Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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AVM System

I didn't find any updates after July 15th. Are they going to update AVM every Monday?
AVM Updates

Some cases certified:

Case #05408421 Dated:April 11th
DOT:030-062-010 Certified on July 15th
Case #05408421 Dated:April 15th
DOT:030-062-010 Certified on July 15th
Case #05408607 Dated:April 15th
DOT:160-162-018 Certified on July 17th
Case #05408609 Dated:April 15th
DOT:160-162-018 Certified on July 17th

I hope it will help.
IL SESA Regular


PD: 06/12/01

Category: EB3/Regular

Unfortunately my company, though Fortune 400, refused to apply for RIR.

I have been following the progress of PD. Well, it seemed to have moved very fast from 11/1999 (when I filed my labor) to 04/05/01. Pretty much stalled in April for the last 3 months.

I would appreciate it if anyone could let me know how long it would take for it to progress to June 01?? Tough question, but I would appreciate any input.

Filing labour in Chicago

Hey Guys,

If I am filing from Chicago for a GC; which category is appropriate these days, RIR or Regular.

Some processing centers like CA, TX seems to be questioning all IT related applications. So, wanted to find out about your experiences from this centre. Since, we have multiple locations and I am travelling most of the time I have a flexibility to switch regions and file from a better region.


I emailed one of the officer

We are working on RIR applications received April '2002. For the
Kansas City area, we are working on RIR applications received February

have not hear about my case yet, AVM is down
Re : sachdev

sachdev, I have no idea how long is going to take
for DOT code 030.167.014

I will look all my email query, if there is similar case

To all member, any body have past email to lcstatus05
regarding DOT code 030.167.014 ?

AVM is not down, basically on Monday, it takes longer time to update the system. When you don't get updates and phone keeps on ringing, it means AVM is in update process.
Re: my SESA case

HI wxm8, JBM and others

I need some info on what SESA does Versus DOL.
If a RIR case is sent to SESA ,Chicago and the applicant's employer had only run advertisements in local newspaper (not Chicago Tribune). At what
point will this issue be raised. Will it be raised
by SESA or DOL. In otherwords if such a case has
been successfully moved by SESA to DOL can I assume that DOL will not have any problems in the
Advertisements issue. Does SESA have a right to refer teh case back to employer that Ads need to be run only in Chicago Tribune or Sun Times

SDD, please let me know whether your case has a similar RFE(on advertisements issue).



Originally posted by sdd
Priya, JBM, Puneet_gcard,
Folks - my laywer informs me that SESA has sent an RFE (or whatever its called). So I guess its going to take 3 more months for me. ;-(
RE : Rajeshtl

Based on observation

Usually if Local Sesa does not raise any issue and forward
to Regional, the chance of getting approval is 95%
and depends on a lot of factor like any layoff in the company
when Regional review your cases

If local sesa raise some issue, better be careful, talk
to your lawyer to plan all good strategy. If a good lawyer
advise that should advertise in Chicago Tribune before
file RIR, please follow lawyer advise

Look here for a story which I think kind of have similarity
with your case

Disclaimer : this is just opinion and not legal advise :)
Hi Nanaji,

We have the same DOT code. I am also in Software Consultancy. Desigantion is Sr Systems Analyst.

wxm8, thanks for your response. I appreciate it.


My RFE was on salary. It was lower that IL SESA classification.

Since it was an RIR case (my company runs ads in advance) no new ads had to be run in newspapers. All that was needed was a notice on the company notice board asking for applicants with the same skills but at a revised salary. This notice is required to be put up for 10 (business?) days. The lawyers then indicate to SESA of any resumes and if none, processing continues immediately.

Since mine was a salary case, I am not sure if I can answer your Q on ads.

Could we have this in the FAQ?

Originally posted by mnew
AVM is not down, basically on Monday, it takes longer time to update the system. When you don't get updates and phone keeps on ringing, it means AVM is in update process.

My Labor Certification Case number is # 054082XX. Mine reached Chicago DOL on April 2, 2002 as per the automated phone infomation.
I called Chicago Labor on friday and the told that they could not find my file and that they would call back to me with the info before Tuesday.
I am also trying the automated number(312-353-1059) to find my case status, but there is no answer.

Please help. How do i find the information about my case? what do they mean by "not finding my file"?

Any update

Any case certified on July 19, 22 and 23 expecially related
to IT position starting with DOT code 030.XXXXX

I hope it does not happen in chicago , because other center like
california and texas (please look couple previous msg) start processing RIR application for IT realy slow
Labour update

I just spoke to one of the persons at doc and
gave my case no. She said my attorney should have called and i should not be calling ,i also found out that there was some problem with the file and she asked my attorney to call.
I told my attorney that and she says the problem might be because i called up twice and they are irritated and they might find fault with the file. Do you think that is true .Is there usually a problem if we try to call and findout. please give your inputs
Re : sirisha76

That's what my Attorney keep telling me not to call
I think depends on which officer you talk

Which officers did you talk ?
We should not call or send email

I think we should not call or send email for status. If it takes 2-3 months more then other case then we may call.
When we call they spend time in looking at our case. As everyone works 8 hours if officer spend 2 hours in responding call and email then process will be slower by 25%.
So by not calling officer we can help them to process LC 25% faster.
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