Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400

Congratulations Swan!

I went for my interview the same day as yours. I didn't get it yet though as I was told my name check is still pending ??? The interview officer still went through the whole process of asking history/english questions etc. Isn't it strange!!. I thought that they call you for interview only after your name check is cleared.

btw, did anyone else get interview letter from CH?

Thanks Madhuri. I hope your name clearance goes thru soon. My sister whose DO is Cherry Hill and filed her N 400 on April 24, 2006 has her interview on Jan 8, 2007.

do u hv any idea when u will be name check done?
did officer told u when to exptect Oath or time frame frame for name check? ( any rough time frame)??
Congrats to you Swan! Madhuri, I hope you get yours soon!

Kab, you and I should be around the same time for the IL since my FP was around 7/20.
Hopefully soon for us!

Anyone else with July FP?
nrao, I think myself, you and Kab should all be getting IL around the same time so lets keep each other posted.
Hopefully soon.
yes,usa we have a PD in the month of june, its been six months by now .

according to swan n madhuri's date they received their IL in six months n 2 wks after their PD .so lets keep our fingers crossed .

What do you suggest when should one go for infopass appointment ?
Kab, my pd was June 28th, you?

I was going to wait till 1/15 before I look into infopass appt. I am not sure if Swann or Madhuri did an infopass appointment and it looks as though we are riding the CH normal timeline (I don't think anyoyne with PD in June got their IL yet). So I think we are just waiting our normal turn.

Do you or nrao agree?
MY PD IS 06/19/06

Yes ,i agree with you ,we should wait atleast till mid of JAN before going for infopass.
I am on the same boat with you guys with PD in June and FP in early July. We should get our IL, basing on other ppls experience in this thread, around mid January. Let's keep each other posted.
Oh, Great Unixtmusa!

So its me, you, kab and nrao all with FP in July.
Looks like you have the earliest date of 7/5.

Yes, lets all keep each other posted for sure.
Hopefully we all get our IL by mid-Jan!

Happy New Year!
Cool! USA500, NRAO, KAB901, let us keep posting our progress here. Let us also decide thru this forum when we should schedule our info pass should we not get the IL by mid-January since our PD and FD all fall on the same timeline. Every week beginning Jan 2, I will check my USCIS ONLINE status and post what I see or hopefully not see :). Happy New Year to all of you my brethren in this journey!
Guys i have a query

i was going thru my citizenship dates and i noticed that

i send my N400 application to VCS on 5th june 06
received by uscis 7th june 06
on line case status shows date of 13th june06
i receive NOA on 19 june 06

up till now i hv been taking NOA date as my PD .i need to clearify which one of these is actual PD.

I agree that we should wait till Jan 15th. I have a feeling that with the holiday season gone, things will move fast and Mid of Jan we will recieve our IL.

Guys with 07 FP's lets keep in touch with progress of the cases.

Can any one of you tell me what decides the "Processing Office" My back door neighbor said he went to Newark office for his citizenship. Same with another person in my Neighborhood. When I called USCIS (long back), they said that my office was Cherry Hill and it is based on zip code
Hello Everyone,

I've been posting my questions and answers in Newark, NJ thread. Here's my timeline:

PD: 06/26/2006
FP: 07/11/2006
IL: ?

I went to Newark for my FP, then was waiting for IL from newark until My friend who applied in May (PD:05/05/2006, FP:05/19/2006 IL: in feb) told me after thanksgiving he received IL, but interview will be in cherryhill. We both did the research and INS said we need to go to Newark, that's our DO. So nrao - I have the same question - which one is my "processing office"?, I'm just simply checking both the timelines and waiting for my IL. I'm also hoping to get it sametime with you guys and intrerview @cherryhill.

I agree after holidays they'll move fast! Good luck everyone!
01/02 - USCIS ONLINE status still exists.

As for which DO has jurisdiction of ones case, from what I read in the past, it is supposed to be based on the township you live in. I tried accessing the UCSIS website for this info but it isnt there anymore.

Its purely based on Zip code of the address of your residence. if you call USCIS customer service, they will tell your District Office based on your Zip code. In central NJ, Middlesex county falls under newark and Mercer county and south of mercer county fall under Cherry Hill.

So your date should be checked against the corresponding District Office date. Newark is much faster than Cherry Hill I heard.

Cherry Hill does not have FP facility. So people from Cherry Hill will go to Newark or Philly for FP based on thier zip code.

My PD is 10/17/05

I am expecting the IL some time in March - April timeframe.
Still confused. Both my neighbor have the same zip code, infact one lives on the same street but they went for FP, Interview and Oath to Newark office. Anyways as long as everthying goes smooth I don't care where the app gets processed.
citizen2be said:

Its purely based on Zip code of the address of your residence. if you call USCIS customer service, they will tell your District Office based on your Zip code. In central NJ, Middlesex county falls under newark and Mercer county and south of mercer county fall under Cherry Hill.

So your date should be checked against the corresponding District Office date. Newark is much faster than Cherry Hill I heard.

Cherry Hill does not have FP facility. So people from Cherry Hill will go to Newark or Philly for FP based on thier zip code.

My PD is 10/17/05

I am expecting the IL some time in March - April timeframe.

Thank you for the info. We both live in Mercer and I remember clearly, we checked that site before applying and it said ours was Newark. yes, I agree with nrao - as long as it goes smooth, I'm happy.