Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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HI Sam

sam_2004 said:
Thanks Friends for you invaluable respones. The company and attorney are really fooling around with me here. To add insult to injury I am paying for them doing my GC
and even after taking that money they won't give any proof of their doing the proper

Is there any online database for Illinios SESA where I can check if the consulting company has filed for my case?

After SESA is done with the case, do they directly send it to DOL or attorney has to
file it again?

What are the other stages where the company / attorney can delay the case?

Thanks friends once again for your invaluable help in my understanding what my employer / lawyer are doing / not doing?


Hi Sam,

Like others mentioned, there is nothing called confidentiality by giving the details of recpt. or numbers generally all the genuine companies give the details. Some time we may not get a number, but attorney's use to fax/give the recpt. copy at SESA . Like some one told its red flag. Check with other coll. with your company how long they have taken at each stage which may give you better understanding of the company. Donot worry about the money what you have spent on GC.

Further once its cleared from SESA, it will be transmitted/transferred directly to DOL.
AVM Update

Hey Guys,

1) How long does it usually take your case to be entered/updated in the AVM database, at CHI_DOL.

2) how often do they update the data for the

These are the two questions, that have been haunting me, all day today. So, any answers are greatly appreciated.

Thanks ppl.
shail, we don't know as was posted on july31 by USCIS but i guess we need to go to the I-140 forums to see its validity..we have lotsa time till then..first let the chicago labor be done..!
Atleast an year ...for I-140

Puhrince, I think we have atleast 1 year for I-140, so its useless to check that forum, because by then some senator will change that law again.

Kanjoos :)
don't worry buddy...chicago labor won't be that least the guys in the I-140 forum are getting a petition prepared to submit thro Rajiv Khanna, to find out more on the vagaries and processing times of their cases, especially after the new rules...if things get worse here,as i said before, we should do the same or contact the senators..
what is it not worse enough

we should start now I guess...when is worse for this DOL.....I believe it is worse enough.

should we wait till Dec 2004? They are unncessarilly issuing RFEs.......

puhrince said:
don't worry buddy...chicago labor won't be that least the guys in the I-140 forum are getting a petition prepared to submit thro Rajiv Khanna, to find out more on the vagaries and processing times of their cases, especially after the new rules...if things get worse here,as i said before, we should do the same or contact the senators..
Labor applications are employers property,
as applicants, we don't have any rights, our employers are responsible for the sponsorship of the greencard,
so any hope of ever seeing the end of the tunnel with any kind of lawsuit is hopeless.
Best solution,
have a backup plan like being prepared to leave to India or wherever we came from,
or else apply for Canadian immigration,
get a good project and forget about labor,
and if you have a spouse, let him or her get some degree.
Consular processing, I don't mind taking the risk, but for me its not worth the risk,
just imagine getting stranded outside with your house and all your belongings here,
after living here for almost 6 years, I don't think I can pack up in case of a rejection in that short a time.
For now, I am comfortable working fora big firm, no worries about project,
spouse working, and kids settled in school,
let the immigration guys do whatever they want, I am not getting irritated.
So guys just keep cool and enjoy while you can.
Hope for the best

Though this is my first posting I've been watching this forum since my case went to Chicago DOL in Feb,2004.
Don't loose your cool guys. Hope for the best...

Well said longestlabor. Canada is welcoming immigrants and I do not understand why lot of people dont see it as an alternative. Canada is a great destination for IT people with all the near shoring going on.

I would rather live in a country that welcomes me!!
metaman said:
Well said longestlabor. Canada is welcoming immigrants and I do not understand why lot of people dont see it as an alternative. Canada is a great destination for IT people with all the near shoring going on.

I would rather live in a country that welcomes me!!

metaman, problem is that Canada does not have as a good a labor market as US. I know some folks who have been working in Canada for a while now, and none of them have good feedback about Canada.
I do agree, the Canadian market is not as big as the U.S., but it can be kept as an alternative.
There's another possibility,
you all must have gotten letters from your employers and the labor department saying that your apps will be processed in such and such time,
you can always sue the company for misleading and include the DOL in the suit.
I for myself have kept all the correspondence and have not ruled out that option too.
File a suit against the employer and they'll go screaming to the DOL. And the funny thing about this option is you have to complain to the DOL, stating the employer is getting sued for the Department's laziness.
The state attorney general or the Better Business Bureau should give us some info regarding this.
longest have a point,but not everyone has the same plans as you do..we shouldn't be enslaved to our jobs based on the stupid labor rule (i personally want to get a gc to do full time studies) so what if we are someone's property? we have every right to be serviced for what we have paid (the labor fees)..when people apply,they do so based on certain processing times and then plan with their spouses and families..if talking to senators to get us at least a better idea regarding the future,so be has worked wonders in other cases like I-140 and I-485 (thanks to Rajiv Khanna),so why not here..the least we can do is to force them to think about the effects they are causing by randomly delaying things.
Getting a PR should be smooth and easy like in other countries,not a complicated process
Ha Ha...we are looking for options...too soon...

Anyway people seem to be have been tired waiting...let me tell you my story and I hope it might inspire some of you to wait a few days more...and expect something good out of this turmoil...

Well here it goes...I have a Btech from IIT(too much work!)..did my Masters in US(Proff did not want to leave unless I did a PhD under him, some students left without a degree but I persevered a bit more finally got mine)......

Started Working in one American Comp in OH( THIS IS THE BEST PART)...they started my GC in mid 2002 my case was in Chennai for Consular processing...finally my interview date was set to Fed 18th, 2003. The company laid me off on Feb 17th 2003. What can I say I was shocked...and here I am back in the labor process. I am sure most of us have horror stories like me...but hey man this is life...I have faith in God..I will be fine hopefully soon.

OK guys,
if you are all willing to fight,
I am willing to lead,
but first of all let us see, how many are willing to join,
I have committed almost 6 years of my life here so am willing to fight for a chance to live here.
I'll check after 24 hours, those who want to sign a petition which will be sent to all congressmen and senators, the labor secretary, and several other dignitaries, will be prepared by me and I will organize an online petition to be signed by all of us.
I will personally mail all the letters by snail mail, all expenses to be borne by me.
For starters, can we have at least a couple hundred signatures?
I am sure we have morepeople waiting.
So let us give it a try.
Let me be very frank,
no unnecessary discussion about fundraising and all that,
we will discuss a memo, and mail it, the whole thing should take less than a week.
Here we go,
1 LongestLabor.
Add me to the post


Also let your friends know who are in the same boat.
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Add me on...

2. Rest_2000_free.

I am willing to do it. We are sending in an honest request to the people in charge of these departments, we want some justice so there is nothing wrong with that.
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