Company Name Change Cases...

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Hi Mogoram,

   Thanks for trying..I too have been trying for the past half hour - line is busy..but I will continue trying to call them...if I am lucky who knows I may get some positive news for everyone.

   If I do get thru then I will post the details. I really hope they are no longer holding company name change cases..and what some one had posted earlier is really true. I was thinking of continuing to write to some more officials. You never know :)

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Hi Shraddha
  Once I am in office, I am virtually cut off from the outside world. I can not make any long distance calls from my office, since this option is not available to the certain level of employees. You have mentioned that you will be writing to some more officials. I am also thinking of writing to top people within VSC explaining our problem. Do you or someone in this group have any idea whome I should write to. Please let this group also know to whome you are writing to. I will also either call them or write to them.

    It is our problem, some how we need to try to resolve it.
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Yes you are right it is our problem - and a chosen few are going thru this. All of those facing this situation should write to whoever they can think of : senators/congressmen...I am planning to write to the attorney general. I would suggest we all write to whatever...if many people write atleast it will come to his/the concerned people\'s attention. If anyone knows who the top people in VSC are please give us that input so that all of us can write to them...What does everyone have to say...

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I am with you guys. Really frustrated. Have been trying to keep things in the positive light. But it is a difficult task, since we really are hitting a brick wall. No one, Senators, VSC and INS HQ seems to take this as an urgent matter. Lawyers are another bunch who want to just milk us all. Whenever I have had to talk to a lawyer I had to pay for the consultation, even if it is for a follow-up of the same matter. Even they don\'t know when INS is going to come up with regulations. And of course our companies are making hay while the sun shines. For them it is a god sent bonus.
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I think many of us have already written to different levels of INS and to Senators. I haven\'t heard or seen anything which seems to be improving as a result of those letters ( unless something / someone is really pursuing our case behind the scenes ).
Only thing which we can try at this time is to write an open letter or a message addressed to "THE SENATE, IMMIGRATION SUB-COMMITEE and to the INS" in a few major newspapers. What do you guys think ?
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Hi Shraddha,

The VSC hesded by a person called Paul Novak and his title is Director. I found out these details from VSC website. Here is the address:
US Department of Justice,
Immigrtaion and Naturalisation Service,
Vermont Service Center,
75 Lower Welden Street,
Saint Albans,
Vermont 05479
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I agree.. that is a very good idea... question is how do we go about it? Suggestions anyone..? I also think we should HIGHLIGHT fact that Company Name change is not the same as merger/acquisition. It should not be so difficult to understand that!!!
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Thanks sept96vsc. Actually we already sent our case details to him in Feb of this year. No luck yet!!
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so far I have coordinated sending and faxing 147 letters (through my contacts and friends) to INS. So far there seems to be no movement at all.. lets reconsider other options. I posted a letter way back requesting to email senators of your respective areas. I hope someoone is taking the effort to send the letters out. If it is just me alone, you know where they will throw my letter.. in the active file (garbage bin).. so, it is time to quit making pledges and reconsider other options to mobilize the government on this very plaguing issue..

One important note: I am not affected by the company change and I have faxed letters fighting the cause of name change delays.. if people, who are in this situation, are not taking any action, it is time you should do something about it.. I urge people to take this seriously and let not INS take us for a ride..

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Thanks Very much for what you have written. I agree completely with you. And thanks a lot for writing although you are not affected by it. While we have not written to 147 people we surely have written..but we know for sure now that THAT IS NOT HELPING...we need to find other avenues. I am confident that most people affected by this have been & still are writing to officials. As far as reconsidering other options I personally think that vsc_on_hold has given a good suggestion...only how is the problem. Also if anyone has any suggestion that is welcome...we need more ideas...
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Hi All,
    I am alsways with you. I am ready send letters, spend time, contribute money.

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Hi All,

   I dont see how monetary contributions could help resolve our problem. What we need to find are agencies/people who can help this problem to be resolved very very soon - get the attention of the concerned people. For that we need contacts and everyone\'s time and effort. Obviously writing to senators is not helping.

Common I am sure we can come up with some way out...

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The one group that is very effective in influencing the INS and Immigration sub-committee is AILA. In the past, when INS delayed the healthcare worker regulations for more than two years, AILA sued the INS and that worked. Moreover, the AILA has direct access to the people on the senate and house sub-committes on immigration. Therfore, writing to the AILA might be effective.

I am not sure, if any of you have tried this route yet. Please post your experiences, if you have tried this route earlier.
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In one of the messages someone mentioned getting something published in a few major newspaper. I thought that would need some money.

If we can get these letters published in the newspaper for free that would be excellent.
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  As far as I know newspapers do not charge for writing about an issue, they will print it if they think that its newsworthy. We should try to catch their attention with the story of our plight. We should now try to contact news papers and news organizations...
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Let\'s contact a good newspaper in Washington D.C.

Since most of the action (regarding guidelines) happens there, I think it is worth a try.

Any other Ideas folks ?

Anyone living in Washington D. C. in this group ?