Citizenship costs


Registered Users (C)
Hello all:
I plan to apply for Citizenship shortly because I will be eligible. However, the fees $675 or so seems very high. My previous
employer had paid for my Green card. I am wondering how I can work with my current employer to help with Citizenship costs.
Anybody with experience getting funding for citizenship from employers or other sources please share your experience(s).

They paid for your green card because you needed a green card to stay in the country and work for them for a long time. But it is almost unheard of for employers to pay for your citizenship costs. As long as you can keep working for them with your green card, why should they pay for your citizenship?
Jackolantern is right. My employer paid half of Green Card processing costs. I applied for Cirizenship on Jan 20th. Before doing that I tried to get the fee from Employer and they said they have no obligation to pay for it and they also said that "with gree card, you can work with us as long as we both wish and citizenship is your personal choice and we can not pay for it. sorry!"

Yes, I've never heard of an employer paying for citizenship costs, but you can try. This is completely dependent on the willingness of the employer. However, my own experience and the collective experience of this forum is that chances for an employer paying for some or all of the citizenship costs are close to nil.
I am wondering how I can work with my current employer to help with Citizenship costs.

here's what you do.... go to Betsy on the third floor, she works in HR. ask her for form DS-118.b (do not confuse with .a or .c, these are the wrong forms) fill it with all your information and hand it in to Carl on the fifth floor (you know, in that big office). he'll process and deposit the money in your next paycheck
My Work re-reimbursed me for the entire application fee ($675)

....but ofcourse, I own the company. lol
here's what you do.... go to Betsy on the third floor, she works in HR. ask her for form DS-118.b (do not confuse with .a or .c, these are the wrong forms) fill it with all your information and hand it in to Carl on the fifth floor (you know, in that big office). he'll process and deposit the money in your next paycheck

But Betsy and Carl just got laidoff due to economic downturn. :(
The fee is outrageous. Have they given any explanation on why its so high, given that all they do is some computer based name checks? Has anyone asked the IO at the time of interview?
If the girl scouts can sell cookies to fund their trips, I'm sure you can come up with an equally ingenious way to pay for the naturalization fee.
Hello all:
I plan to apply for Citizenship shortly because I will be eligible. However, the fees $675 or so seems very high. My previous
employer had paid for my Green card. I am wondering how I can work with my current employer to help with Citizenship costs.
Anybody with experience getting funding for citizenship from employers or other sources please share your experience(s).


Mr King...please dont be a cheap *** and you can atleast fund your citizenship if you really need it..damn typical desi
You might get a shot at the employer's paying your citizenship fees if the job you do requires citizenship, like federal contracts etc.

Dude.. change the username to something else.. king should not be asking this cheap question..
Man at least spend some money in this country..or just don't apply.. stay in GC for ever. Come out of this desi mentality, you been here long enough.