Company Name Change Cases...

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My attorney also told me same thing that, Regular I-140 takes lot of time. He told me that it is better to
wait till INS response, regarding company name changes. Hopefully something comes out by this month end.
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I spoke to an II (Kerri or Carrie) All she could tell me was another month and I have been hearing those for last couple of months, I wonder if it even helps to call these people and waste half hour.
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Calling is a waste of time. Praying - maybe it might help.

There used to be a saying ...if U throw a silk cloth on a bush of thorns is you who had thrown it ....take it out slowly but patiently else your cloth gets torn and you were the first one to throw it anyway. This is what comes to my mind when I hear about INS cases...

They also say laws are like dark caves with no light. You need somebody to light a lamp to find the way ....

Last few months have turned the materialistic me to a philosophical one.