Its been a year since I visited this forum. Its seems I will have to revisit it again (pl don't ask why) ;-(
I used to maintain a FAQ for newcomers to this forum and hoped someone else would take over after my approval. Seems it has not happened and I am posting this again.
PL NOTE: This is a year old FAQ and may have changed since then. Pl let me know what are the changes and I will post it again.
Incomplete FAQ on Labor Certification in Chicago
New items are marked with Bold, last update Oct 25, 2002
How to find your DoL case details if you don’t know:
- Call Chicago DOL AVM system 1-312-353-1059, and enter '1' for permanent applications and next menu press '2' if you don't know the case number -> enter your company 10 digit phone number (which was enter in labor application on form 750A)
- Send an e-mail to
lcstatus05@doleta.gov with either one of three things in the text of the message (It is underlined and italicized here for emphasis. People should not underline or italicize in typing in the body of the message!):
(1) Employer Tel #. In the body of the message, please type Employer Phone (555)XXX-XXXX (employer phone number) and send;
(2) Employer Tax ID#. In the body of the message, please type Tax ID XX-XXXXXX (employer tax id number) and send;
(3) LC Case #. In the body of the message, please type Case XXXXX (your case number) and send. Only one case at a time will be accepted.
* Status report will be e-mailed back to you almost instantly.
* Status database is updated everyday at 5:00 a.m.
- If your company has multiple labor certification applications DOT code number sometimes helps.
- Dot code classification can be found on
Select "find occupations" and enter the dot codes w/o dots (!) or dashes.
- If you cannot find out this way, the only other way is for you or your attorney to call the respective SESA office and find out if the file has moved to DoL.
Processing Times
- Currently it takes around 5 –10 days for your cases to be put on Automated Voice message after Local SESA sends it to Chicago DoL
- It usually takes 2.5 to 3 months for most of IT
- Seems there are two analysts working on RIR case
- Based on observation - when DOL officers review cases depends on DOT Code and RIR/Non RIR
for example if you are Prof / Teacher for some college/university it gets approved very fast , within 2 weeks after RD
if you are IT related jobs, it takes about 2.5 to 3 months for RIR
if you are chef, it takes about 3-5 months for RIR
if you are cleaner/gardener , it just take couple days after RD because they have to wait very long time in local
and when they take RIR case, seems they follow the RD but it depends on the officer which case # he/she wants to review
- It usually takes about 5 to 15 days to receive Hard Copy after your case get certified
Checking case status
- Automated Voice Message number 312-353-1059. AVM seems to be working properly (if you get an error try again)
- Send an e-mail to
lcstatus05@doleta.gov with either one of three things in the text of the message (It is underlined and italicized here for emphasis. People should not underline or italicize in typing in the body of the message!):
(1) Employer Tel #. In the body of the message, please type Employer Phone (555)XXX-XXXX (employer phone number) and send;
(2) Employer Tax ID#. In the body of the message, please type Tax ID XX-XXXXXX (employer tax id number) and send;
(3) LC Case #. In the body of the message, please type Case XXXXX (your case number) and send. Only one case at a time will be accepted.
* Status report will be e-mailed back to you almost instantly.
* Status database is updated everyday at 5:00 a.m.
- The status is updated on 5 am from Monday to Thursday (according to official)
Based on observation, the status SEEMS updated on 9 am Chicago Time from Monday to Thursday and seems on 9 pm on Friday afternoon also sometimes on Saturday
On every Monday, Automatic Voice Message gets updated (very long update). When you call AVM and the phone keep ringing, it means AVM update is in progress
- If you running out of time in your H1-B (close to 6 years), Is possible to make a request to DOL officer to expedite your case (give them your request and proof that you're 6 years almost up) (USE WITH YOUR OWN RISK, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE)
- List of phone number and email of DOL officers
Abraytis, John 312-886-2928
Carroll, Sarah 312-353-1550
Gonzalez, Marie 312-353-3333
Johnson, Marsha 312-353-1509
Kimmons, Belinda 312-353-1207
Smith, MaryAnn 312-353-7536
Van, Renee 312-353-3448
Warren, Waconda 312-353-1054
- Many attorneys advise that it is better not to call DOL officers directly asking about
your case, because it will irritate DOL officer and some attorneys said if they get
irritated, they will try to find fault on your file.
WebSite Link related to this issue :
- If you want to talk to DOL officer, the best time is around 8.30 to 9am Chicago Time
- Pl see DOL Chicago tracker thro a file called "chicago dol tracker excel.xls" posted by sdd (bnks to take over)
- If your case has not been processed according to time frame then make sure to call your lawyer to inquiry about your case status, for example if your case has RD 4/1/2002 and today's date is August 31, 2002. When you check AVM, AVM reported that they already processed case with RD 5/1/2002, it means that your case is about 2 weeks to 1 month behind. Please ask your lawyer to inquiry about your status, because there are possibilities that your case is lost or misplaced
- DOL Chicago WebSite
- DOL Website for all region
- You could get an RFE, Remand to State, Remand to Employer
"Remand to Employer" usually means the DOL has sent the employer (attorney) a letter looking for more details about the recruitment, for instance sometimes asking the employer to contact the prospective applicants that were not offered the position. This is usually not too serious and usually doesn't cause too much of a delay if the DOL accepts the employer's response.
"Remand to State" means the case has been sent back to the respective SESA for clarification. This is more serious and can significantly delay processing of the case.
After approval
While you are waiting for your hard copy, you should try and collect all documents required for concurrent processing to avoid delays. Pl see the forum on concurrent processing of I-140 and I-485 for more information:
Some Immigration Links
Please give more suggestion to make this FAQ useful for anybody that needs it