Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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LaborUnknown said:
Thanks a lot julsun,

Will really appreciate this.

Do u have any idea how frequently this site gets updated. ?


Normally its updated on 1st of every month. But anyways, you will have to be more patient waiting for DOL Chicago later. So enjoy the wait... :)
carterr: Nebraska? nebraska dosen't come into the picture for labor...
the PD I mean is the date your case was received at chicago DOL - was it dec 18th? mine is june 3, i guess what u can find out from your lawyer is - how is the process going to work? which cases go where? i know there are 2 centers for backlogs - dallas and philly...also,does it apply to only certain cases stuck from dec - march for example? stuff like that..
Att: puhrince

My Priority Date was Dec. 18th 2003 that the date it was transmitted from Nebraska to Chicago.

All my lawyer know's at this time is that my case file will be going to Dallas on the 20th of Aug and I will be one of the first one's to be processed, more than likely by the end of Aug.

Question: puhrince

Does my PD help me any when I file my I140 and I485 ??

I came down from Canada on a H-1B Specialty Occupation / Plastics PE.
oh so your state level was from i get it..mine is Michigan (1 1/2 years waiting there!)
well PD used to be important a year or two back..485 used to get approved based on PD...but now, so many things have changed, rules keep changing every month or so..its not important anymore - especially since May 1, new rules came into effect - where in your I-140 dosen't get approved until your I-1485 gets approved..have u considered consular processing?? that is much faster than going through the 485 route
carterr said:
My Priority Date was Dec. 18th 2003 that the date it was transmitted from Nebraska to Chicago.

All my lawyer know's at this time is that my case file will be going to Dallas on the 20th of Aug and I will be one of the first one's to be processed, more than likely by the end of Aug.

Question: puhrince

Does my PD help me any when I file my I140 and I485 ??

I came down from Canada on a H-1B Specialty Occupation / Plastics PE.

Hey Car...

I am not a lawyer so please take this as my opinion blah blah... u know the disclaimer drill...
I am in the Philly DOL group and happened to venture out... noticed your question and the one response .... that response is certainly true in today's atmosphere but should there ever be a backlog of visa numbers when you are in the 140 / 485 stage ( am not sure if both or one ) your priority date of Labor application receipt with state will be used to assign you a number.

Now I noticed you said you are from Canada -- as far as I know there has never been a lack of visa numbers for Canadians. In case you didn't know, visa numbers are assigned by country. Of course, countries like India and China with the maximum number of immigrants tend to get backlogged.... thats when the Priority date becomes important.....

Hope that helps....
Hey Spidey,
I thought country wide quota was abolished in Year 2000 (American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act of 2000 (AC21) ). If we wait for numbers everybody is in the same pool.
metaman said:
Hey Spidey,
I thought country wide quota was abolished in Year 2000 (American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act of 2000 (AC21) ). If we wait for numbers everybody is in the same pool.

Meta ...

You sound like you know what you're talking about.... I don't know about this though. If this is true, it's certainly good news for Indian, Chinese and Phillipino hopefuls.
Not that it has helped a lot in the big picture. If you're right and thats the reason for the dates being "Current" since as long as they have been, labor certifications nationwide have been the killer...

So one way or the other, immigration hopefuls get shtuck.
carterr said:
Word just in from my lawyer.

I have a RIR that has been with the Chicago DOL. since Dec 18th 2003.

My case will be transferred to the new Dallas backlog reduction center on the 20th of Aug.

At least my RIR will be at the top of the pile seeing that Chicago wiil process all RIR.s up to the 17th of Dec 2003.

Thought I would let everyone know


Well, that sad news for all of us with priority dates just after Dec 18th. If this is true what you described then our cases will end up in the same queue with other LCs filed in "slow" states. Which means it could take another 1-2 years to get an approval for cases that would be otherwise approved in a few months. Hell, looks like the fastest way to get a GC here is to be an illegal and wait for an amnesty. :(
carterr said:
My Priority Date was Dec. 18th 2003 that the date it was transmitted from Nebraska to Chicago.

All my lawyer know's at this time is that my case file will be going to Dallas on the 20th of Aug and I will be one of the first one's to be processed, more than likely by the end of Aug.

Question: puhrince

Does my PD help me any when I file my I140 and I485 ??

I came down from Canada on a H-1B Specialty Occupation / Plastics PE.
carter, man are you sure ? i thought cases get processed in order of priority date. dallas applications have oct 2002 priority dates. wont those apps get processed before yours ? how did the end of august thing come in ? was your lawyer told by the dol rep ?
javaguy,don't be pessimistic..carterr is referring to a backlog reduction center..these won't be piled ontop of the slow ones from that region say dallas..
why wud chicago plan to make it more slow than it already is?
God knows whats happening.I have kinda lost hope.I know that there is NO movement in Dec17th cases as well .
Wonder if the law office of Rajeev Khanna can call chicago DOL so that we can get a clear picture of what is happening .
just be patient,
all our hemming and hawing is not going to do anything,
we are at the mercy of the labor department,
the best we can do is keep up hope,
most of the guys here have survived one if not two recessions,
its the U.S. that needs us, and sooner than later the whole world is going to need skilled workers.
I can't help speculating though,
as per the DOL report--I can't locate it--they say they have 300,00 pending cases,
the backlog reduction centers are going to have 120 analysts.
Let us assume each person does 6 cases per day,
per month they complete around 7,000 cases?
This is only speculation,
they might do more, cause I have read somewhere that most properly filed RIR cases take only about 15 minutes in the federal review.
This coupled with the regular processing centers doing their work,
it would be definitely better than earlier,
I know it is unfair, after all this waiting in Chicago, the guys in New York and Dallas may get ahead of us, but this will be definitely faster than sitting in Chicago, especially for the RIR cases.
So keep up your hopes guys.
And remember the amnesty is always around the corner, this time I am sure the legal folks will get some relief.
God bless us all.
puhrince said:
javaguy,don't be pessimistic..carterr is referring to a backlog reduction center..these won't be piled ontop of the slow ones from that region say dallas..
why wud chicago plan to make it more slow than it already is?

Yes, I know that he was referring to a BRC but... The purpose of BRCs is to reduce the backlog as a whole, regardless of what Chic DOL might be doing. So basically Chic DOL may just want to move some cases over to BRC to reduce its own load. As someone mentioned earlier, there was an approval for a case filled in Jan 2004 so let's hope that not all cases filed after Dec 18th will be moved over automatically.
Hey LonmgestLabor,
Nice analysis, but from what I have seen thats not how it works. Wisconsin has one analyst and he processes about 5 cases a month. I do not understand what else he does, may be the analysts hired at backlog reduction centers will focus on labor cases alone. My relative who became a citizen, joined INS in SanFransisco. She said they receive about 6000 lost/stolen greencard applications a day. Hard to belleive?? God knows what else is going on. Its hard to do fair processing for $145 fee. (Most of the money we pay goes to lawyers!!).
I would recomend a Canadian immigration to those who are frustrated. They want skilled people and they welcome immigrants (especially ones who lived in USA). My 2 cents:)
Hay Metaman,
you are right in suggesting canadian immigration as an option.
In fact, many are moving back to india, I say this as a majority of members are from the subcontinent.
Oh my God,
if they process at that slow a rate,
we'll have to make labor approvals inheritable.
But federal guys are relatively fast and supervision is a little more strict at the federal level, and remember these are contracted jobs,
so the government will expect reasonable value for their money,
so I am trying to grasp at the least possible hope.
Only 2 more days to know how the cases will be handled, so let's wait.
Hold On one Sec..... I think I am missing something here. Didn't they say the chicago and Atlanta 's case would go to BRC only after the perm is implemented.
untill then Chicago and Atlanta will handel the case at their regions. :confused: :confused: :confused:
I agree with makaman, thats what my impression is too.........
Does anyone have any solid information about BRC?? When and under what circumstances will it be effective???

Dont post anything if you are not sure........its creates more confusion and frustration... :mad:


makaman said:
Hold On one Sec..... I think I am missing something here. Didn't they say the chicago and Atlanta 's case would go to BRC only after the perm is implemented.
untill then Chicago and Atlanta will handel the case at their regions. :confused: :confused: :confused:
puhrince said:
javaguy,don't be pessimistic..carterr is referring to a backlog reduction center..these won't be piled ontop of the slow ones from that region say dallas..
why wud chicago plan to make it more slow than it already is?
javaguy is correct. most backlogged regions will be addressed before other applications. dec 18 2003 application will be lucky to be approved by mid next year . since dallas applications will be worked on first.
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