Company Name Change Cases...


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 Where are everybody with company name change cases..??? This whole thing is getting very very frustrating. Writing to any official is of no use whatsoever....Tried one has anything positive to say.

 I have been trying to get thru to VSC since the past 2 days. I was on hold for 2 hours yesterday. And then today I have been trying for the past 2 hours but the line is busy..

 Message has not changed!!! Unable to talk to IIO!!! No help from any officials either. INS is really making our lives miserable. Boy do they know how to torture us or what!!! People in Jan 00 have started getting approvals and our dates are way back in Aug \'99...What can we do?? We have been trying to contact IIO atleast once a week ... no avail ...and now forget it... getting to IIO is impossible.

 Would it be possible for all people in similar situation to respond to this thread. Maybe we can get more ideas on how to tackle this situation. Also I noticed that some people who got RFEs (for name change) have started getting approvals. Is there any truth to a posting in which it was written that name change cases are no longer going to be on hold.

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Yes, it is very frustrating to wait and see others who applied much later get approval notices.

I don\'t know if they have started processing cases with simple company name change.

A few of us in thiw forum wrote to director of INS in Washington D. C.. I don\'t think anyone has heard from her.

The guidelines are expeected to be released by the end of the month. God know if that\'s true.

If it helps, just be aware that there are many people like you.

 I don\'t know what other avenues we should try. If you guys has any ideas , please share it with us.
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End of this month is also what attorney told me. But he also added a caveat that with INS no one really knows. I am hoping to get some positive news by early next week.
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Hi Intrepid, vsc9909,

  Thanks for ur response...Its very very sad that we have to go thru this kind of torture...What is so difficult to figure out the difference between name changes and merger/acquisition!! They have been doing this for the past 6 months - and still they dont know how to handle cases where there is only a name change issue.

  Both of you mentioned about guidelines - are these for AC21 implementation?

  We too have written to a number of officials in this administration.

  And the frustration just keeps on increasin\' Really hope and pray that we will all be out of this mess very very soooon... INS is simply wasting everyone\'s time...and effort and energy which we could have put to better use.

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Yes. AC21 regulations. I believe INS circulated draft guidelines sometime in Febrary 2000. No I-140 redo is not necessary as per that.After seeing draft guidelines VSC started putting such cases on hold awaiting the final guidelines. Thats where we are now. Final guidelines are expected by next week. Hope it will materialise.
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Well we too hope that the guidelines will come in soon without any more delay - and hopefully VSC will not send queries back to HQ to get clarification..Although I still cannot understand why there is so much confusion in understanding that company merley changing name is not the same as merger/acquisition - a kid would know that!!

I guess that is how INS (& in this case specifically VSC) operates - mentally torture people as much as they possibly can - and then some...(atleast that is what they are doing to me..)

Thanks for your response...

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Hey VSC9909...Where did you read/see about this "draft guidlines"????...As far as I know there was no such kinda "draft"...Can you please tell me where u got this info?
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Hi All,
    I am still here waiting with frustration. This waiting is really killing me. I am planning to call INS tomorrow. With absolutely no help the company lawyer in this matter, we are in a very pathetic condition. Pray the God to give us enough strength to over come this hurdle.
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Good luck in trying to get thru to someone at VSC...

We tried yesterday and today (as I mentioned before) but could not get thru..will try again tomorrow. And yes this waiting is unbearable - technically we have been waiting for 6 months - that is how far back people with filing dates similar to us were getting approvals!!!

And yes I agree - the lawyers are of no fact it is just a little less difficult to get thru to them (both they taking our call & then expecting some response from them) in comparison with INS..
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Yes,I am another frustrated soul here. What bothers me even more is that we are going through this mental agony because the company decided they have to have a different name and because INS cannot come up with a guide line on how to handle the case. My question is : What is our company doing from their part to contact the officials at INS and get things moving??(Are they doing anything?If so why don\'t they keep us updated?) Probably the officials will pay better attention to the company rather than individual applicants like us.
Any ideas and suggestion to make our life a little bit better will be welcome.
Atleast glad that we have this forum to vent our feelings.
Lets hang in there....
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Hello everybody,

I do not know why this is happening. I cannot think of anything else and my mind is 100% occupied with this issue.To date writing letter to senator or any other official has not been of any use in my case. People with my RD/ND were getting approval in Sep/Oct 99. Even my last reserves of patience have exhausted.

Whenever I talk to IIO they have not told me the case is on hold becuase of name change, they just say it is under review and call after 30 days. I assume it is on hold since there was a company name change and my case is with officer since mid Dec 00. Dont know what to do.
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I applied for I-140 amend along with my RFE in Jan. I haven\'t even got a receipt and neither has INS cashed my cheque. I don\'t even know what is happening.

I would like to write to my Senator. Can some one send me a format.

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I was told this by the attorney I am talking to to take over my immigration case. He is not very confidant that INS will come out with final guidelines by end of this month. But he told me that according to INS that is where matters stand now. I am considering to change employer within a month or two.
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I am one of those unfortunate applicants with a company name change and put on hold. Last week I e-mailed to my area senators, house representative, president and the senate immigration sub-committee chairman Brownback. I have requested them to influence the INS HQ to issue guidelines ASAP. I haven\'t heard from them yet. I am not sure if they are going to respond at all. My company attorney as useless as anybody else\'s. My company attorney tells me to wait (god knows how long) and doesn\'t want to apply for I-140 redo unless there is a RFE. It has been more than 5 years since I started the GC process....
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I do not think proactive I-140 will help much. It might take anywhere between 10 to 16 months to get an approval after pro-active I-140 redo. If INS had issued RFE for I-140 redo it might have helped. The best thing under the circumstances looks like to wait for INS regulations (force INS to come out with it if we can). And change jobs using 180 day rule if we can get a better employment oppurtunity.
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same thing here. I called INS ten days back. They told me that by month end they will receive guidelines.
Hopefully that\'s right.
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I am one of the Unfortunates, I spoke to IIO today but no new development, "It is on HQ Hold Sir for Company name change" is the answer, When I asked how long do you thing it would take the anwer is "May be 3 to 6 months" that\'s the end of the conversation after wasting 20 minutes hold on phone call. No use in calling these IIO or yoyos. my detail is PD 04/97, ND 08/99, RD 09/99 FP 08/00.
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Hi All,

  Thanks for all ur responses. I have a suggestion - probably suggested even before by someone. We must try to keep this thread active and continue calling IIOs as suggested by Mogoram and others. We should also write in what we heard from the IIO so that the next time another person talks can try to ask questions appropriately. Getting frustrated should not keep us from calling them.. and probably we should even continue to write to more officials... you never know when and from where help would come...


PS. I am planning to try again tomorrow...hope this time I will get to talk to some "GOOD", "INFORMATIVE" IIO :)
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Hi Shraddha,
    I could not call them today. I tried for 45 minutes this morning before heading to office for a meeting, I was not lucky enough to get through. I will try on Friday ( that\'s my lucky day so far - 8 calls, no problem, always connected within 10 minutes), I will keep you informed.
    If you have any follow up question to be asked, please let me know. I will follow it up.