lawyer feels I will get a fresh FP one,but I am not sure...i need to figure this out. I am relieved I have reached this stage..just dont ask what i went thru
to get to this stage ..
DBINS: My lawyers have sent in my 485 withdrawal request to TSC on 2/22 for completely different reason. I am very anxious to have it withrawn.

1. How long did it take you to get your withdrawal acknowledged?

2. How did you get the update with LUD, or lawyer received a confirmation?

Please respond.

I did the medicals fresh,did not have to take vaccinations or the HIV test
the Doc just referred the earlier one..BTW I went to the same doc this time.
My lawyer feels I will get a fresh FP one,but I am not sure...i need to figure this out. I am relieved I have reached this stage..just dont ask what i went thru
to get to this stage ..
my lawyer says just sending the withdrawal letter is fine and not to worry about the acknolegement. we sent copied of the withdrawal letter with the second filing and we did see a LUD change on the 140 and 485 since both of these were withdrawn - no message change. the key here is once you file you get a A number and this does not change so they know how many times you filed/withdrawn etc... I have the feeling due to this prior withdrawal I might
get called for an interview

:)...don't know about being an all knowing seer, but perhaps I could venture a guess. Firstly, congratulations on sending the forms across. Hot pink can definitely get my attention, and it definitely shall get the mailroom's attention...and perhaps get some amusement (hey, they probably have a sense of humor evident by their six month wait letters).
So anyway, to address your question. The answer is that we just don't know for certain. All the CC cases that have been approved thus far, have been approved sans issues once they got past the mailroom. The way I see it, an adjudicating officer does look at the country of chargeability, and I am semi-certain that they're aware of CC, based on the fact that they'd realize that these applications made it past the mailroom. None of the other folks who have been approved have run into an issue. Note that one of them, I believe it may have been william, who took the proactive route and sent a bunch of letters to the VSC reminding them that his visa numbers were current and that he had applied using CC. I guess once you know for certain that your security checks have cleared, then you can turn up the heat by writing to the service center, as well as involve your elected officials.
For instance, in my case, if I find out, say next month, that my FBI name checks have cleared, I have full reason to bemoan...for four wonderful reasons...both spouses have security checks complete, visa dates are currently available, the case is well outside normal processing time, and well over their published current processing dates.
But until these name checks are done, we just have to sit tight. Keep the faith...we've all come this far, there should be plenty of sunshine at the end of the tunnel...which is more than I can say for the granite state..snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain...hopefully winter's last hurrah.

Thanks for the clarification dude! Yeah, let's hope we all sail through smoothly :)
If you use your EAD for a part-time job, your H1B for the FTE becomes void, right? I mean, if you use EAD for PTE, you are supposed to use EAD also for the FTE. Pl. clarify!
Thanks in advance!
Hi WellWisher,
You certainly can. Of course as long as you maintain FTE with the sponsor. I did the same a year or so ago. I know folks who have gotten fancy and started their own recruiting firms and so on. I'm a little wary of that and for the most part, I believe in keeping it simple, such as a single member LLC, wherein, I undertake side projects under the LLC banner, until the 485s are approved.
why withdraw?

Can you share the reason as to why you had to withdraw? Was there an error in your application? I just want to make sure that I do not have to withdraw my application for any reason.

Pl. share if you can.

Thanks in advance!
my lawyer says just sending the withdrawal letter is fine and not to worry about the acknolegement. we sent copied of the withdrawal letter with the second filing and we did see a LUD change on the 140 and 485 since both of these were withdrawn - no message change. the key here is once you file you get a A number and this does not change so they know how many times you filed/withdrawn etc... I have the feeling due to this prior withdrawal I might
get called for an interview

USCIS portal problem

Did anybody access the USCIS portal today, I just could nt login. The dropdownlist just was not getting populated.

Tried removing my browser cache etc.

if u have followed all the steps in your application process dont worry..
my withdrawal was not related to cross-chargibility criteria..just
some issues with the lc/140 steps
If you use your EAD for a part-time job, your H1B for the FTE becomes void, right? I mean, if you use EAD for PTE, you are supposed to use EAD also for the FTE. Pl. clarify!
Thanks in advance!

Hello WellWisher
Yes, as soon as you utilize your EAD, regardless in what capacity, this invalidates your H1-B.
Hope this helps
Did anybody access the USCIS portal today, I just could nt login. The dropdownlist just was not getting populated.

Tried removing my browser cache etc.


Yup, I saw the same problem over the weekend. The dropdownlist wasn't being populated, and consequently you couldn't log in. Haven't checked today, but I expect the issue has most likely been resolved.