Chicago Regional DOL Tracker

Hi Walter,
your case, if the number is correct--05421549--was rcvd at the regional office on april eighth 2003.
It has been remanded to the state on february 23rd 2004,
I am not sure if this is a regular or reduction in rec case,
check with your lawyer,
you can verify the status by ringing,
(312) 353-1059, choose option 1 and then 1 again and enter the case number,
thanks to skype for allowing us to make calls at an affordable rate from India.
Hope this helps.
LongestLabor said:
Hi Walter,
your case, if the number is correct--05421549--was rcvd at the regional office on april eighth 2003.
It has been remanded to the state on february 23rd 2004,
I am not sure if this is a regular or reduction in rec case,
check with your lawyer,
you can verify the status by ringing,
(312) 353-1059, choose option 1 and then 1 again and enter the case number,
thanks to skype for allowing us to make calls at an affordable rate from India.
Hope this helps.
Nope.. the case number is 05415249 and the info I get from the site (and internet) is: received in chicago 10/24/2002 and there since then... and I read in another forum from Kansas that there's a chance to contact the Federal Analyst particularly working with my case (sort of trying to cry a little more and make them notice that WE NEED THEM TO HURRY UP!) ...
weralio said:
Nope.. the case number is 05415249 and the info I get from the site (and internet) is: received in chicago 10/24/2002 and there since then... and I read in another forum from Kansas that there's a chance to contact the Federal Analyst particularly working with my case (sort of trying to cry a little more and make them notice that WE NEED THEM TO HURRY UP!) ...
LongestLabor, it's a regular!
Thanks for answering and looking into this.. you really answer FASTER THAN THE LAWYER!! ;-)
Hi Walter,
welcome to the queue,
as far as I know you are the first in the queue, then comes Charlesmighty and then me,
although I have given up hope and am in India,
well, we did call the regional director a few months back regarding regular cases,
this is what the supervisor said,
they don't intend to process regular cases in the near future,
they don't know when they will resume,
I am not a pesimist by nature but they seem to have even ditched the rir guys too,
so your only hope is for the Brc's to open and start processing.
You still have time till July next year,
so I would suggest to keep hoping till March or so,
your kid can always be on f1 or some such like visa,
it will be again tricky if you are exhausting your 6 year h1 limit because your kid cannot get an f1 after the h1 limit is over,
so the best bet is to consult your lawyer or some other competent one and make plans accordingly.
If you still feel like calling someone,
ring (312) 596-5400,
ignore the regular and non regular options,
ask the operator by entering 0, for the regional office director,
if you can succinctly explain your case to the operator she will put you threw,
then its up to you to fight it out with them.
They do answer queries if you insist,
so try it out.
According to a recent memo, age out cases are not given any priority nowadays, but you never know--try some sob story.
Hope this helps.

Hello everyone and LongestLabor,

LongestLabor, For your info, I am next in queue, PD AUG1st,2002 then Mr.Walters and then you.

I have some good news, I just spoke with the DOL REP yesterday and inquired about non-rir cases, she said they were still at aug 2002 but they are updating their system and the dates should progress anytime this month. Since Walter has a PD of 0ct 02, there might be a possiblity that they get to his case too but the chances seem pretty slim, since DOL is processing at snail speed.

Walters,I would not suggest calling DOL with your case# at this time due to workload and their plans of moving, just might backfire and might result in denial of application.

Best remedy is just to wait with our fingers crossed coz for the first time since the last 11months the DOL REP really knew what she was saying otherwise she generallly does not know when they will resume processing of NON-RIR cases.

I see it as a positive response and hopefully by end of OCT there should be some sort of movement in Non-RIR category, lets just hope for the best.

Hi CharlesMighty,
real good news for Walter,
if at all they start processing,
I don't think there is that much backlog in NonRir, since most of the cases are Rir,
so at least for his kid's sake,
let's hope they start,
long ago I used to analyze the numbers by calling the AVM, and noticed that for every 100 cases only around 10 were pending,
so that might give you some hope,
of course I did not do the whole lot.
I am coming to the States for a brief visit on B2 in December,
maybe things will change by then?
Any latest updates on RIR processing??

I remember Rythmram having mentioned that he was maintaining an excel sheet and shared some data with the forum on 7th Oct.And according to that last time DOL worked on any cases was around 22nd Sep 04 where they were processing late Dec 2003 cases. So has anyone done good work like that to share with the forum?

No Update Since 22nd Sep 04

bigredrose said:
Any latest updates on RIR processing??

I remember Rythmram having mentioned that he was maintaining an excel sheet and shared some data with the forum on 7th Oct.And according to that last time DOL worked on any cases was around 22nd Sep 04 where they were processing late Dec 2003 cases. So has anyone done good work like that to share with the forum?


Hi Guys....after 22nd Sep i couldn't see any approval at all....may be they didn't updated the system or they didn't processed any application[more likely ] would be great if any knows about any recent approval.... :confused:
Porcessing dates

Hi ,

I called Chicago Regional DOL today ,the lady is telling that they are processignDec 24 th cases .But my lawyer e-mailed to me that they stopped processing on Permanent case till Dec'04

Whom to believe?? The lady told that they haven't stopped and they are working on RIR's as of Dec 24th

Please share your information if you get any fresh updates than I do.

Dol #

Hi img123,

Which # do u call, and whats the option you choose. I tried calling the 312-596-5400, i could not speak to anyone. There no response to that #. Please advise.

img123 said:
Hi ,

I called Chicago Regional DOL today ,the lady is telling that they are processignDec 24 th cases .But my lawyer e-mailed to me that they stopped processing on Permanent case till Dec'04

Whom to believe?? The lady told that they haven't stopped and they are working on RIR's as of Dec 24th

Please share your information if you get any fresh updates than I do.

Sources from

10/20/2004: DOL National Processing Centers and Backlog Elimination Centers Operation Guidance

AILA has released the DOL Memo of September 29, 2004 to give guidance to the State labor certification offices (SWA) on the changes of operation of permanent labor certification application in connection with the launch and operation of the Backlog Elimination Centers (BEC) in Philadelphia and Dallas and the National Processing Centers (NPC) for the PERM in Chicago and Atlanta. The Memo indicates that the BEC has gone into operation since the beginning of the FY 2005, October 1, 2004, and the NPC will go into operation by the end of the year, December 31, 2004. The Memo indicates that these new national processing system of the permanent labor certification applications will be in place regardless of the PERM Program which is currently stalled at the White House for the OMB Review.
Timeline-Cutoff Date: (1) If the PERM regulation is released by the White House and published by the DOL, the current labor certification system including RIR will be ceased "60 day" from the date of the release of the regulation. Should this happen, the labor departments will not accept old labor certification applications and the state offices will be phased out when it comes to processing of the permanent labor certification applications from the date. This timeline implies that assuming that the PERM regulation will be released right after the national election, unless the employers are ready to file RIR applications within the next two months or so after completing the recruitment, it will be too late for them to file the applications under the labor certification system. (2) If the PERM regulation collapses due to the disagreement by the White House, the DOL will continue to operate the permanent labor certification system under the existing rule but under the completely different processing system as follows. The cut-off date is January 1, 2005.
New Permanent Labor Certification Processing System: Permanent labor certification will be totally converted into a "national processing" system effective January 1, 2005 and the state offices will be phased out as of January 1, 2005 in a manner which is described below. Conversion into the national processing system will bring about a steeper change than the simple change of processing agency in that the permanent labor certification applications will be processed under the "uniform" national queue regardless of the locations and under the rule of the "FIFO" ( First In First Out) regardless of the locations. Accordingly, the NPCs and BECs will process the cases in the order of the priority date of each application no matter where the case was filed. This change will result in some big consequencesto the labor certification waiters: The oldest backlog cases will be processed first regardless of the locations. This inevitably forces the DOL (NPC and BEC) to focus on the cases which are pending in certain locations such as San Francisco and big 10 states where there are a huge number of backlog cases going back to years and years. The big losers will be people in those states who enjoyed prompt processing until now (mostly small states) such as New Hemphshire, Vermont, Maine, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, etc. Since the labor certification will be processed under a uniform "national" processing schedule on a FIFO basis, the people in these states will witness negative changes in the processing times.
Processing Changes and Timelines: The current Regions and State Offices will be gradually phased out as follows:
The State offices will cease to take a new permanent labor certification applications effective January 1, 2005 regardless of the PERM program.
Until January 1, 2005, the State Offices will take new cases under the existing labor certification regulation.
If the State Offices complete processing of certain cases and are ready for forwarding to the current Regional Offices for certification before the end of the year, they are required to forward the completed cases to the current Regional Certifying Officers as they did it in the past.
If the State Offices opened the cases but were unable to complete processing of the opened cases by December 31, 2004, they are required to continue and complete processing of such cases and forward such cases for certification not to the Regional Certifying Officer but to one of the NPC in Chicago or Atlanta.
If the State Offices have cases which were received but unopened or processed, such cases are required to be transferred to the BECs in Philadelphia and Dallas under the following schedules:
10/1/04: Large number of oldest cases will be transferred to the BEC from San Francisco.
Early October - End of October 2004: The oldest cases from other Regions and States will be transferred to the BEC.
January - March 2005: Rest of the backlog cases will be transferred to the BEC (Philadelphia, Dallas) or the Regional Offices in New York, Boston, San Francisco.
Under the schedules, only "unopened" cases are allowed to be transferred to the BEC. Consequently, "opened" cases will be kept being processed by the State Offices even after March 2005.
The new system is equitable and admirable in the sense that it totally eliminates inequity and unfairness that have existed until now depending on where an immigrant goes through the labor certification process. It will, however, be taken by some people in certain states as a shock. Life changes.
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Effect of new ruels on RIR applications pending

My RIR application was received by DOL on Sep 14, 2004. Does the new rules effect the processing times of the pending applications. By reading I felt it will not effect the labor appl. pending. What are your thoughts guys...
It will affect

This is completely going to change everything.

If the applications are going to be processed on FIFO basis,
as it is mentioned, Chicago cases will be affected adversely.
How much effect it will be? We don't know yet. If they combine RIR and
non-RIR cases the effect will be huge.

This is one of the DOL's random decisions that affected many applications
for the last five years including mine. The current process may benefit the
immigration aspirants' community as a whole. However, it surely will have
a very bad impact on some individual cases like mine.

This is the second time I filed my labor. First one from CA and now in
Chicago. The random decisions of DOL, like this one, destroyed many

Currently I am feeling sick and exhausted.

GC_DJ said:
My RIR application was received by DOL on Sep 14, 2004. Does the new rules effect the processing times of the pending applications. By reading I felt it will not effect the labor appl. pending. What are your thoughts guys...
Cases will be processed in two ways in FIFO. One is traditional and the other is RIR. If you fall in RIR, you will be processed in RIR's FIFO not from all of them. Look at my today's second post which is a link to forums.

VHD999 said:
This is completely going to change everything.

If the applications are going to be processed on FIFO basis,
as it is mentioned, Chicago cases will be affected adversely.
How much effect it will be? We don't know yet. If they combine RIR and
non-RIR cases the effect will be huge.

This is one of the DOL's random decisions that affected many applications
for the last five years including mine. The current process may benefit the
immigration aspirants' community as a whole. However, it surely will have
a very bad impact on some individual cases like mine.

This is the second time I filed my labor. First one from CA and now in
Chicago. The random decisions of DOL, like this one, destroyed many

Currently I am feeling sick and exhausted.
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I think as long as our cases does not go to the Backlog reduction centers, we will be fine. It will not effect that adversly.
So does this rule mean that all SESA cases will get transferred to the NPC and then will go to Regional DOL?
There will be no SESA or DOL but just one NPC for labor certification ??

I am confused how to interpret this thing.
If they lump together our applications (which has already cleared the state level) with all the pending state level appl., which they plan to transfer to NPC then we will be screwed big time. If they don not lump together then we will be fine. Any expert out there shed some light.
well it is easy....

As somebody was saying .... DOL takes stupid decisions...clubbing them together...then why in the first place did they have all these different centers. Why california is not processing their cases and have huge backlogs? Why are they putting stupid rules in processing cases..? Simple they are getting paid to come up with some crazy ideas and stop working. Do you think if SWA's were not able to process them on time two centers are going to complete processing for all the cases in 2 years? foot...they have not even started entering cases in their systems...two months are already over..enjoy the ride!

In my case OH took 1 yr to clear my RiR case...and now they are processing cases in two months....I would have escaped this turmoil if they had worked like they are they work when they want and stop working when they want. They take one month to relocate and enjoy holidays get fat and then come back next year to present a new idea to reduce backlog. Well here is my idea why don't you work and get them cleared simple #%^*!@

GC_DJ said:
If they lump together our applications (which has already cleared the state level) with all the pending state level appl., which they plan to transfer to NPC then we will be screwed big time. If they don not lump together then we will be fine. Any expert out there shed some light.