citizenship concern...


Registered Users (C)
hi guys, here is my situation:

I have my G.C for 3 years based on marriage. I'm still maried (and planning to be for many more years to come :) and i can apply for citizenship!
My concern is that my wife had a car accident this year and the guy she crashed into is suing her... he was also able to make charges againts her and, believe it or not, my wife got to spend 3 weeks in jail! to make a long story short, we had to take that deal from the DA to not make things worse, now that is behing us...
My question is if that will afect me in my citizenship aplication... I don't have any criminal record (not even a parking ticket).
will her spending 3 weeks in jail breakes the 3 years living together?
can anyone see any other issue because of this with the naturalization process?
thanks again for the imput!

Just get yourself together, your wife troubles won't be visited upon you via the citizenship process. However, civil litigation and any judgment against her, you are on the hook for it. Spending 3 weeks in jail won't break any continuous residence, so that's a moot point. I am not familiar with the facts surrounding her car accident, was she under the influence, did she have a lawyer or opted to go by herself?

If you have filed taxes for the last 3 years jointly, live together and happily married, then you have no problems. On a larger issues, depending on the lawsuit being filed by the other party, you might want to be proactive in procuring legal representation to represent your family's interests. Do you own any assets? If so, are you adequately insured to protect those assets from being attached to the court judgement? I am purely asking this as someone who has experience on such cases, protecting my family's interests against!!!!!!!
My question is if that will afect me in my citizenship aplication... I don't have any criminal record (not even a parking ticket).
will her spending 3 weeks in jail breakes the 3 years living together?

Your wife's accident doesn't affect your GMC determination. Also, her prison stay does not break marital union requirement of 3 year rule.
Thank you very much for the answers and sorry for the delay in answering!!!
I will start to collect the necesary documents to apply for citizenship.
In regards to her accident, we do have a criminal lawyer and a civil lawyer. she wasn't driving under the influence, we just had the bad luck of falling into a really tough DA and elections time...
I will keep you posted on my immigration case and post some more questions as they arrise!!
Thank you again!!
That's news to me.


I know that in Canada, once a judgment is entered against your wife, the husband is off the hook and can't be held! Unfortunately, in Uncle Sam, if you are sued and a judgment is entered against your spouse, you automatically become liable to pony the dough. The OP is going to be on the hook should his wife lose this civil case, if they own property and the judgment is hefty, it is going to be attached to the victorious party. Don't you love community property laws?